Heroes of the Storm


Yeah same here. First game I did okay with him, but their dps was low so I did alright and we won pretty easily. 2nd game I just got annihilated. He can't initiate/tank with how squishy he is, the shields aren't enough. The vampiric beetle trait isn't enough. His E is almost worthless for what it's for (initiating). You just die instantly.

Did they ninja change how long healing globes are up? Feels like they despawn much faster now.

Edit: Tried full Beetle build and went 2-0. So in total I am 3-1 with Anub'Arak. hmmm.

First 2 games I went full CC (better Impale, movement speed on Shield, etc.) Second two I went full Beetle + Vampiric. Not enough data yet tho. These games look like landslides, but they weren't that way from the start, I definitely had a big impact. Anub'arak is certainly king on the seed/grove level. He can solo the terror first spawn, if you have allies that distract the rest, he can really push hard and solo mechanics very quickly. It's too bad they didn't fix beetle ai though, having 5 of my beetles leave me and run to the lane when I need them is annoying. They should just target whatever Anub is targeting and if Anub isn't targeting anything they go lane.

Omg first game as Nazeebo... highest hero damage by far, beating Valla and highest Siege Damage, beating Azmodan. God he is fun with DOTA experience. Just lost on Garden Terror map because we had 0 tanks and they had 2 tanks. We had 41 kills vs their 25. We couldn't get a single terror despite having 2 levels on them. He dominates spider queen level because of extra minions.
Ya I tried several different builds and couldn't do shit. It doesn't help that I had a ton of bad teams last night. One game I picked anub and it decided I needed abathur and murky on my team with no support, and the enemy team gets rehgar and tyrande.


Tranny Chaser
I'm not a fan of the new "Main menu" interface. Took me a couple moments to even figure out where the shop was as you need to click as if you are changing game type in order to get to a screen that lets you see the whole shop. I'm also not easily able to use the "role" filters and discern which heroes I don't have fit that role since the shading for "filtered out" and "not available for play" are quite similar.

Maybe the UI will grow on me, but accustomed as I am to Blizzard UI which is immediately intuitive it seems clunky.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
God I'm terrible at Murky. I end the game with like no hero damage. I think I'm playing him way too cautious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not a fan of the new "Main menu" interface. Took me a couple moments to even figure out where the shop was as you need to click as if you are changing game type in order to get to a screen that lets you see the whole shop. I'm also not easily able to use the "role" filters and discern which heroes I don't have fit that role since the shading for "filtered out" and "not available for play" are quite similar.

Maybe the UI will grow on me, but accustomed as I am to Blizzard UI which is immediately intuitive it seems clunky.
Yeah, I haven't seen the new one yet, but they all have been pretty terrible, hopefully they continue improving it. Seems like everyone has qued up for the wrong game mode at least once so if they at least made that more intuitive in this patch I'll be happy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Basically you have a ribbon at the top for the game mode now. So you don't have the pop-up. The strangest part is it goes: Practice - QM - Coop - Hero - Team. No clue why QM comes before Coop.


Toe Sucker
I think theres a lot of feedback regarding that QM coop order on their forums and reddit. They'll probably fix it


2 Minutes Hate
Their game menu is awful. It's just way too big. It needs to be like the LOL or Battlenet client. Both are quite good and easy to work in with how it scales etc. You should only have to go full screen if A) You want to or B) You go into a game.


<Gold Donor>
Beta Keys:





They are NA Region specific.

Please post which one you used so people know.


Tranny Chaser
Tried out Thrall since he's a freebie this week. Very interesting having an assassin who doubles-down on skillshots both with the W and with the R. I did notice I was having some mana problems though if I didn't take the perk where you get mana for each target hit with Chain Lightning and make sure to spam that on big groups.


Trakanon Raider
Tried out Thrall since he's a freebie this week. Very interesting having an assassin who doubles-down on skillshots both with the W and with the R. I did notice I was having some mana problems though if I didn't take the perk where you get mana for each target hit with Chain Lightning and make sure to spam that on big groups.
The problem with that perk is you only get the mana back if you then hit the targets with melee swings afterward. Which isn't very easy late game when you are insta killing entire waves with a chain lightning build. But then I guess, mana isn't as big of a problem in the late game. I hate that you have to hit the targets with melee afterward to get the mana back, it's a pita. But it does definitely help with mana, particularly if you get the windfury talent that hits 6 times.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I fear a nerf to Sylvana soon. Played with my bro last night and hes using hammer. We can literally skip map objectives and push lanes and end up with a better result than the other team running objectives. We focus on one lane at a time, then switch when first forts are down. And they go down faaaaast. Our other 3 guys just create distraction / xp soak while we push every lane till we'ere in the core area. Then its back to objectives or if we have the upper hand just push core right out.


Toe Sucker
her passive is probably the only thing that truly breaks her, i'm not sure how they can adjust it without making it completely useless though?

I do think being able to stun lock two towers at lvl 1 if you're left alone is pretty insane (not that it would happen, but its possible) lol. She will be adjusted for sure, i just hope she doesn't get raped like thrall did.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if there is a precedent for this but I'd start by making W a skillshot and lower the speed of the banshees on E. I'm fine with her doing good damage as long as she is fragile to compensate. As it stands she lacks a clear downside very similar to pre-patch Tychus.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm starting to think auto attack Tychus maybe his legit best build these days. I think I'm undefeated with it and generally eclipse my team's hero damage by a good 10-20k.


It's been my go-to these days too, because I feel like every time I spec around Q, there's always a Brightwing or Muradin who shuts it down in seconds. Damage is a lot weaker for me, but the sustain is pretty great.