Interstellar (2014)


FPS noob
this image is awesome (spaceship - the white circular thingie - transiting across wormhole mouth):


"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here."

not gonna watch any more trailers though, want to be surprised. definitely a thursday midnight showing for me.


I'm interested in seeing this, but so far it looks like they came up with a really stupid reason for the trip to where ever. People on Earth are running out of food, and engineers can't help them? Ridiculous. Water desalination and desert greening. One is an engineering problem, the other is a logistical problem.

Based on the information in the trailer, if they're looking to use a wormhole to find another habitable planet, that's a problem. If they've already discovered another system through that wormhole, the odds of it having a planet with conditions similar to Earth are, quite literally, astronomical. Even if there is a twin to Earth on the other side of that wormhole, you can't save the people on Earth. They're fucked.

Matthew McConaughey continuously telling his kids that "I'll be back" seems like they're borrowing the same trope from Inception; a man trying to get back to his family.

Looks like it could be good, as long as they toss some lines in there to explain away all the problems with the premise of the story.


FPS noob
i don't think its that ridiculous to make a scifi "what if..." scenario that in 20 or 40 or whatever years, the Earth will have a really, really tough time feeding its population. desalination has a host of problems including massive energy requirements, transportation logistics, causing an increase in global temperatures, etc.

just in the past 2 years we have seen food costs become huge problems in asia and africa, and even in america its gone up a lot but companies have been forced to "hide" it from consumers. Its been due to droughts in the West and a virus outbreak in pigs, agricultural experts have warned that our animal food stocks are at risk of being wiped out due to our excessive use of antibiotics.


i don't think its that ridiculous to make a scifi "what if..." scenario that in 20 or 40 or whatever years
I didn't say that making the movie is ridiculous. I said the premise of the movie is ridiculous. Hell, we've had dozens of "world famine" science fiction stories, Soylent Green instantly comes to mind.

the Earth will have a really, really tough time feeding its population.
In the past when world leaders had a famine, the problem was resolved by killing off people, either through starvation or war. You think this would change? Besides, we produce enough food to feed everybody on the planet right now. More, in fact. The problem is distributing that food to people across the planet before it spoils. That's the hard part.

desalination has a host of problems including massive energy requirements, transportation logistics, causing an increase in global temperatures, etc.
Build fission plants. That gives you a dense source of clean power that doesn't increase global temps. In desert areas you use solar. Shit, this stuff has been thoroughly researched for the past 60 years. The solutions are out there, they're just really expensive and things haven't gotten bad enough to warrant doing anything. Yet.

just in the past 2 years we have seen food costs become huge problems in asia and africa, and even in america its gone up a lot but companies have been forced to "hide" it from consumers. Its been due to droughts in the West and a virus outbreak in pigs, agricultural experts have warned that our animal food stocks are at risk of being wiped out due to our excessive use of antibiotics.
Which is why there's a strong push to de-homogenize livestock. Cattle, for example, could be completely replaced by Bison in the Americas.

I noticed that you didn't even touch the subject of moving people off Earth, or moving food from this "other planet" to Earth. Probably because you know it's logistically impossible.

But like I said, if they have a creative way of explaining away all the problems with the premise, I won't care. So far it looks fantastic.


I imagine it has to do with a bunch of colliding issues: Cost of fuel (there are solutions but it will get worse before it gets better), global warming causing massive droughts in the midwest which starts a chain of falling dominoes, decline of the US being a Super Power (notice the "Indian Surveillance Drone" over the midwest?). Yes I am sure its going to be over exaggerated, but I imagine the films focus will not so much be explaining what caused these things, but a possibility of how we in this fictional society dealt with them using today's lines of thinking.

This trailer is clearly just showing the first act of the film and a glimpse of the second and none of the final. The message won't be "This will all come about because of X, Y and Z", it will be in the end we have to look to things that are bigger then ourselves as a species and not as individual nations. Imagine for a second, that these people went into space in our reality and managed interstellar travel. What would that do to everyone's line of thinking as a whole? Look at the 60's space race, it caused a massive technological leap forward and got people dreaming, now all people seem to care about is petty bullshit.

