Gun control

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Live: LAX shooting: 'Multiple victims' hit; gunman had rifle -

hmm or maybe not?

12:17 p.m.: A federal law enforcement official said that the gunman was a ticketed passenger entering the airport. Officials don't believe the gunman has ever worked for TSA. Law enforcement sources had earlier told The Times the gunman was a TSA employee.
11:36 a.m.: Law enforcement sources told the Los Angeles Times that the gunman was a Transportation Security Administration employee at LAX. The gunman was killed by authorities after he opened fire Friday morning. He allegedly shot and killed a fellow TSA employee.
God these people are fucking morons.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I wish for one day they'd give rampant hysterical news coverage for people who got hit by lightning

there were 358 people killed by rifles of any kind in 2010. FBI's 2011 Homicide Data, there were 323 people killed by rifles of any kind in 2011. Note that this includes people shot by any sort of rifle, homicides by police, and self defense homicides.

According the National Weather Service, approximately 400 people, on
average (based on annual averages 2001-2010) are struck by lightning each year.


Ssraeszha Raider
Without reading the entire thread, has anyone mentioned how swords how knives and swords are way more effective at close range than a gun?

Cause they totally are


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Also "The old saying goes that God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal." It isn't some saying I made up, it has been around a long time.
Don't forget the old colt advertisement (I think it was colt).
Be not afraid of any man, no matter what his size
When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.

If you have a gun and he has a gun, you really are not equal,
This could actually pass as a definition of equal. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

I have a friend who is rabidly anti-gun and said that even in the face of an attacker, she wouldn't want one. So I laid out a scenario, suppose you were being followed at night by a rapist, even in this scenario you wouldn't want one? "No", she said, "because I would probably be really nervous and drop it, then he could pick it up and instead of raping me, he might kill me".
So, in her mind, a woman who was found raped and strangled to death with her own panty hose is morally superior to a woman who put 2 .45 cal hole into the chest of her attacker?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Oh shit. It's black! Time to ban assault rifles!!!!!!
Looks like a Ruger mini-14 to me.

Orcas are dolphins. Dolphins are members of the Suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales). Ergo dolphins are whales, technically speaking anyway.
My dad always told me to be sure I learned at least one new thing every day. This is the thing for today. Thanks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to shoot up a security checkpoint. I swear I remember reading about it when the TSA shit first started. I mean, they basically created a really easy soft target where you've grouped up a massive amount of people. I mean, why bother blowing up a plane when you can just as easily kill everyone at the checkpoint when they've got no shoes on?

The thing I worry about it if this was part of a larger plan. Shoot a security checkpoint to see what the reaction is, and then use that for a bigger plot.


I work right in front LAX at the top floor of a huge building and the amount of News Helicopters was staggering, 7 helicopters just standing still.

Why the fuck do you need helicopters for something that's not a chase or that affects a huge swath of land like a fire?


That guy
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to shoot up a security checkpoint. I swear I remember reading about it when the TSA shit first started. I mean, they basically created a really easy soft target where you've grouped up a massive amount of people. I mean, why bother blowing up a plane when you can just as easily kill everyone at the checkpoint when they've got no shoes on?

The thing I worry about it if this was part of a larger plan. Shoot a security checkpoint to see what the reaction is, and then use that for a bigger plot.
It really is a massive chokepoint. Lots of unsuspecting bodies clustered together, easy target.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Luckily it sounds like this dude was just after the TSA Agents themselves or he could have done more damage. Setting off a bomb in that line on a holiday weekend could really hit a lot of people though. It's not a great place for a shooting because there is so much security. You're going to have long before somebody takes you down. It's pretty crazy that he chose to use a rifle in a situation where he had to get it past a bunch of people before he started shooting though. Seems like a handgun would have been more likely to succeed.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Without reading the entire thread, has anyone mentioned how swords how knives and swords are way more effective at close range than a gun?

Cause they totally are
12 gauge shotgun would be best at close range newb. Spraying and praying at it's finest.

On a serious note.... I just want to get a condensed understanding of the facts that we have available at this time.

This shooting happened in a gun free zone within a state that has one of the most strict "assault rifle" laws in the nation.

Correct assessment or no?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Quick, someone leak to the media that the shooter played Modern Warfare 2 which inspired him to do this, maybe it'll get Call of Duty banned...


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Depends on who you're dealing with and what their agenda is. If you change the actor from your typical lone gunman to some group with an axe to grind (especially turrurists who think that they're going to die and get showered with virgins) then it becomes far more plausible.