

Heres my current ranking of legendary cards for phase 2

1) Ysara - even if she dies all the dream cards are amazing, and you are guaranteed at least one
2) Raganros - he is a 1-1 , even if it dies it will always hit for 8
3) Cairne bloodhoof - another 1-1

Rest of the cards are situation depending on deck, class makeup

For instance, Onyxia is amazing with a shaman's bloodlust or a warriors buff, with a charge all characters out.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm not sure that I'd include Cairne in that list. He's no different than any other Legendary in that he can be silenced and just be a slightly more expensive minion.


They all can be silenced, and taken from you. BTW anything that is silenced , can be un silenced.

Ragnaros, and Ysara are the only two that will always give you a 1/1 ratio no matter what the situation.

After that Cairne is so ridiculous for bang for buck for all classes, that It is another 1 for 1. For 6 crystals hes essentially a 8/10

Not to mention his combo possibilities. So that is why he is easlly my 3rd choice for best non class specific legendary.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Spell cleaving? Seriously, please stop putting arena terms on Hearthstone decks.

Unsilenced? I assume you mean bouncing the card back to your hand?

Your card advantage discussion is a little off as well. Ragnaros does not always give you a a 1 for 1. If he targets the enemy hero who is high hps/armored up, 8 damage could mean nothing. I do like that silence isn't strong on Rag since he loses the cannot attack clause.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Finally got an invite, looking forward to giving this a go


Molten Core Raider


Spell cleaving? Seriously, please stop putting arena terms on Hearthstone decks.

Unsilenced? I assume you mean bouncing the card back to your hand?

Your card advantage discussion is a little off as well. Ragnaros does not always give you a a 1 for 1. If he targets the enemy hero who is high hps/armored up, 8 damage could mean nothing. I do like that silence isn't strong on Rag since he loses the cannot attack clause.
First thing , I'll call this shit whatever I want. If you don't like it too fucking bad, go cry to your moma

2nd, unsilencing a target is not bouncing a card back into your hand newb. Thats what pandas do.

Any card that is silenced, you can use your own silence to take it off..

For Example Rag, you play him out of your deck. He is guaranteed 8 damage. Your opponent silences,you get another 8 damage. Then you can use your own silence for another 8 damage.
There is only one universal card available to all classes that even counters him , big game hunter.

And as far as Raganaros, are you stupid??

He always gives a 1/1. He will always damage for 8 no matter what.
Doesn't matter what he targets, the fact that you think it's has to be a card out on the field, and stripping 8 armor off a hero is nothing shows how bad you are.

If it makes you feel better you can imagine that 8 armor, or 8 health were cards out on the board...


Been watching some ofTrump's twitch. Guy is a veteran MTG player and plays mostly arena and certainly seems to know what's up. Good watch if you're bored sometimes like me from not being included in these waves.

Readingthispoll from the hearthstone subreddit, it shows (at this time) that 73 got in, 1872 didn't. Out of 1945. So around 4% of people voting. Take from that what you will, it's hard to tell how much being in the beta or not would influence people reading and voting in a poll like that, but 4% is fairly low so that does make me feel better about not getting in!


Trump is awesome. Great guy to view to get ideas from. Hes pretty much who everyone watches.

I usually keep his stream in the background while I'm playing.

I also like Kripp, hes not as good as trump, but will breakdown allot of the aspects of the game that Trump will not.
Such as going over all of the cards, and explaining why they might be good .or not.

His friends will also chime in ofently with any current game breaking cards, or exploits. So you can understand when it happens to you ingame.

Trump mainly just streams, and you watch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
2nd, unsilencing a target is not bouncing a card back into your hand newb. Thats what pandas do.

Any card that is silenced, you can use your own silence to take it off..
I have never seen anyone remove silence via playing another silence effect. I just tested it and it doesn't work. Are you actually in the beta, newb?

I won't go on about how you are still misunderstanding the definition of card advantage.


LOL it does work, I do it all the time.

Heres a simple test, get a a friend to use a paladins humilty against any of your cards. Then use your silence against it. He goes up from 1 back to his normal attack...

Does it work against everything? I have no clue.

I know for certain if there is a status effect on one of your cards you can strip it with silence.

Edit* with more internal testing, it will only take off another players status effects that are present on the card itself.
For example, if a player plays a card that reduces a card down to 0, but it is not present as a status effect on the card itself then silence does nothing.
Testing on a Knight, if un silenced the card will show the red X as gone, but the battlecry will still not work. So yes in essence the silence will only strip visible status effects.

either way you can just bounce it back into your hand with a low cost panda, so the question is mute.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Humility isn't silence...

Good god just stop talking you windowlicker.


LOL look at this guy, haha. He was just waiting to jump on anything that I might have mis caluclated on

Send me your battletags scrubs, enough talking lets play


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
2nd, unsilencing a target is not bouncing a card back into your hand newb. Thats what pandas do.

Any card that is silenced, you can use your own silence to take it off..
You're bad and you should feel bad.