Greece - A New Hope

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The "argument" being advanced by Wombat was that a rise in anti-semitism was due to left wingers.Dotry to keep up.
Just Google "European left wing anti-Semitism" for an endless barrage of articles documenting it from the days of Marx, I'm too tired to do so myself. then you've got homegrown people in your own neighborhood like George Galloway, who's a self-proclaimed pinko and held office in the UK until just last month. He's pretty much a raw unbridled anti-Semite.

Anti-Semitic acts in Europe are being committed by islamists while left wingers like yourself cover it up, facilitate it, or dismiss it.


Murder Apologist
Oh my bad, I guess all the ISIS sympathizing that's engulfed the British left is totally detached and unrelated to antisemitism right? You can't blame me for getting confused, whenever I try to pull up growing antisemitism in the UK I keep expecting your cumstained burqa to pop up, but it's always former Labour (and Respect) Members of your Parliament trying to jihadsplain the jews away.

How sad were you when George lost his seat, Itz?


So your argument is George Galloway getting kicked out of Parliament is clearly a sign of George Galloway gaining influence?


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
So your argument is George Galloway getting kicked out of Parliament is clearly a sign of George Galloway gaining influence?
Its like the donald trump of your party. Just like all the republicans hate mexicans, you aren't sposed to actually say it. All the liberals hate jews, but he was dumb enough to admit it.


Murder Apologist
Oh was that my argument all along? Are you sure it wasn't that British left has been so thoroughly overrun by Islamist sympathizers that people like Galloway gain high office by preaching anti-semitism and running pro-hezbollah rallies? I dunno, I think I may have mentioned the state-commissioned paper that CITED people like Galloway as symptoms of the alarming rise of Jihadists in the modern european left.


Galloway got kicked out of Labour, what, over a decade ago now? Clearly a sign of Muselmann infiltration.

And in actual news about Greece:

Welp (1) -
Under its rules, the IMF is not allowed to participate in a bailout if a country's debt is deemed unsustainable and there is no prospect of it returning to private bond markets for financing. The IMF has bent its rules to participate in previous Greek bailouts, but the memo suggests it can no longer do so.
Welp (2) -

"Greek PM ridicules Brussels deal: I don't believe in the reform plan"

Welp (3) -Foreign leaders weigh in on deal | News |
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, for his part, was typically hawkish. Asked about the idea of a Greek exit from the eurozone, Schaeuble told reporters that "there are many people inside the German government. who believe that this would be, or could be the better solution for Greece and the people in Greece." He added that a Grexit would of course require "that Greece takes that decision itself."

As European Union finance ministers converged in Brussels to discuss bridge financing for Greece, Schaeuble said "it will be a challenge" to get Greece a quick loan it can use to avoid defaulting on a 3.5-billion-euro debt repayment to the European Central Bank, which is due on Monday.

Meanwhile, according to a report in Germany's Handelsblatt, Schaeuble suggested the issuance of IOUs during a Eurogroup summit on Monday.
So much for that deal.


Useless lazy bastard.
To be fair, he is fighting for his political survival.

Even for politicians its hard to say "Fuck em, we will manage better if we play hardball!" one week and then have to go back on just about everything the next and try to sell it to the people as a victory.

What they need is to fire their entire tax collection department, bring in some germans and get shit done. They have about 86 billion euros in uncollected taxes that would cover this if they had the balls and abillity to get paid. Unfortunatly this would require a political suicide, something most politicians are not man enough to do for the greater good.

Its like the US. Everyone knows the US cant pay their debt without printing money until they run out of paper (and have their entire economy crash while doing so). With 14(?) trillion in debt and 117 trillion in unfinanced obligations there is simply no way it can be done. IF the world moves away from the dollar as a reserve currency the entire country would crash in a day/week. On the other hand, any politician who would state these facts and try to solve the issues by cutting spending and at least try to get back to a budget surplus would be voted out of office in under a minute. Everyone can agree that debt is bad but fuck you if you think I am giving up my, super criticaly important, stuff so we can cut back! Cut some other guys, totaly worthless, grants/project/department.


I think that by the end of all this he's not the only politician whose careen is going to get shattered over the knee of this crisis, and it's not just going to be the Greeks.

Running Dog_sl

I think that by the end of all this he's not the only politician whose careen is going to get shattered over the knee of this crisis, and it's not just going to be the Greeks.
Hollande has boosted his poor domestic rating by brokering a deal that keeps the Greeks in the Euro. France feels relevant, counterbalanced the Germans and kept the Euro on track. The French are, of course, ignoring the economics of the situation, but then they ignored them when the Euro was created and Greece was allowed to join.

