

Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I just lost to a Control Paladin in a way I don't even understand. I wasn't paying total attention as I had total board control and multiple clears in my hand. He played Zola once and somehow played 3 of the Paladin Hero insta kill summons (4x hero power you lose) from HIS FUCKING HAND then used the hero power to kill me when I was at 45 health and he had 5.

I was fucking floored by this. How can you even do that?
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He played one Ancient Brewmaster.
Death Knight hero power: if all 4 knights are in play, you win the game.

Exodia paladin is/was a legit deck in past meta but is a lot harder now to pull off.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Fucking Vicious Fledgling. Doing the Brawliseum I lost to a Spiteful Druid on turn 5 as Cubelock, because I didn't have an answer for a 3 Mana 3/3, that turned into a 6/3 Windfury Non-Targetable.

At the VERY least it should be limited to one Adapt per turn, and/or 4 mana. It would still be a MUST KILL if its played, but gives you a little more time to deal with it.
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Molten Core Raider
This year of the "X" needs to be revamped. How retarded are these people? I bet they lose a ton of players now and in the future when there's a huge lull due to rotations. We're currently playing with nearly half the number of cards compared to a month ago (numbers out of my ass, but it's probably close) and this is the card pool we'll have for another three months. Holy shit...

Ez fix: Maintain rotations, but introduce one new set, remove the oldest. Rinse, repeat. Same card pool for players.

It's really ridiculous that they allow themselves to make such mistakes. 2 weeks into the expansion and rotation and the meta is stale as fuck. Game is 0 fun to play and it's all due to the card pool.

Edit: Not including basic and classic, it's 716 vs. 540 (pre-rotation vs. post rotation).
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Molten Core Raider
The biggest problem with this set is the insane powercreep of last year. The power level of Witchwood is fine in a vacuum but compared to last year's insanity (esp. DKs and the recruit mechanic) it seems awful due to underpowered cards.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
God damn if Even Paladin doesn't totally shit on any Spiteful Deck and even good against cube.. I can see why it is so strongk.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The biggest problem with this set is the insane powercreep of last year. The power level of Witchwood is fine in a vacuum but compared to last year's insanity (esp. DKs and the recruit mechanic) it seems awful due to underpowered cards.

This is correct.

Witchwood cards are mostly fine. Rotation is mostly fine.

Kripp's video about how bad the current expansion/rotation are:

Problem is we have very incredibly powerful or broken cards from past expansions that are still infecting the ladder.

Im also sad that for as much hype as a "new rotation" brings, and how successful it's been in the past 2 years (Old Gods & Un'Goro), this year it's a total flop. Not the best meta by a mile.

I think there is a good explanation for it: They chose to be safe with everything in Witchwood and didn't introduce any big-scope cards.
Old Gods had the 4 Gods that were pretty damn powerful, fun, and awesome.
Ungoro introduced Quests, which weren't all the greatest, but added a lot of playability.

Now we have Witchwood which adds..........................................................odd/even................. 2 Legendaries that don't add anything new, they just make your deck list different. They aren't as exciting as working towards Quest, playing a God, or becoming a DK.

In Hindsight, Frozen Throne should have been a Rotation expansion.

Anyway, the main problem is that the game is super-stale and it's just hard to make it fresh. They try things and some work, some flop. The Legendary weapon idea imo was a flop. DK, Quests & Old Gods were wins. They need to keep trying big scope stuff though. Witchwood isn't offering us anything like DK/Quests/Gods.

I really wouldn't have been mad if they gave every class another "Hero Card". We got Hagatha but 8 others would have been nice. If they can't invent something new then redo what has worked in the past.

