Heroes of the Storm


Lord Nagafen Raider
Stitches is still the best, imo. A good hook completely changes fights.. not to mention gorge. I like ETC too and I've been talking him up for a while now, but it's hard to land a good mosh. I watched pros completely whiff with it. I've been playing Diablo some lately and he seems a lot better.
When you land those moshes though, so good. Landed a 4 man one last night that won us the game, so satisfying. Diablo is better now, I really hate seeing him when I am on Illidan or on any map with a controlled mob (Dragonshire, Garden of Terror) he is so good at being disruptive.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You can look like a power play God once you get bolt on ETC and do some madman shit where you blink from the bushes and initiate with a crazy dance. Closest thing to a blink Tidehunter in the game.


Golden Squire
Bruiser/Damage Stitches is pretty strong right now, and actually a bit underused in comp play.

Heroes of the Storm (Heroes) Builds Guides, wiki, database and forums. Heroes Hero Build Guides on HeroesFire Wiki!

Hooks might be game changing, but slam actually straight up wins fights if neither team is decisively engaging. For reference, at level 16, (counting vile gas) your slam will be doing 512 damage per slam and likely hitting most (if not all) people on the enemy team. Not only is the build very effective in comp play, but I'm pretty sure it's generally broken in pub play with how people tend to overly dance without committing. Landing 2-3 slam's on a team that may only have something like Uther as a support tends to auto win a team fight.

For those of you in the pub trenches, I'd highly recommend going with it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I usually build slam Stitches myself when I play it since like you said it is more consistent in team fights. Fishing Hook can look cool and make you feel like a boss but it is too binary a skill. Although I do like to take Tenderize at 7 even going full slam.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Bruiser/Damage Stitches is pretty strong right now, and actually a bit underused in comp play.

Heroes of the Storm (Heroes) Builds Guides, wiki, database and forums. Heroes Hero Build Guides on HeroesFire Wiki!

Hooks might be game changing, but slam actually straight up wins fights if neither team is decisively engaging. For reference, at level 16, (counting vile gas) your slam will be doing 512 damage per slam and likely hitting most (if not all) people on the enemy team. Not only is the build very effective in comp play, but I'm pretty sure it's generally broken in pub play with how people tend to overly dance without committing. Landing 2-3 slam's on a team that may only have something like Uther as a support tends to auto win a team fight.

For those of you in the pub trenches, I'd highly recommend going with it.
I love the slam build for him, but Putrid Bile ult? It seems underwhelming whenever I try it.


Golden Squire
I usually build slam Stitches myself when I play it since like you said it is more consistent in team fights. Fishing Hook can look cool and make you feel like a boss but it is too binary a skill. Although I do like to take Tenderize at 7 even going full slam.
Tenderizer doesn't get nearly the value on Stitches that people tend to think it does. Most kills off hooks generally have some form of extra CC follow up anyways (ie: Uther/Tyrande stuns, other snares, what have you), meaning that it's pretty rare that Tenderizer is doing anything for you in most team fights. Vile Gas applies on Putrid Ground, meaning that you're getting an extra 100+ damage every slam to the enemy team. It's much more impactful than people give it credit for.


Tranny Chaser
Brightwing is free-to-play this week and holy schnikes he's strong. Kinda challenging to play of course, but man he's handy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Tenderizer doesn't get nearly the value on Stitches that people tend to think it does. Most kills off hooks generally have some form of extra CC follow up anyways (ie: Uther/Tyrande stuns, other snares, what have you), meaning that it's pretty rare that Tenderizer is doing anything for you in most team fights. Vile Gas applies on Putrid Ground, meaning that you're getting an extra 100+ damage every slam to the enemy team. It's much more impactful than people give it credit for.
#PugLife but it isn't uncommon for the team to not surround me as Stitches when I perform a hook. If Gorge isn't up it allows me to slow down the hooked hero allowing my team to catch up/respond to pings to secure the kill. I generally get good value out of the talent. Shit even when Gorge IS up my team likes to just run past me when I am walking a hero back to us and I have to frantically ping myself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Where does a total noob dota player starts? Is there some easy youtube vid you guys recommand? Ive always been curious about this game type but it felt so overwhelming. From what i gathered, heroes of the storm will be the more casual / noob friendly dota game out there so i figured i might be able to dig into it finally.


Been digging Fan's videos. No fluff, just talks about a build and how to execute combos while playing matches. He mostly plays assassins though. Here's his latest on Jaina.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Where does a total noob dota player starts? Is there some easy youtube vid you guys recommand? Ive always been curious about this game type but it felt so overwhelming. From what i gathered, heroes of the storm will be the more casual / noob friendly dota game out there so i figured i might be able to dig into it finally.
Game is still new. Just jump into it and play the tutorial, maybe a dozen or so co-op games (edit: Cooperative is 5 humans vs 5 bots) then play QM (edit: Quick Match -- the actual vs humans mode.) The game isn't that hard to understand at the very, very basic level unlike League/DOTA.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cool, didnt know there was a tutorial. And i guess ill just be that lousy pug player everyone hates in a few games. Fuck it.

Signed up for beta.


Another vid from the finals of Khaldor's Go4Heroes tournament this past weekend with TempoStorm vs. 3DMAX. Really great and tense games.



Lord Nagafen Raider
@Neph Fan is a great player and does good videos, he is one of the few I like to check on every once in a while.

RE: Tempo Storm they played pretty well the whole tournament, no one expected them to do anything and they beat 2 of EU's best (LDLC formerly WANP and El Nexo) and lost that 3rd game due to (imo) an unfamiliar and pretty lame comp (2 full supports and Tassadar). In fairness they threw game 2 pretty hard which should have been the sweep. The notable teams they did not go up against were FNATIC (maybe the best in EU currently) and SK (who maybe should be the best but they make some of the oddest throws from time to time). In the US tournament the day prior to that (it lasted almost 12 hours lol) C9 Maelstrom (I think it was Maelstrom) gave TS a run for their money, sent them to the losers bracket - which was a first for TS. TS did end up coming back and winning from losers but hopefully C9 keeps up the great play and is able to challenge.


Toe Sucker
Arthas is free this week? i guess i finally get to try out the ol' lich king without forking over $$. Yayy


Blackwing Lair Raider
Cool, didnt know there was a tutorial. And i guess ill just be that lousy pug player everyone hates in a few games. Fuck it.

Signed up for beta.
The two biggest basic guidelines I tell ppl for a total moba noob. Don't overextend, that is don't chase someone under their towers (at low lvl especially) because you think you can get a kill. And two, don't overextend, if ever you're pushing a lane alone(it doesn't really happen in games once ppl know what they are doing, but can happen a lot in low mmr), look at your minimap, if you don't see the enemy team you need to get out of there now, not once you get that tower/fort down, you need to get out of there now because they are most certainly coming to kill you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also if you're chasing someone and they all of a sudden turn around and engage there is a 100000% chance their backup arrived and if you try and engage you're fucked


Tranny Chaser
I actually have taken to randomly turning around when being chased just for this reason and people often break off. I call it the "Han Solo" maneuver


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Even if you're bluffing if there are misses on the field the correct decision is to always stop chasing