

Golden Knight of the Realm
It sucks so much that Priest's have a viable deck. I might bitch about other things but I honestly cannot think of anything I enjoy less in this game than to be paired up with a Priest opponent.
Especially priests who play control @ rank 18, with 2 shadow madness and 2 mind control. Losing on turn 7 with a hand full of useless cards must be fun.


Buzzfeed Editor
Any particular website I should read on getting started given current state of game with expansions etc? Going to painfully play free for now, so don't care about current hottest meta as I just wont have the cards. So far I did the campaign tutorial, then on standard practice beat every hero and got mage to lv 10 for all the basic cards.

Keep plugging along in expert practice with mage, just start playing people in "Play" or should I be arena'ing or whatever? Used to more complicated card games so pretty confident in the mechanics overall I think. Only problem if turn timers ultra short when I'm reading some new card or something. Keep with mage as a decent deck type to start with or try something else? From retard mode practice I liked all the rogue removal, warrior seemed to have removal and liked the shield (can it stack higher if they dont do 2 dmg every turn?), and like mage nukes. But I know i've only seen 2% of the game.


I think you get some gold or packs for beating expert practice mode with each class. Other than that, just do the daily quests. If you are inclined to spend a little money, the Naxx adventure pack yields a bunch of good cards. Some competitive decks are fairly cheap - face or midrange hunter, warlock zoo, and mech mage come to mind.

Mage is a decent class to play as their common class cards are pretty good (frostbolt, fireball, water elemental, polymorph, flamestrike). And, yes, warrior armor will stack if you aren't taking face damage.

Edit: Feel free to add me, Taho#1438, if you want.


Molten Core Raider
It sucks so much that Priest's have a viable deck. I might bitch about other things but I honestly cannot think of anything I enjoy less in this game than to be paired up with a Priest opponent.
Losing to dragon priest doesn't take that long, it's not like control priest were it goes to fatigue almost every single time they win.

The Master

Bronze Squire
The problem with playing for free now is BRM and Naxx have so many good cards between them that you have to save up thousands of gold to buy them. I can't think of a competitive ladder deck that doesn't run cards from one or both of them. You get around a thousand free gold from beating every AI on expert, getting every class to 10, and your first free arena run (even if you go 0-3 you get a pack, so equivalent to 100g).

Playing casual is pretty stupid, if you're going to play you may as well play ranked. Or try and get really good at arena, then it won't matter that you don't have Naxx/BRM. Reroll all your 40g quests, don't complete them unless you need the slot (log is full of 40g quests and you already rerolled). It used to be that you could d/e all the cards you got and make one competitive ladder deck fairly easily, usually an agro deck. But with the adventure packs that isn't really true anymore.


Trakanon Raider
I know I complain a lot about this game. Who here doesn't? But I think TGT created one of the worst metas that I have ever seen. It's a non-stop parade of Patron Warrior, Paladins, and Dragon Priest with the occasional Hunter thrown in for good measure. I know that the meta hasn't fully shaken out yet but the game has just lost a lot of fun for me.

I also see that people have "discovered" Silver Hand Regent over the weekend because I'm seeing her in every deck today.


Buzzfeed Editor
Guess I havn't seen the real fun yet. With very little unlocked, was doing pretty well beating all the expert practice modes. Finding shaman to be an absolute cunt. Keeps my guys nuked mostly till 4 or 5 mana then it's double 2/3 taunt wolves mixed with a nuke, oh sure overload, but usually has 1-2 mana left to do yet another 3 dmg for 1 mana nuke after that. Then I'm stuck trying to recover against a board of usualy 3-4/3 minions mostly with taunt. (Flametongue and other buffs) Doesn't even bother using it's random totem ability.


They should do what F2P Mmos do and turn the older xpacs into F2P content after a year or so.

Actually I would prefer it to be a quest that you can randomly get. For the people that don't have Nax unlocked they can get a quest that says "defeat loatheb" or other random Nax boss. While they have that quest active they can challenge and beat loatheb gaining his card. That way you can a.Buy naxx with cash b. Buy Nax with gold or c. Get random Naxx unlocks.