I also wouldn't be mad if they introduced the Fan-idea of "Beyond Legendary" cards.
Most BL fan ideas simply make the card art insane, my idea for a Beyond Legendary is to make it super powerful and have a restriction of 1 BL card per deck.
Which is different than Legendaries in that you can have many Legendaries in a deck.
Make 1 BL class card & 2-3 Neutrals, that gives 3-4 BL "options" per class.
Examples of BL effects could be taken from the Dungeon/Monster Runs. Do you want 2x health, an extra life, a super strong minion, etc. You can only choose 1 though.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Just by sheer luck I'm 900 dust away (basically the 2 vilespines) from having a full Odd Rogue deck. Still a decent meta choice?
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just by sheer luck I'm 900 dust away (basically the 2 vilespines) from having a full Odd Rogue deck. Still a decent meta choice?
Solid Tier 2 deck, should be fine.
Paladin will remain at the top until something is nerfed.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hit call to arms and divine favor with the nerf bat and call it a day
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Ladder is responding to Paladin with hordes of Big Spell Mage. Which is nearly an auto lose matchup.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Ladder is responding to Paladin with hordes of Big Spell Mage. Which is nearly an auto lose matchup.

Ugh, which means quest rogue has even more reason to be played. They have 40 some guys that have played CCGs before and not only is the meta stale but full of very unfun decks.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Ugh, which means quest rogue has even more reason to be played. They have 40 some guys that have played CCGs before and not only is the meta stale but full of very unfun decks.

I don't mind the Even Paladin as it pretty much plays like a control deck. Spell Mage is just faggot shit though. Stall the game as long as possible with your 8+ board clears. Put down Jaina and win via Lifesteal faggotry. I have an extreme dislike for decks that just stall the game as long as possible. At least have minion interaction and whatnot. That's what makes the game enjoyable. But I suppose that's why I favor midrange decks over everything else.

But fuck Shudderwock, Big Spell, Freeze Mage and any STALL THE GAME faggotry.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm surprised he mentioned Dirty Rat and not Loatheb. I agree with him there should always be cards you can tech in that can interact with an opponent hand.

Most of the decks right now don't bother me, even Quest Rogue... you can still build decks (not aggro) that can beat Quest Rogue. Dirty Rat was never a great deterrent... could help, but wasn't the be-all-end-all of Quest Rogue by any means. I actually like playing Quest Rogue, I think the 5 copies nerf is very fair. The deck relies on drawing some key cards early if you want to complete the quest early. Average completion is around turn 6.... rarely have I seen it sooner. In the past Quest Rogue was completing on turn 3-4 a lot of the time.

I think control decks would want a Loatheb effect to help create breathing room against Quest Rogue... prevent a Vanish or delay the quest 1 turn. Paladins have this with the new spell, but Control Paladin just isn't good right now to even try that. Mages could tech in Counterspells & Spellbender, like in the past. Wrecks Quest Rogues pretty hard.

Main issue with the meta bothering me are things he didn't even touch on:

CHEATING effects.
Lackey/Cubelock: Just so sick of this deck. It's the main reason I just don't want to play on ladder anymore. Too much bullshit to deal with. Giants, Voidlords, Doomguard, DK, etc etc... 1000 board clears. Fuck this shit. Can't play anything fun with Cubelock around.

Spiteful Summoner: Retarded high-roll gameplay. Got buffed with rotation and we all said it would be strong. Tired of the power turn 5/6/7s where there is a 4/4 and a 10-drop in play each turn.

Call to Arms: Ridiculous power level. Kripp hit the nail on the head. Even at 6 mana this card would see tons of play. The fact you DRAW 3 & PLAY 3 for 4 mana........ Just the Draw3 is worth over 4 mana, let alone playing them too. This card should be 6-7 mana easily.

I don't care about Baku paladin/Hunter... I think they're fine. Control decks can beat them with decent win rate. Genn/Murloc paladin would see much less play if Call to Arms is nerfed. Spiteful needs a change. Warlock needs something changed, I'd start with hitting Dark Pact. Make it 2 or 3 mana. This way they can't Lackey+Pact or Cube+Pact as easily. Delay the combo or make the mana cost less efficient for these 2 combos would provide a lot of breathing room.
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