

Molten Core Raider
Seriously, suck my fucking dick Kazakus potions. 5 mana deal 4 damage to all minions, draw 2 cards, on turn 5. Suck my fucking dick. Goddamn rogues get Shaku the fucking Collector and 3 classes get a neutral winthegame Legendary.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ironic to see this on reddit after our recent debate:
Tempo Storm Needs to Rethink the Meta Snapshot. • /r/hearthstone

First Point:
  • Winrates that don't make sense and aren't data driven.

Top Comment:
I really agree with that. It's the release of a new expansion and they put aggro shaman at the top (which is true) and then copy and paste an old description they made for it with cards that their list doesn't run. They say over 3 times that Doomhammer is the most important finisher in a list with no Doomhammer.

Forgive me if I don't choose to believe everything on the internet.
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Molten Core Raider
Tempostorm meta analyses are trash. I don't even bother reading them anymore. VS or gtfo.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Tempostorm meta analyses are trash.

I don't disagree, I've trashed their snapshots in the past, I just happen to agree with their read on druid v aggro shaman.

I can't find it now but somewhere on this week's snapshot they show two different matchup %s for the same matchup.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Can someone please explain me why patches is considered to be that strong? I understand the value of pulling him for free next to a flametongue totem but other than that, it's not like he can win you game or save you on its own like some other legendaries.
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Molten Core Raider
He's a strong card because he does something and costs 0 resources of any kind, cards or mana. You pull him out of your deck for free, usually on turn 1, and he has charge. Right away he affects the board state, which can easily snowball.

He is also very synergistic with the current set of available cards, being a pirate and all.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Can someone please explain me why patches is considered to be that strong? I understand the value of pulling him for free next to a flametongue totem but other than that, it's not like he can win you game or save you on its own like some other legendaries.

A wisp is a 0 mana 1/1.. but doesn't have charge. this card is literally more free than wisp and also has charge.

Living roots was a great card for druid as its 1 mana and put 2 1/1s on board. for 1 mana you're now getting a 1/2 and a 1/1 with charge.

Cards like this are fun to explore for sure, but we need more creative defensive options to accompany. we just don't have enough cheap removal to keep up with the pressure aggro puts out.

Reno is free win if you draw it in time but aggro is super consistent due to everything being cheap and not relying on 1 card. give me a legendary that is put in play like patches, 0/1 with stealth that heals your hero every turn for 2 or does 1 or 2 damage to a random enemy at the start of your turn or something.

I love the concept of patches though, but the game just keeps getting faster and cheaper.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Can someone please explain me why patches is considered to be that strong? I understand the value of pulling him for free next to a flametongue totem but other than that, it's not like he can win you game or save you on its own like some other legendaries.
He's so powerful because the game is so aggro/tempo heavy, and there is literally no downside to him. Think about it - he's never a wasted card - so you never pull a 1/1 on turn 6 when you really need that badass weapon/taunt/spell. Since you're using him in draw-heavy decks (not decks where you'd ever go into fatigue), he's great for thinning out your deck. He's got a charge, so he's always going to affect the board the minute he's played. He synergizes with the other pirates and weapons.

If you're playing pirates and not playing Patches, then you're wrong. (Or, you poor, and I feel you homie.)
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Molten Core Raider
Made both the pirate (jade) shaman and pirate warrior decks. The shaman one just wrecks. The warrior deck isn't even remotely as good overall.
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Molten Core Raider
Stats so far this season, across various decks. Still 0 paladins played. :D

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Vyemm Raider
That's because everyone and their mother is teched heavily against it now. It was great when the expack first came out and people were experimenting with new stuff, but now second-rate bruiser, other taunts, earthen ring farseer, etc is in every deck to protect against face damage, and once any deck stabilizes against you, you're done.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
any links to this current jade shaman mid tempo deck?
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<Bronze Donator>
The updated from Reynad a couple days ago was very close to the Tempostorm Aggro Shaman list with the following changes: -2 Maelstrom Portal, -1 Finley, +2 Thing From Below, +1 Mana Tide Totem. I suppose you could say that Thing and Mana Tide make you more "midrange," relatively speaking.