Make it rare like the 100g achievement and your set. After a year of BRM add those bosses to the mix and make naxx 100% free and your done.

Personally I despise F2P players in hearthstone. I under stand they are an important part of the game as they provide content for paying players, but I treat Hearthstone like a card game like magic and not an "app" like angry birds. I think F2P players actually have it easy and the barrier for entry is ridiculously low if your an adult with a job.


I know I complain a lot about this game. Who here doesn't? But I think TGT created one of the worst metas that I have ever seen. It's a non-stop parade of Patron Warrior, Paladins, and Dragon Priest with the occasional Hunter thrown in for good measure. I know that the meta hasn't fully shaken out yet but the game has just lost a lot of fun for me.

I also see that people have "discovered" Silver Hand Regent over the weekend because I'm seeing her in every deck today.
Honest question, what is bad about the meta?
Today I've seen.
Mid range Hunter
Secret Paladin
Patron Warrior
Control/dragon Warrior
Dragon Priest
Tempo mage.
Warlock Zoo

That's seven different "popular" decks that are all very very viable. That's not including random meta calls like Handlock and ramp druid as well.

I've called you a complainer in the past but I would really like you to list what you would consider a "fun" meta?

Are you upset that people are "netdecking"? Or are the seven most common decks all unfun to play against and you would rather play agaisnt something else?

Truly, what would your perfect meta be?
Honest question, what is bad about the meta?
Today I've seen.
Mid range Hunter
Secret Paladin
Patron Warrior
Control/dragon Warrior
Dragon Priest
Tempo mage.
Warlock Zoo

That's seven different "popular" decks that are all very very viable. That's not including random meta calls like Handlock and ramp druid as well.

I've called you a complainer in the past but I would really like you to list what you would consider a "fun" meta?

Are you upset that people are "netdecking"? Or are the seven most common decks all unfun to play against and you would rather play agaisnt something else?

Truly, what would your perfect meta be?
Agreed, I'm quite enjoying constructed this season. Only rank 12 so far but seeing quite a variety of decks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Opened the epic, yaaaaaay! Opened the legendary...yaaaay another guardian I guess! lol



From my Neg on the above post
Thread: Hearthstone
Hearthstone at that amount of money is fun for almost no one.
What amount of money is no fun for you?

$25.00 for Nax
$25.00 for BRM

That is a $50 buy in to a game split into two $25 chunks. Let's compare this to the people who think this is a video game, $50 will get you hours of enjoyment doing the actual adventure pack plus TONS of staples for your decks. Combine that with the 1,000 gold you get for doing all the NPC stuff and doing the daily quests along the way you can easily make any baseline competitive deck like hunter or aggro paladin or tempo mage or zoo. They may not be optimal and missing some legends but they still will work for you while you are growing. If compared to a "real" card game Hearthstone is the cheapest around, I could buy pack after pack of hearthstone until I gilded my entire collection and it still wouldn't come close to a high end vintage deck. Hell even standard is expensive now.

I mean you have the option to play the game for free to see if you enjoy it first, Then you have the option of spending $25 for the xpac once you get more serious THEN you have another option to spend another $25 when you want to commit.

And on top of all that they give you a fucking option to grind it with gold as well.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Opened the epic, yaaaaaay! Opened the legendary...yaaaay another guardian I guess! lol

I was on when you opened the legendary, grats.

Ramp druid still doing good work for me. Just won five in a row to get to 13. Teched in Blood Knight to slow down all the fucking pallies. Getting a 9/9 on board on turn five is fun, lol.


Buzzfeed Editor
Only point of clarification, you said can grind for anything. Are those adventure cards in the packs of cards also? Or I dont see anything other than a cash option for those. Just curious because even in packs that would be crazy mad long to try to grind out.

I'm all for paying for a game that you like. Only started it on PC to see if I might enjoy it on my phone with a boring work job as Im starting to run out of netflix. While cheaper than other CCG options I dont want to be forking that kind of money out repeatedly. I loved Duel of Champions quite a bit but it got a bad case of the power creep and paywall. Their expansions came quicker too.


