Greece - A New Hope

Running Dog_sl

There's trouble brewing already over the Greek deal

- the EU is proposing to use the European Financial Stability Mechanism to give a bridging loan to Greece, but not all the countries in the EFSM are in the Euro currency and the ones that aren't (notably the UK, Sweden and Denmark) are furious, especially as such a loan would break an agreement made by the EU with the non-Euro countries that the EFSM was never to be used for such a purpose.

- yet another leaked IMF report, made more recently than the last one and taking into account the deterioration in Greek finances, has contradicted the EU position again about how much debt will need to be either written off or restructured.

The IMF's leaked report is potentially dynamite, because the Fund cannot lend to a country if it doesn't believe it would be sustainable. So unless Europe swallows the reality that Greece needs major debt relief, the IMF won't provide any more bailout funds.
Greek debt crisis: IMF warns Greece needs deeper debt relief - live updates | Business | The Guardian


Molten Core Raider


Murder Apologist
That's changed in the final offer. It's now based in Athens but it'll still be an EU-based organisation based around European democratic socialist values.

There'll be Germans in it. Socialist Germans tho. Perhaps even a modern, efficient form of socialism that is responsive to Greek nationalism. ANationalist Socialism, if you will.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
That's changed in the final offer. It's now based in Athens but it'll still be an EU-based organisation based around European democratic socialist values.

There'll be Germans in it. Socialist Germans tho. Perhaps even a modern, efficient form of socialism that is responsive to Greek nationalism. ANationalist Socialism, if you will.
Then all they have to do is start rounding up the jews responsible for this disaster. They're the ones that lead the banks, right?


Murder Apologist
Fortunately, that's one sector of the Greek economy that's outperforming the Germans. In fact, according to the ADL's annual survey on anti-semiticism (which surveys 10,000 respondents across 19 countries) Greece is by far the most anti-semitic country in Europe.Almost twice as anti-semitic as Charlie-Hebdo-era France:


In fact, if holocaust-denialism was an export industry, Greece would be running a 320% trade surplus vs. Germany:


Maybe that German privatisation commission can find a way to monetize Greek jew-baking. They'd hate their way out of debt in a couple years.


Tranny Chaser
Fortunately, that's one sector of the Greek economy that's outperforming the Germans. In fact, according to the ADL's annual survey on anti-semiticism (which surveys 10,000 respondents across 19 countries) Greece is by far the most anti-semitic country in Europe. .
and just like 1930s Germany, austerity measures are a fertile breeding ground for far-right views. Substitute the Nazis for Golden Dawn and you have the Greek equivalent.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I can't get over how badass Vaurofakis must be. He leaves, and suddenly they are accepting a worse deal than they already rejected when he was there.

We need a cage match between him and putin. I'd watch that on PPV.


Athens to vote as IMF warns Greece needs extra debt relief above bailout | Business | The Guardian
The severe damage caused to the Greek economy by more than two weeks of bank closures and capital controls means the stricken eurozone country will require far more generous debt relief than is currently on offer from its single-currency partners, according to the International Monetary Fund.

A report by the Washington-based Fund leaked to the news agency Reuters shows that Greece's public debt is likely to peak at 200% of its national income within the next two years, with the risk that the actual outcome could be even worse.
Greek bailout: Angela Merkel accused of blackmailing Athens
Read more

The debt sustainability analysis comes on the eve of a crucial vote in Athens when the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, will be seeking parliamentary approval for the fresh austerity measures demanded by the eurozone in return for a three-year rescue package worth up to ?86bn (?61bn).

Putting into question its involvement in the bailout, the IMF report paints a far darker picture of Greece's public finances than contained in the blueprint released at the end of the marathon eurozone leaders' summit on Monday.

"The dramatic deterioration in debt sustainability points to the need for debt relief on a scale that would need to go well beyond what has been under consideration to date - and what has been proposed by the ESM," the IMF said, referring to the European Stability Mechanism bailout fund which will be used to bankroll the Greek bailout plan.
tl'dr - the IMF are trying ever-so-subtly to make Germany face reality.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
and just like 1930s Germany, austerity measures are a fertile breeding ground for far-right views. Substitute the Nazis for Golden Dawn and you have the Greek equivalent.
Except for the fact that in the present day, anti-Semitism is being buffeted by the far-left.. With Greece's leadership offices being plastered with posters commemorating Marx, this shouldn't come as a surprise.


