GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Karazhan Raider
The first three books are legitimately three of the best fantasy novels ever written. It's not unexpected that the show can't live up to that. I think it was a pretty faithful adaption for a while there though. Peter Jackson's LOTR movies were pretty great, they still don't live up to the depth of the actual books. It's similar here. I have complaints in both examples, but generally am pretty happy with what we ended up getting.

Things fell off the rails once they got to aFFC content just like they did in the books. And at this point things are so predictable and the dialogue is so bad that you kind of just have to be along for the ride to get the cliffs notes version of the plot ending. Occasionally in there we get a really entertaining episode like this last one.
Well put. My own gripes are few. Mainly pacing, use of tropes and plot armor (which the show avoided at first, while Martin is very good at that, earning them or else avoiding them), and your standard inconsistencies.

Some of those can be excused as constraints, some could've been handled better. The end result is a durn solid piece of television.

It's funny that the internet has invented such terms as hate-watching and GoT apologizing.
/oh internet you so crazy

One thing that bothers me is the Children.
Nerdmode engaged: They looked one way in season three and now they look like green Star Trek aliens (I like green Star Trek aliens). I don't care if they changed or aged up the actress, but why change the way theylook? Again I don't care if the new children look more like the book ones or not. That doesn't matter. I consider it a question of internal consistency, it's like they don't even care.

I dug AFFC and ADWD a lot, some of the writing in Dance is the best in the series so far, for one the Varamyr intro. The language is expertly structured. It's like poetry or something, though in Dance there's a few parts where it went silly. I'm trying to think of specific examples. There's this part where someone says "fart in your general direction" and it was so obvious that it "un-immersed" me, if you will, it brought me out. Stuff like that. There's a few other bits, I can't remember.

Other than that the books get better writing-wise on several levels, but plotwise it does get a wee bit bogged down, a weeee bit, though I see what Martin's doing.

And for the record, I was going to write a list of several things Cersei has done, but this will do.
lol, if we're going to talk about the books...

She convinces Jaime to (attempt to) murder Bran.
She tries to have Arya's hand cut off, and later tries to convince Jaime to maim/kill her.
Littlefinger suggests that she had one of Robert's side-squeezes sold into slavery and her two bastard children killed.
Rumor is that Sir Hugh of the Vale's death at the tourney was orchestrated by Cersei.
Cersei tries to have Robert killed in the melee, and later actually has him killed while hunting.
Instead of owning up to being a twincester, she has Ned imprisoned, which results in his death - all this despite the fact that Ned was actively trying to keep them from being killed by Robert.
She has a whore beaten as leverage against Tyrion.
She tells the Iron Bank to fuck off, which results in who knows how many deaths due to the economic fallout and chaos.
She allows Qyburn to torture and experiment on people.
She thinks one of her maids is working for Margaery and has her tortured/sacrificed for Qyburn's experiments.
She tries to have Bronn murdered for naming his kid Tyrion.
She has one of the people that tried to help her with Bronn's murder tortured/sacrificed for Qyburn's experiments.
She tries to have Margaery framed for adultery and treason, instead of herself.

Villains can have motivations. She's still a villain in this story.


<Bronze Donator>
Kim Jong Il wasn't a villain. he was just doing what any other totalitarian dictator would do in his position.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's this part where someone says "fart in your general direction" and it was so obvious that it "un-immersed" me
The devs at Gazillion are major GoT fanboys and they stick references in Marvel Heroes everywhere they can. Most of them are fine, but there's one when you're patrolling midtown and you come across two gang members arguing about whether Brienne could beat Gregor in a fight. It's just so absurdly out of place that it bothers me every time I see it. Would have actually been pretty damn funny if they picked the Hound instead of the Mountain, since the reference went into the game before Brienne fought the Hound.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
God damn dude. Ned didn't just cut heads off because he was agitated or because he wanted to. He did it because it was the fucking law and he was the Warden of the North.
By this logic it absolves Joff of any wrong doing because he was the king and its the law that he can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Joff was a villein? Pretty sure he was the hero of the story.
Hey now this is something I can get behind.

Tiereils are the real villains here. The knowingly and willingly married Marge off to Joff with the intention of killing him because they knew he was not a good person in an effort to gain power of the realm. Furthermore the two Tiereil spawns are rampant sinners.


Trakanon Raider
The reason Geoff was violin was while he was following the law by his interpretation, he was also going into cruel and unusual territory for these punishments. Kned wore his duty on his shoulders like a mountain and took no pleasure in punishments.


Karazhan Raider
The devs at Gazillion are major GoT fanboys and they stick references in Marvel Heroes everywhere they can. Most of them are fine, but there's one when you're patrolling midtown and you come across two gang members arguing about whether Brienne could beat Gregor in a fight. It's just so absurdly out of place that it bothers me every time I see it. Would have actually been pretty damn funny if they picked the Hound instead of the Mountain, since the reference went into the game before Brienne fought the Hound.
Oh wow, the devs at Bethesda must be the same then. Shocker!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Jeff's uncle was Tieryan and he was the son of Thaiwhen. Tieryan was the hand of the king to Jeff, until Thaiwhen took his jerb.


Molten Core Raider
it was so ironic and fitting when
happened this week


she isnt a good guy, when have i ever said she was good? i also never said tyrion or jaime or hound were good people. the closest thing to a good guy on this show is brienne.

cersei is the antagonist.
look at it this way, in ghostbusters they have walter peck from the EPA who is skeptical of the GB's claims and is trying to shut them down. is he a villain or is he just the opposition to the ghostbusters?
Brienne is not a good guy


Log Wizard
Eddard and Jon are the only "true good" characters. GRRM made everyone else more grey than black and white on purpose. Except clear evil like Ramsay/Joffrey.