GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Jive Turkey

Lots of crying on social media about the way Jon didn't say bye properly to Ghost. I'm not sure what kinda guy doesn't give his good boi a pat before leaving, but in context of the story, he's totally seeing him again. There was no goodbye. And in sticking with the Direwolfs having parallels with their human owners, it fits. Jon finishes the show North of the wall.

Something else I just realized (maybe I'm slow). Bran's wolf's name is Summer. Bran is the antithesis of the Night King. Summer is the antithesis of Winter.
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Millie's Staff Member
I dunno, though I found the whole Gendry lovestruck scene cringe, I wasn't surprised by Arya's response. You don't train to be an assassin just to immediately take early retirement and become a powdered Lady. Not to mention, right from the start Arya has shown nothing but derision for "ladies", why would she want to become one?
it was an episode full of dumpings, Brienne gets dumped, gendry gets dumped, tormund gets cockblocked, dany gets the "not now i have a headache" from Jon, no dick token loses his octaroon chick. dany loses another fucking dragon and poor little doggie gets dumped by Jon. shit got nerfed harder than a manastone.
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Jive Turkey

While we're all bitching, I want to add another complaint! Bronn just walking into Winterfell with a massive crossbow and enter the quarters where Jaime and Tyrion are. Good security!

This scene in particular felt forced to me. I thought Bronn had transcended his sellsword ways. This felt like the writers trying to throw in a Martin-esque character twist, but it didn't feel genuine. I know Bronn started out for hire, but it seemed like his character arc had him grow beyond that
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Mr. Poopybutthole
While we're all bitching, I want to add another complaint! Bronn just walking into Winterfell with a massive crossbow and enter the quarters where Jaime and Tyrion are. Good security!

I thought the Bronn scene was total fucking cringe and nothing but a setup for him to do something that's going to really piss us all off in one of the remaining episodes.
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
She has been irrational in the past, turning some folks into toast and such.

I predicted she'd go batshit and march that no-dick dude (not varys, the other remaining one, he is more vanguard) into his death, causing Missandei to poison her, perhaps its the other way around though.

In both the books and show she's done what she has to do to live or win up until this point. Now she's going to just turn into her father and start burning people for the hell of it? LOL really?

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I'm not convinced Dany's wrath isn't justified.

Her way of going about it is impatient and not smart, but her Dothraki are annihilated, her Unsullied decimated, 2 of her three dragon kids dead (I know you can argue crazy cat lady here, but they are dragons and there's some magic about her and them), the truly crazy queen beheads her confidant, and it's all been for a foreign land that is plotting against her.

Again it's one thing to be angry at your opponent but the show is going to swing it to she's outright batshit insane. Give me a fucking break.


Throbbing Member
oh, and by the way, dany's been crazy for a long time. i dare say she always has been. they have continually made a point to show that she is her father's daughter, but with some guidance and a little bit of luck, she might turn out okay

She has always been an extremist. In that its her way or die. Look what happened to Sam's dad and bro.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ive been arguing this shit for years with people. She doesnt give a FUCK about anything other than being the queen of westeros. Sure she isn't the outright personal bitch to match Cersei but she's killed how many people? She'll kill anyone who dares get in her way of taking what is rightfully hers. All that night king shit was just a sidetrack on the way to Kings Landing, just like everything that happened in essos, an entire half continent she curbstomped then peaced out on to go rule a place she'd never even really seen. Rhaegar himself could rise from the grave and she'd tell him to piss off so she could have that throne.

This is true. Dany has been pretty much 100% focused on one goal since season 1: Reclaim the Iron Throne. Tyrion made a good point: Girl walks into fire, gets free dragons and recruits all sorts of people, then you can't be surprised if she believes in destiny. I mean, all the dice rolled her way UNTIL she got to Westeros (Unsullied, Dothraki, Dragons, liberates people, etc), then it became a shit sandwich. She never really suffered a true setback that she couldn't come back from, but it was interesting to observe what she did when she did suffer setbacks.

Khal Drogo dies: Burns the witch alive on the funeral pyre
Slavers: Has them executed wholesale, crucified to crosses as an "eye for an eye" punishment for their treatment of the slaves
Barristan: Feeds random noble to her dragons to make a point
Dothraki: Burns them alive for not siding with her
Tarlys: Melts their ass down for not bending the knee

Granted, most of these were enemies and painted in a clear negative light, so the audience cheers when they get comeuppance. But look at the core behavior: Love me, kneel to me, or fucking die. Blood & Fire is the house motto for a reason. She gets to Westeros and her first instinct, burn the fucker down, is rebuffed by everyone. You're better than that, don't be that guy, don't be the evil invader so the people love you, etc. But it was in her nature and it is what she knew how to do things and get results. Over the past couple seasons, you start to see her bitterness as she begins to realize that she should have gone with her gut and ignored counsel. If she had followed through with her initial plan of just flying to Kings Landing when she arrived and melting the keep into fucking slag, she would have won. But instead, because she listened to allies and friends and those she trusted, she has lost almost everything and is only left with the option she wanted to start everything with: Burn the fucker down. Except now she is doing that from a place of rage and hate, and instead of just seeing Cersei as her enemy, now she is going to see everyone that put her into this position as an enemy as well.
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Jive Turkey

In both the books and show she's done what she has to do to live or win up until this point. Now she's going to just turn into her father and start burning people for the hell of it? LOL really?

