Heroes Charge (android)


Trakanon Raider
I wonder if Guardians of the Ancients: Darkness Falls has any relation to this as well since it appears to be either a clone of or the inspiration for Heroes Charge.
I found it before hero charge and its a super copy also.....but a lot buggier and less updates.


Tranny Chaser
Knowing that this is a California game that is performing massive IP-infringement on a Chinese based company actually makes me wanna throw some cash at them. So far I've had so much to do in the game that spending money seemed pointless, but I am sufficiently amused at the culture that rejected all types of copyright getting fucked that I may reward their ballsy move.

Of course that isn't very cool for the Chinese developer who seems to have made a pretty decent game so I do have moral reservations. Has anyone seen the original in China? How does their monetization strategy compare to Heroes Charge? I did think that the monetization for Heroes seemed light given the depth of content created. Makes much more sense if the content was largely ripped off. In that case you just rake in whatever cash you can.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm starting to get bored of it recently. I've got almost everything on farm mode and I'm just not a fan of the arena and pvp in general. There are this handful of OP heroes and others that are just useless. And I really do believe it's all because normal attacks cause interrupt/reset timer of other heroes.

That and facing 5* everything people who bought shit

I did get my first 5* though, and it opened up the soul shop, neat...except now I need to turn in hero cards/souls(whatever they are called) for 100 soul points. These work like arena points. Right now it is 960 hero cards to get enough soul points to buy the swordmaster guy. I actually think I have enough and considered it because that guy is completely rape when I fight against him, but I would have to give up pretty much all my potential star upgrades. Laaaameee


Rasterizing . . .
I'm starting to get bored of it recently. I've got almost everything on farm mode and I'm just not a fan of the arena and pvp in general. There are this handful of OP heroes and others that are just useless. And I really do believe it's all because normal attacks cause interrupt/reset timer of other heroes.

That and facing 5* everything people who bought shit

I did get my first 5* though, and it opened up the soul shop, neat...except now I need to turn in hero cards/souls(whatever they are called) for 100 soul points. These work like arena points. Right now it is 960 hero cards to get enough soul points to buy the swordmaster guy. I actually think I have enough and considered it because that guy is completely rape when I fight against him, but I would have to give up pretty much all my potential star upgrades. Laaaameee
You can only turn in extra souls you've acquired for heroes that are at 5 stars. So you won't have to give up anything but extra souls you can't use anyway.


Molten Core Raider
Lilith being sued by Blizzard now?Blizzard Press Center

Soul Shop doesn't become useful until Lv80+ when you have 10+ 5* heroes. I make around 5000 souls a day.

I may try and stream tonight if anyone is interested.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fallen Dominion and Cloud Walker
Death Mage, the Dread Knight tank guy, Succubus, etc

Record and watch fights. If you face succubus, before you even reach mid ground for fighting she uses this spell thing, but the way the timing works out is such that your "first" hero skills that they automatically use is interrupted. It makes her insanely powerful. Death Mage ult has this same effect. Same with Phoenix only the major difference is an "ult" stun will stop phoenix. I am fine with certain attacks interrupting, but the way it currently works you can literally plow people way above you with a certain combo, even if they kind of counter. I've been on both sides of the fence now that I have a fleshed out hero deck at level 70ish(all of them /sigh)

I know it's just an iphone game and not a big deal but it makes me a sad panda because I have certain hero combos that I love but they are just useless. Professional whatever, the skeleton archer dude is a great example. He spends so much time "casting" and not firing that he's always interrupted against those teams, gets maybe 2-3 shots in lol I'm fine with counters, I'm fine with skills, but the attack interrupt is really causing problems in my opinion for diversity and variation of teams. That's why everyone plays the same heroes if you watch arena. Better equipped and starred heroes cannot beat the heroes that group hit and interrupt.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Man, they really need to give more stamina in this game. I blow through that shit in no time and the regen rate is retardedly slow. Maybe I just play too much


Trakanon Raider
Lilith being sued by Blizzard now?Blizzard Press Center

Soul Shop doesn't become useful until Lv80+ when you have 10+ 5* heroes. I make around 5000 souls a day.

I may try and stream tonight if anyone is interested.
From what I understand, the chinese game didn't even change the names from the War3 and DotA champions that they copied to make the Heroes in this game.