{{ metaservice.ogMetaTitle() }}

Haven't played either version yet, but I can see Maelstrom Portal making a comeback if all these other Shaman decks are running their own pirate packages.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Quick rant: I hate Rogues even though I usually beat them. And I hate really hate Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Fuck that card. Every time it comes out I know I have to sit through 15 minutes of ching! and swooshing sound effects from playing 87 cards that somehow don't cost mana.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Seriously, suck my fucking dick Kazakus potions. 5 mana deal 4 damage to all minions, draw 2 cards, on turn 5. Suck my fucking dick. Goddamn rogues get Shaku the fucking Collector and 3 classes get a neutral winthegame Legendary.

I agree but it's almost needed against the speedy aggro, Jade monstrosities,etc Blizzard put out this time. They really outdid themselves in the broken as hell dept. Was aggro shaman cancer? Let's make a faster version! Yogg broken? Let's make an improved version that can destroy decks as early as Turn 5. In fact, my Reno decks usually reserve Brann and Kazakus to ensure the win. I don't think I've lost a single double 10 cost potion game. Throw in a conditional late game 2 mana damage spell that drops a 10/10 or a 4 mana 4 damage spell that does the same? WTF were they thinking? Hell, I'm pissed that druid is always fucking strong as fuck every single expansion. They get rid of the turn 7-9 auto-loss combo deck to bring some of the best C'Thun decks, Maly Druid, Yogg Druid, and Jade Druid. Can't even give priest one solid expansion without giving druid a deck that shits on priest endgame Sure, you can win but fuck druid always being good.
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Trakanon Raider
Can someone please explain me why patches is considered to be that strong? I understand the value of pulling him for free next to a flametongue totem but other than that, it's not like he can win you game or save you on its own like some other legendaries.
So, as others said, he costs 0 resources. But, I'm guessing you are still thinking 'ok, a 1/1 for free still isn't THAT impactful' and you would be right.. but what he does is give an edge at a point in the game that can lead to bigger edges later. i.e. opponent plays a 2/1 on turn 1, you play a 1/2 (small time buccaner) and then use patches to clear the 2/1. He 'saved' your 1/2 that then becomes a 3/2 next turn when you play fiery war axe, killing their 2 drop as well.
So, on turn 2, your board is now a 3/2 minion and 3/1 weapon, theirs is clear. Had you not had patches, the board would likely be clear on both sides and you'd just have the 3/1 weapon. If they play a 3/3 on turn 3, you can kill it with weapon, play more stuff and that 3/2 is still around for a 2nd turn. It'll do at least 6 damage now, and then trade into a 3 health minion. So, patches ended up being worth 6+ damage and whatever 3 health minion you trade for. All for zero mana and cards.
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<Bronze Donator>
39 wins from golden Rogue and it's so painful. I'm really not looking that forward to Priest either
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Trump's Staff
I've been absolutely tearing it up with crusher Shaman. Obliterates the aggro decks with a wall of taunts and heals and since you're just running a ton of big minions, you walk over dragon Priest. Jade Druid also still can't beat FWF and Earth Elemental so that's also a good match up.

Unfortunately despite the aggro meta, way too many people are still playing Thaurissan OTK and fucking super greedy jade Rogue and Shaman with ALL the jade cards, and those match ups are basically unwinnable.
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Molten Core Raider
I've been absolutely tearing it up with crusher Shaman. Obliterates the aggro decks with a wall of taunts and heals and since you're just running a ton of big minions, you walk over dragon Priest. Jade Druid also still can't beat FWF and Earth Elemental so that's also a good match up.

Unfortunately despite the aggro meta, way too many people are still playing Thaurissan OTK and fucking super greedy jade Rogue and Shaman with ALL the jade cards, and those match ups are basically unwinnable.

Post the deck list. Is it the standard WOTG list or have you added shit from MSG? I've wanted to create one, but i'm missing Hallazeal and a bunch of the epic cards.
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Molten Core Raider
Playing pirate smorc shaman. First Maelstrom Portal he gets a Small Time Buccaneer, while he has a weapon equipped, second Maelstrom Portal he gets a Mana Wyrm. The Mana Wyrm ends up growing into a 6/3 kuz i couldn't deal with it behind his taunts. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU and that RNG... Jesus fucking Christ.

Edit: 15 games this morning. 10 pirate decks. 4 Reno decks. 1 midrange shaman. #healthymeta
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