Buzzfeed Editor
Lol American Inventor, you (and you I mean whoever, not assuminga_skeleton_02) neg me with. "Try spending some money on your hobby you filth." For trying out the game less than 12 hours and not blowing money on it yet? Sound like one of these chumps in their 40's and come home blowing crazy amounts on either p2w dlc/skins, boutique guns that never get shot, biggest name brand whatever in whatever hobby to feel like they are worth a shit when more often than not they are horrible at whatever it is? Bitch please, to start blow way too much already on different exotic crap already irl, a 30 game steam backlog etc. So please excuse me if I'd like to take a little time getting to know a game before I decide to blow $50+recurring money on electronic cards that become less usefull every expansion and in 1-2 years entire game apt to forgotten.


Molten Core Raider
Only point of clarification, you said can grind for anything. Are those adventure cards in the packs of cards also?
They are rewards for completing the wings in solo mode. Should be able to buy each wing for 700 gold each. It is much more time/cost effective to buy the wings though.


Buzzfeed Editor
Cool, didnt see the breakout via shop, only under SP menu. Still seems worth it to just buy. If ultra in the ghetto playing on dial up I suppose you could buy one while trying to grind out the other.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
From my Neg on the above post

What amount of money is no fun for you?

$25.00 for Nax
$25.00 for BRM

That is a $50 buy in to a game split into two $25 chunks. Let's compare this to the people who think this is a video game, $50 will get you hours of enjoyment doing the actual adventure pack plus TONS of staples for your decks. Combine that with the 1,000 gold you get for doing all the NPC stuff and doing the daily quests along the way you can easily make any baseline competitive deck like hunter or aggro paladin or tempo mage or zoo. They may not be optimal and missing some legends but they still will work for you while you are growing. If compared to a "real" card game Hearthstone is the cheapest around, I could buy pack after pack of hearthstone until I gilded my entire collection and it still wouldn't come close to a high end vintage deck. Hell even standard is expensive now.

I mean you have the option to play the game for free to see if you enjoy it first, Then you have the option of spending $25 for the xpac once you get more serious THEN you have another option to spend another $25 when you want to commit.

And on top of all that they give you a fucking option to grind it with gold as well.
While I didn't neg you(someone got butthurt), their opinion mirrors mine pretty well. I just quit MtG and have stayed far away so the new set didn't suck me back in. It's a ridiculously expensive hobby that requires substantial upkeep. That's ok since you can always sell your cards back, go into older formats, or even give your cards away to the local store for positive future vibes if you get back in.

This is much closer to a video game where the value is in what you can get out of $50-60. I just spent $50 on the new expansion and my total commitment is $100. I consider that fair considering what this game doesn't give you. There is no true competitive system like MtG has. You can make money off hearthstone but not by traditional means. The game isn't extremely deep and Tavern Brawl sucks ass.

In some ways this game is tougher than MtG. At this point, you will have a hard time being the least bit competitive(truly competitive) without spending lots of time and $50. I could buy Red Deck wins and probably win a FNM this week for about the same price. This game is a huge 'use' of time with no other benefits than collecting legendaries, beating others, and maybe hitting legend. Sounds just like a video game to me.

TL;DR- game doesn't offer enough to cost more.


Trump's Staff
Honest question, what is bad about the meta?
Today I've seen.
Mid range Hunter
Secret Paladin
Patron Warrior
Control/dragon Warrior
Dragon Priest
Tempo mage.
Warlock Zoo

That's seven different "popular" decks that are all very very viable. That's not including random meta calls like Handlock and ramp druid as well.

I've called you a complainer in the past but I would really like you to list what you would consider a "fun" meta?

Are you upset that people are "netdecking"? Or are the seven most common decks all unfun to play against and you would rather play agaisnt something else?

Truly, what would your perfect meta be?
Secret Paladin crushes all of those except Patron Warrior. Midrange Hunter has to play 2 Flare to have a chance, everything else just loses.