Karazhan Raider
Death Mage, the Dread Knight tank guy, Succubus, etc

Record and watch fights. If you face succubus, before you even reach mid ground for fighting she uses this spell thing, but the way the timing works out is such that your "first" hero skills that they automatically use is interrupted. It makes her insanely powerful. Death Mage ult has this same effect. Same with Phoenix only the major difference is an "ult" stun will stop phoenix. I am fine with certain attacks interrupting, but the way it currently works you can literally plow people way above you with a certain combo, even if they kind of counter. I've been on both sides of the fence now that I have a fleshed out hero deck at level 70ish(all of them /sigh)

I know it's just an iphone game and not a big deal but it makes me a sad panda because I have certain hero combos that I love but they are just useless. Professional whatever, the skeleton archer dude is a great example. He spends so much time "casting" and not firing that he's always interrupted against those teams, gets maybe 2-3 shots in lol I'm fine with counters, I'm fine with skills, but the attack interrupt is really causing problems in my opinion for diversity and variation of teams. That's why everyone plays the same heroes if you watch arena. Better equipped and starred heroes cannot beat the heroes that group hit and interrupt.
None of those you listed are OP in pvp. Besides Succubus (who is decent but not even great), none are even good (for pvp, death Mage is super OP in crusade)

Cloud Walker, fallen dominion, ember blade are the three most common OP characters. Pheonix is OP but very counter able. Arcane Sapper can also be a beast in PVP against caster groups (hell even against physical groups he does a lot of damage)


I'm having alot of trouble with Old Curse - Phoenix teams. I'm speaking mostly about running into them in Crusade. I'm team level 45 and had been clearing HM 15/15, but have only gotten to about 11/15 the last 2 days.

Even when I beat those Phoenix teams, my team is pretty beat up for the next fight. String together 2 or 3 straight Phoenix teams and I'm in trouble. I seem to be facing a ton of them in Crusades. What are some good counters to Phoenix and Phoenix/OC combos? Any tips would be appreciated.


Karazhan Raider
I'm having alot of trouble with Old Curse - Phoenix teams. I'm speaking mostly about running into them in Crusade. I'm team level 45 and had been clearing HM 15/15, but have only gotten to about 11/15 the last 2 days.

Even when I beat those Phoenix teams, my team is pretty beat up for the next fight. String together 2 or 3 straight Phoenix teams and I'm in trouble. I seem to be facing a ton of them in Crusades. What are some good counters to Phoenix and Phoenix/OC combos? Any tips would be appreciated.
CC/silence generally. For crusade you really rely on burning the other team down fast enough that the Pheonix shouldn't get more than a round or two of his US until he is out of health, stunned, or silenced


Karazhan Raider
Double dragon coin event starts tomorrow, so don't reset your crusade tomorrow until it's active


Lord Nagafen Raider
Am I reading that the arena rank is how you rank in crusades? If so, I usually am around 11k to 12k in rank in Arena only fighting for my daily bonus however for shits and giggles I went after a 5200 rank and smacked the crack out him and now I am ranked at 5500. If my assumption is true, I am barely now completing 1/2 way of the crusade (hard) before becoming annihilated; before I was completing the crusade 95% of the time. Do I wait it out each day and keep going up in rank in the arena or what?

What setup is everyone running with death mage in the crusade to make her so OP? I am at 58 and she is maxed on skills w/ *** including the Mystic, Warlord, Ember Blade, and Commando.


15/15 Hardmode Crusade build:

DM - Frost Mage - Old Curse - Mystic - Chaplain

Also need a good backline assassin B team to swap in at stage 11+

Ember blade - Arcane Sap - WC (for lifesteal aura) - Commando - Shadowleaf


Tranny Chaser
What is the best way to earn gold in the game? I find myself hurting for gold to pay for skill upgrades on my characters thus they tend to have skills that are significantly lacking compared to their level. This may also be why I find the Cleric to be more useful than the Chaplain since the cleric has skill heals besides the Ultimate shield and unless the Chaplain has high energy build the heal comes too late.


What is the best way to earn gold in the game? I find myself hurting for gold to pay for skill upgrades on my characters thus they tend to have skills that are significantly lacking compared to their level. This may also be why I find the Cleric to be more useful than the Chaplain since the cleric has skill heals besides the Ultimate shield and unless the Chaplain has high energy build the heal comes too late.
Hardmode Crusade - nothing comes close.


Lord Nagafen Raider
15/15 Hardmode Crusade build:

DM - Frost Mage - Old Curse - Mystic - Chaplain

Also need a good backline assassin B team to swap in at stage 11+

Ember blade - Arcane Sap - WC (for lifesteal aura) - Commando - Shadowleaf
ill give it a shot when I reset tomorrow.