Grand Theft Auto IIIII - HDD City Stories

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Golden Squire
I came, then I cried a little when I remembered that my 360 is only good at displaying red lights.


FoH nuclear response team
God Dammit, first "The Last of Us" and now this, I shouldn't have sold my ps3 in preperation for the PS4.


<Silver Donator>
Wonder if you'll be able to focus on one of the guys or if you'll have to play all 3 equally, you can see in the trailer how you can switch between them and how missions use all of them but do you have to do that or are they like played by AIs if you don't wanna bother. I'd rather follow one guy than spread my attention around.


I remember reading somewhere that there is kind of a "campain" I guess for each character. Don't believe me on my word though, I'm not entirely sure.


Molten Core Raider
Wonder if you'll be able to focus on one of the guys or if you'll have to play all 3 equally, you can see in the trailer how you can switch between them and how missions use all of them but do you have to do that or are they like played by AIs if you don't wanna bother. I'd rather follow one guy than spread my attention around.

I want this level of control over the three characters! The stunts and shit you could probably come up with is probably the main reason I'll never beat the game.


To be honest I think each will have a campaign but when doing those missions you won't be forced to constantly change between all 3. I think that will be an option for more tactical players and the guys that just want to run in and kill shit and get out with one character can.

This is a main stream game still. A lot of dude bro's won't want to constantly switch between characters to be tactical. They will choose their favorite character and stick with them.


I don't. I play sport professionally. It's an extremely rough sport and lets just say most guys aren't the brightest humans going around. The two most played and talked about games were/are GTA 4 and COD. GTA is an extremely main stream game just like COD is.

These look like dude bros to you?

The Ancient_sl

Well the guys I know who sometimes play video games but aren't really gamers only play CoD or sports games and don't really even consider playing a single player story driven action game so there.


I don't really see GTA as a single player story driven game. I see it as an open world game. With a vast amount of different ways to play. I'm not really sure what your point is. GTA is an extremely mainstream game. It had sold over 25 million copies as of 2012. It's a violent open world that takes the piss out of real life. It is definitely a has the features to draw dude bro's in. It's also got a lot of Pop culture elements too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think each character will have their own campaign, but the big "heists" where all 3 get together is going to be swapping between the 3 of them just like the video shows.

For example: One dude goes in the back door and secures the security room, one dude goes in the front and secures the patrons of the establishment. Third guy is the wheelman and/or lookout.

You start with the guy in the back, he breaches and enters security room right as you swap to the guy entering the front. Then the guy entering the front starts taking hostages/looting. Swap to the security room and he's binding and gagging the guards and erasing the security data...he can view on the cameras the "AI" controlled guy in the front doing whatever it is you left him doing. Swap to the guy out front and you can radio to the other guys when the cops are coming/start shooting at them/meet them around back. AI then brings the 2 guys inside out the door to you and you control the getaway.

I know it's a loose example but it's 10am and I had food poisoning last night so bear with me :p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wonder if you'll be able to focus on one of the guys or if you'll have to play all 3 equally, you can see in the trailer how you can switch between them and how missions use all of them but do you have to do that or are they like played by AIs if you don't wanna bother. I'd rather follow one guy than spread my attention around.
Reminds me of Max Payne 2 where you switch between the male and the female.

Honestly as long as there's a bunch of sandbox open-world shit to do I don't care if they put the primary missions on rails.


FPS noob
amazon has the gta5 ps3 bundle for $270, which is a slim ps3, gta5, and 30 days of psn+. Makes the console $210 basically, which isn't a bad deal. can't decide between playing gta5 on a ps3 or just waiting 6-12 months for the pc port


FoH nuclear response team
amazon has the gta5 ps3 bundle for $270, which is a slim ps3, gta5, and 30 days of psn+. Makes the console $210 basically, which isn't a bad deal. can't decide between playing gta5 on a ps3 or just waiting 6-12 months for the pc port
Must. Resist.
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