Heroes of the Storm


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't know why you think Blizzard is balancing for "competitive" at all right now. She ruins blind pick pub games and will get dumpstered for it.

an accordion_sl

Or you could just watch the map and knock her out of stealth
There are heroes that literally cannot do this and just get stuck watching a Nova move around while she freely opens with burst.

Of the ones I've played:
Zagara has a really hard time with delayed AoE
Gazlowe has a really hard time with his skillset
Falstad has a slow moving projectile
Assuming Uther can't either?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Uther has a line AOE that can knock her out of stealth. Like I said some heroes have an easier time than others dealing with her but people just take their build and use it despite block and spell shield really shutting down Nova pretty hard.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well if anyone is up for a couple of games this evening hit me up. I would be fun if we could get a few people in a skype or vent type environment and just roll over bitches.

Got invited and finding this surprisingly good, even though I didn't care much for DOTA2, LOL, HoN, or even the original DOTA Warcraft mod. Probably played about 20 - 30 games of each whenever they were released and just lost interest. I dunno, shared XP and getting rid of tedious mechanics like last hit are good changes imho. Games are shorter too. The tutorials are way better than every other MOBA game (at least back when I tried them). Mounts are a cool addition and can't say I really miss managing inventory either.

Coop mode is nice for trying out heroes, I don't remember that being an option in LoL or DOTA2? Not sure ...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll be interested to see what changes they make to Nova. I personally think she does too much damage. Also, that long range attack is ridiculous... it's almost inescapable. As Anub, I can dive underground going away from it, until I can't even see Nova on the screen anymore, and still die from it. I've probably played 100+ games.. I bet there's been maybe 5 that didn't have a Nova on either team.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So Blizzard is implementing a for-pay "Stimpack" that basically boosts XP and gold gain. I love this game at it's core but Blizzard is pants-on-head retarded about how to do F2P properly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
huh? That kind of boost exists in every F2P game I've ever played except DOTA2 where it would be pointless.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The issue is the gold gain needs a flat increase similar to this boost being on all the time. The fact to get a decent gold gain requires an in-game purchase is laughable and greedy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well sure, gold probably does need a boost. I actually stopped playing largely because of how pointless the gold gain was. But this boost would exist regardless and doesn't exclude them also increasing gold gains. Their whole market pricing is pretty insane compared to their closest competing games but they've shown no sign of changing it. If the game hits live with these price points I just don't see how it could thrive. Survive, for sure.

I'm sure there's a lot of people that were like me, expecting sort of a "Blizzard Smash Bros." thing from this game. But when I have to spend THAT much money to unlock characters I'm ALREADY familiar with from other games that I just want to play in this context, it loses the appeal pretty goddamn fast. And that's just with the characters currently available. As they add more and more it's just going to get more insane.

Sure, League has even more champs and it would cost even more to pay cash to unlock all of them. But if joe average has no prior attachment to those he's only going to focus on finding a few he likes to get. Only masochists like myself bother trying to unlock all of them :p


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
This is why Dota 2 and Steam feel less scummy. You get all the characters and the only thing you can spend money on is skin/outfits/UI's and other visuals. Unlocking characters at the price they are feels greedy as shit, more so if they keep gold the same and the new characters are rumored to start at 15k gold.