Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)




Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I haven't read comics in 15 years and I'm basically going to go see it because it's Marvel. Kids in my daughters class want to know when the next "Marvel" movie comes out so we can go see it.

I also think most people know the difference between DC and Marvel and the universes. Most kids grow up with that shit. Now asking someone about Image comics and you will probably get a huh from most people. Not Marvel and DC.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, that film was not a shining moment.
It really wasn't that bad, but they marketed it horribly. Getting rid of the "Mars" tie-in didn't help, which they had ditched because of that shit bucket "Mars needs Moms" stinking up the box office. I remember commercials for that movie (John Carter) coming on and my dad saying "Who/what the hell is John Carter?". Not in a curious way, just in a "wtf is this shit?" kind of way. I can imagine that was a typical reaction. If you are going to headline a movie with just a name, it needs to have name recognition.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm not sure they "Marvel" tag(expressly above the title) can be directly attributed to Disney. (They ALL have the Marvel title screens, and most have the Marvel logo on the movie posters in the credits section)
Yes it was added after Disney purchased. however, only Iron man 1, and The Incredible Hulk were out at that point. So, its not like there was a strong Marvel studios brand to apply yet.

I mean, I would assume "stan lee presents" Marvel should have known all along how powerful branding is.


Trakanon Raider
Nick fury will be in the last episode of SHIELD. He will tell Coulson and Skye/and or Team that the blue alien is a Kree and then it will cut to a clip of Guardians like they did with Winter Soldier. It will show an underling talking to Ronan the Accuser and they will mention the Kree Empire. Trailer for GofG. Credits.
This will get people interested as well as set up season two of SHIELD. And yes SHIELD will get another season to bridge the almost year long gap to Avengers 2.


Might be good news for a Shield second season then since they screwed up on their scheduling, and didn't put any movies for a year till Avengers 2.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The Marvel name will help with the marketing of the movie for sure. It will make people curious. It is by no means equal or even close to the Disney or Pixar brand, but it does have some recognition among non comic book nerds.

The success or lack of will be mostly due to the quality of the movie itself.

Both Thor and Captain America opened at 65 millions for their first movies with better name recognition.

I expect this to easily do 50millions, probably closer to 60-70 if it's good and marketed properly.

John Carter made 30millions for it's opening weekend and was marketed horribly, and was a pretty average film at best.

One thing to remember for marvel, they are building a universe...they'll be satisfied with more modest numbers if the reviews are good, and it allows them to expand their cinematic universe by introducing the "space/aliens" aspect of their comic universe into the cinematic universe.

Opens up the possibility of stuff like Captain Marvel, Warlock, Nova, Thanos etc...

I hope the movie is good as a fan of comic books, but also as a fan of sci-fi in general since I don't think we've had a lot of good space sci-fi in a while, it would be nice to have another space sci-fi franchise.


Might be good news for a Shield second season then since they screwed up on their scheduling, and didn't put any movies for a year till Avengers 2.
August, 2014 -> May 2015 = 8 months

They have 4 new series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage) that will be debuting on Netflix, probably during that 8 month period. They're all supposed to have 13 episodes, culminating in a 4-8 episode Defenders cross-over miniseries. With the way Netflix releases television seasons all at once, they could be dropping 56-60 hour-long MCU stories all at once (or within a few weeks of each other).

And there's a lot of buzz around that Agent Carter series...


John Carter is one of the more underrated movies in recent memory. I think the production costs and people's preconceived notions helped shaped the general response to the movie. It definitely deserves a sequel but I'm not sure we'll ever get it.


The Big Mod
John Carter is one of the more underrated movies in recent memory. I think the production costs and people's preconceived notions helped shaped the general response to the movie. It definitely deserves a sequel but I'm not sure we'll ever get it.
"I'm not sure we'll ever get it"

there are 3 certainties in life: death, taxes, and John Carter isn't getting a sequel.


The Big Mod
Hey guys, I know the first time we lost half a billion dollars, BUT I THINK WE'RE REALLY ON TO SOMETHING HERE!!


Hey guys, I know the first time we lost half a billion dollars, BUT I THINK WE'RE REALLY ON TO SOMETHING HERE!!
Apples and oranges, but Microsoft lost a lot more with the first Xbox and made two others!

Anyway, the problem with John Carter is that it aged very poorly. Reading the books today could be interesting as you can mentally put them back in the context of their time (first volume was written in 1911), but you can't do the same with a movie made in 2012 and, as a result, it's retarded unless you re-imagine the whole premise with a XXIst century mind (but then what's the point of using the IP?).


Avatar of War Slayer
"I'm not sure we'll ever get it"

there are 3 certainties in life: death, taxes, and John Carter isn't getting a sequel.
what do you mean? It got like 20.

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire slayer, Prometheus, Bladerunner, Alien, Aliens, Alien vs Predator, Aliens 3, etc.