Some twitter stuff:

Two points on IMF's Greek DSA: eurozone had it at weekend but still did deal; Germany et al insisted on IMF continued involvement.
Simon Nixon (@Simon_Nixon) | Twitter

Economic reality, highlighted by #IMF, collides with political reality in #Germany. Now Greek voters know they?ve been offered a bandaid
Robin Bew (@RobinBew) | Twitter

No-one thinks the Greek prog will stay on track. Not IMF, not Tsipras, not Scha?ble, not anyone. They must all love Brussels nights.
Gabriel Sterne (@GabrielSterne) | Twitter


U.S. Treasury chief heads to Europe for talks on Greece - Yahoo News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will travel to Frankfurt, Berlin and Paris over the next two days for talks with top finance officials on the situation in Greece, the U.S. Treasury said on Tuesday.

The Treasury said Lew would meet with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi on Wednesday in Frankfurt before heading to Berlin for a meeting with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Thursday. Later the same day, he will head to Paris to meet with French Finance Minister Michel Sapin.

"In his meetings, Secretary Lew will engage with his counterparts on the global economy as well as discuss the path forward for Greece within the euro zone," it said.
America is sick of Germany's shit. This is going to befun.


Musty Nester
I'm pretty sure that if I googled "European right wing anti-Semitism" I'd get even more articles!
Actually I wonder if you would. What I would expect is that you'd get a shit-TON of anti-Islam-is-ists. But it might be that everybody likes to bag on the Jews. I'll give you that maybe. I bet it breaks along that religious line, though.

There's got to be a real conjugation for that. Islamicists. Islamacists. Islamocists. I give up. That's probably not even a real word.


Musty Nester
I wouldn't take that quite so much as being sick of Germany's shit as wanting to have assurances that Germany knows what the fuck they're doing and making sure that America gets a cut.

Because, no lie, Germany could turn Greece into ISIS2.0 on accident. And 'Murica doesn't really want to deal withthat.

You can sell them like cattle for all we care, as long as it doesn't cost us anything. That's what I would expect out of that meeting.


Murder Apologist
We're already dealing with that. We've been dealing with that for years. Ever since the Pew project has been tracking it, consistently theGreeks are one of the most anti-American people in the world. They hate us more than the fucking PAKISTANIS do----and we have flying killer robots circling Pakistan's skies 24/7:


Pew has been tracking that trend since the 90's and the Greeks have hated America before and even after 9/11. "Khorum, what witchcraft is this," you ask. Well that's because Greece is also the most overtly socialist state in the EU and has been for generations. The ruling party that was deposed by Syriza was actually the real socialist party called PASOK, while "Syriza" itself is an acronym for "Coalition of the Radical Left" and is literally aragtag band of virulent marxist-leninists, anarcho-syndicalists and straight up Stalinists. They won by a landslide. The Greeks have harbored a resentment against American capitalist monoculture ever since the Gipper slipped their comintern brothers in the Soviet Union their darwin award...

So Jack Lew---the same asshat who's about to put Harriet fucking Tubman on the $10 bill---is riding to rescue 11 million communists who can't be arsed to run beach resorts properly. But he's doing that after making the IMF, which is the US's only voice in the euro bailout, cry cassandra about the unsustainability of the Greek debteven after the Greeks have defaulted to the IMF TWICE NOW. Furthermore, he's doing that after the Greeks and the Communist Syriza party had made it their demands that the IMF (and thus the Americans)must NOT BE A PART OF THE BAILOUT PACKAGE:

ABC News_sl said:
A Greek official says Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has two issues to settle with European creditors before he's in a position to reach an agreement that would help shore up his country's finances and its future in the euro.

The official, who is speaking on condition of anonymity because the talks are ongoing, says the sticking points are the future involvement of the International Monetary Fund in Greece's bailout program
So even with the IMF demanding massive debt relief on behalf of the Greeks---and warping vocabulary to call Greece's defaults into "in arrears"---the Greeks not only default on the IMF __twice__ (something not even Zimbabwe or Afghanistan did) but they're demanding that the Great Capitalist Satan must have no say in their affairs.

lol, that explains why every time I go to the greek place there's at least a couple kitchen staff giving customers the evil eye


Registered Hutt
The greek place where I live is run by turks. I couldn't quite understand the guy, but the gist of it was that turkish food wasn't as easy to make cheap.