She had her dragon light two men on fire, much to the disgust of her friends. She locked her ex-sex instructor and the big black dude in a pitch black vault to slowly die because they fucked with her. She strung hundreds of slave owners up on crosses to be eaten by vultures with no concern for their individual stories. She's a megalomaniac. She has shown herself to be perfectly capable of sliding into mad king territory.
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She's a fanatic to her own cause. She threatens to kill every single person that stands in her way. Not letting her into Qarth? "I'll come back and burn you all". Won't sell her your unsullied? "Burn!" Won't bend the knee? "Burn!"

She is not a good person. The only redeeming quality to her is the anti slavery shit.


Millie's Staff Member
one of the few things i am fine with is Dany going full on kill em all. she's done this many times in the past. i dont see her going crazy now, she was either always crazy or people are just starting to notice that she will fuck your shit up if you piss her off. i think she just started getting weirded out when tormund started hailing Jon as a king especially after that she just found out she has no real claim to the throne anymore. anyone would feel that way given her position.


Throbbing Member
She had her dragon light two men on fire, much to the disgust of her friends. She locked her ex-sex instructor and the big black dude in a pitch black vault to slowly die because they fucked with her. She strung hundreds of slave owners up on crosses to be eaten by vultures with no concern for their individual stories. She's a megalomaniac. She has shown herself to be perfectly capable of sliding into mad king territory.

Her craziness is being exacerbated by Jon Snow and how everyone loves him and respects him more than her. Learning about Jon's true heritage has cracked her. She realizes that her dream and all the shit she's gone through has a chance of slipping through her fingers. Especially now that she's lost 2 dragons and a fuckton of her forces. Her paranoia is just cranked to 11 now. Losing Missandei was the end for her. I expect her to go full Mad Queen next episode.
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
She had her dragon light two men on fire, much to the disgust of her friends. She locked her ex-sex instructor and the big black dude in a pitch black vault to slowly die because they fucked with her. She strung hundreds of slave owners up on crosses to be eaten by vultures with no concern for their individual stories. She's a megalomaniac. She has shown herself to be perfectly capable of sliding into mad king territory.

Listen if that's the way you want to interpret it that's up to you. For me there was an actual reason for what she did in that the decision to not do said thing would negatively affect her. If as now being rumored she's going to be so crazy that she needs to be shanked then I'm sorry but that is a clear turn for the character and not what either the books or the show had clearly been building up to until this point.


FPS noob
All hail his Grace Star of House Bucks, First of his name, King of the Brews and the First Cup, Keeper of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, Protector of the French Press, Lord of Seattle, Master of the Soy Latte, Khal of the Great Bean, the Totally Unburnt and Not Bitter, Breaker of High Prices and Father of Biscotti

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Except the Tarly thing was nothing but more of the same ham-handed shitty writing because she had just cause to execute Randyl Tarly as a traitor. The idea that she was a tyrant on Essos is just fucking retarded. They're pulling a retarded swerve with her character because they're garbage tier hacks.
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Jive Turkey

in that the decision to not do said thing would negatively affect her.

Yes. It would negatively affect her power to seize absolute control of the seven kingdoms. That isn't normal behaviour.

If as now being rumored she's going to be so crazy that she needs to be shanked then I'm sorry but that is a clear turn for the character and not what either the books or the show had clearly been building up to until this point.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This isn't some out-of-left-field character turn. It's a well worn archetype. In fact, what were the mad king's final words?


Throbbing Member
Yes. It would negatively affect her power to seize absolute control of the seven kingdoms. That isn't normal behaviour.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This isn't some out-of-left-field character turn. It's a well worn archetype

I mean yeah. The hero that becomes the villain. She's an extremist. She will do whatever she has to when it comes to making her goals come to fruition. She has been unnecessarily ruthless all through the series. Notice that her most loyal subjects are slaves she freed and that they just go along with everything she does. Her newer people, like Varys and Tyrion, know her actions aren't gonna fly with the people she is trying to rule over.
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Yes. It would negatively affect her power to seize absolute control of the seven kingdoms. That isn't normal behaviour.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This isn't some out-of-left-field character turn. It's a well worn archetype. In fact, what were the mad king's final words?

Again, you can choose to believe whatever you want. If you believe this is the best way to end the series and what the writers have been going for then there are a lot more reasonable ways to set it up instead of just throwing it out there in the 3rd to last fucking episode.


Molten Core Raider
She had her dragon light two men on fire, much to the disgust of her friends. She locked her ex-sex instructor and the big black dude in a pitch black vault to slowly die because they fucked with her. She strung hundreds of slave owners up on crosses to be eaten by vultures with no concern for their individual stories. She's a megalomaniac. She has shown herself to be perfectly capable of sliding into mad king territory.

I guess I'm kind of numbed by how acquainted I am with psychopaths in the GoT world. Even Varys had his Wizard in a Box.

She won't give them a choice if she starts razing KL.