Silver Squire
It will be interesting to see how the vote comes down. I can't imagine the Greeks being happy. They elect a far left government on the basis of "no more austerity". They swing their dick around the negotiating table and come back home with a vote that confirms that Greeks are done and don't accept the bail out. Government then goes back to the negotiating table and accepts an even more stringent offer than originally thought only to have to go back to the parliament and get it approved.

The ineptitude there is just shocking. One can only assume the initial dick waving was just posturing and a bluff thinking the EU would under no circumstance let them fail. When everyone was like, "ok well fuck you then" they came back with their tail between their legs and now have to try and secure votes from the opposition to even have a chance for this to pass.

Wow. Just fucking wow.


Molten Core Raider
Tsipras has just managed to, in a period of 3 weeks, put Greece back about a century, both politically and economically. What a fucking mongoloid.


Except for the fact that in the present day, anti-Semitism is being buffeted by the far-left..

The fact that the American far right has a massive hard-on for Israel is a fucking immense anomaly fuelled by equal parts obsolete realpolitik and fundamentalist Christian eschatology.


Murder Apologist
You. You're our fucking citation, you jihadi cunt.

Does anyone need to elaborate with your fellow British SJWs' disastrous partnership with Jihadi sympathizers again so you can fail to explain it away and disappear for another few pages?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande

The fact that the American far right has a massive hard-on for Israel is a fucking immense anomaly fuelled by equal parts obsolete realpolitik and fundamentalist Christian eschatology.
Yeah, I'm sure anti-Semitic incidents in Europe that have reached the highest level since WW II have everything to do with far right groups, right? Jews are fleeing France en masse for Israel at record levels, and Jews in Denmark/Sweden have to have their schools guarded by the army because of Neo-Nazi groups, correct? Or does it have anything to do with pseudo-Marxists like yourself and the Jihadis in your midst that you support because you absolutely must make that multicultural square peg fit in the round hole?

Khorum is right, you are the fucking citation.


Murder Apologist
LOL more proof like your fellow jihadi brides? Another rehash on the attacks on the secularist group that published astate-commissioned reporton infiltration of the British left byIslamist Sympathizers? Maybe a quick review of all the islamist bloggers and activists who have found careers within the labour party? Shall we rehash your heroine Laurie Penny's campaign to vilify the critics of Rochedale girl-trading ring as racists? How about your fellow SJW's attacks on the people protesting the beheading of a british soldier in London?


LOL more proof like your fellow jihadi brides? Another rehash on the attacks on the secularist group that published astate-commissioned reporton infiltration of the British left byIslamist Sympathizers? Maybe a quick review of all the islamist bloggers and activists who have found careers within the labour party? Shall we rehash your heroine Laurie Penny's campaign to vilify the critics of Rochedale girl-trading ring as racists? How about your fellow SJW's attacks on the people protesting the beheading of a british soldier in London?
Maryam Namazie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maryam Namazie (Persian: ???? ?????) (Tehran, 1966[1]) is an Iranian-born secularist and human rights activist, commentator and broadcaster.[2] She is spokesperson for Iran Solidarity, One Law for All[2] and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.[3]


As editor for the Worker-communist Review, Maryam Namazie is a Central Committee member of the Worker-communist Party of Iran. She advocates ideas inspired by Workerist Communism, especially those of the Iranian theorist Mansoor Hekmat.[33]
Yes, clearly she thinks socialism is a threat. Also:Enemies Not Allies: The Far-Right - One Law for All

A report by One Law for All explores how the far-Right has attempted to hijack opposition to Islamism for its own ends. It focuses on the British National Party, the English Defence League and Stop Islamisation of Europe/America, and exposes how their activities, associations, opinions and intentions reveal a racist and inhuman worldview, which must be resisted and criticised with as much vigilance as Islamism itself.


Murder Apologist
It was a report by leftists about how the left is being infiltrated by islamists. Did you want some EDL hooligan to write it?


The "argument" being advanced by Wombat was that a rise in anti-semitism was due to left wingers.Dotry to keep up.