Your example of fusion power is a good one. Why isn't hundreds of billions being poured into it to replace fossil fuel power generation? There is no reason we couldn't achieve this relatively quickly, instead its billions into a military that protects from invisible boogeymen. That is the line of thinking I am referring to (I just used the military as an example, multiple counties should be doing this not just the USA)


Well no one thought Elysium was gonna be a pile of shit either.
Well everyone knew the director was going to weave in message about wealth distribution, noone knew he was going to beat everyone down with it. Also shakeycam, good lord shakey cam. Nolan is a better overall filmmaker then Blomkamp, so I have higher hopes and expectations for this then I did for Elysium. To be fair that movie had some neat ideas, visuals, and world, but good lord that script and camerawork =(


Golden Knight of the Realm
I predict that Rust will secure new home for humans while all humanity slowly dies off. Rust will return to Earthin the past as an old manfor mass migration of humanity to new home, fulfilling promise to his daughter, but dying of old age. Humanity gets to die, then live again via time travel/wormhole. Classic Star Trek: Generations plot device.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hitchen's Razor, man.
OK fine. Transportation of food and storage is trivial shit now. All that stuff you buy in the super market that you think is fresh, depending on what it is,at least a month to over a year old. That is plenty of time to transport to anywhere on the planet. Do you really think those idaho potatoes you buy in february just got dug up? Those avacadoes, bannanas, tomatoes and a bunch of other fruit are artificially ripened when they are needed. I've personally seen pink lady apples get shipped out after sitting in racks for over a fucking year. Tons of other examples but you should get the point by now.

The problem has always been cost. Not that it's really that expensive to transport this shit compared to anything else. It's nobody gives a flying fuck about those people and would rather just make money. The supplies like rice and shit that do get donated are usually stolen from warlords and other criminals. We could easily feed those people if we really gave a fuck, we dont.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
my dick is so hard for this movie. i dreamed of movie like this. mankind living for something bigger than they are in the midst of complete despair. cosmos should take note and hire Nolan instead of Seth MacFarlane.


OK fine. Transportation of food and storage is trivial shit now. All that stuff you buy in the super market that you think is fresh, depending on what it is,at least a month to over a year old. That is plenty of time to transport to anywhere on the planet. Do you really think those idaho potatoes you buy in february just got dug up? Those avacadoes, bannanas, tomatoes and a bunch of other fruit are artificially ripened when they are needed. I've personally seen pink lady apples get shipped out after sitting in racks for over a fucking year. Tons of other examples but you should get the point by now.

The problem has always been cost. Not that it's really that expensive to transport this shit compared to anything else. It's nobody gives a flying fuck about those people and would rather just make money. The supplies like rice and shit that do get donated are usually stolen from warlords and other criminals. We could easily feed those people if we really gave a fuck, we dont.
Really? How do you get stuff to the interior of Africa, or the northern part of India? It's not like they have highways and rail to everywhere in the third world, and not every city is sitting on the ocean or waterways. Remember, we're talking about world hunger here, not just in first world countries.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how the discovery of another Earth-like planet would help any of this. How do you propose getting people to this new planet, or getting food from this planet back to Earth? It's logistically impossible. Even if you had rockets blasting off every 5 minutes you couldn't possibly move enough people or enough food from one planet to another to make the effort worth while. Either way, the people on Earth are fucked. The colonists on this new planet might turn out OK, so that "saves the human race", but talk about a downer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cool to see this is coming out sooner rather than later. They showed a teaser trailer before Godzilla the other day and it was the first I had heard of the movie. But the trailer ended with "Coming a year from now". Guess it's an old teaser?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Really? How do you get stuff to the interior of Africa, or the northern part of India? It's not like they have highways and rail to everywhere in the third world, and not every city is sitting on the ocean or waterways. Remember, we're talking about world hunger here, not just in first world countries.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how the discovery of another Earth-like planet would help any of this. How do you propose getting people to this new planet, or getting food from this planet back to Earth? It's logistically impossible. Even if you had rockets blasting off every 5 minutes you couldn't possibly move enough people or enough food from one planet to another to make the effort worth while. Either way, the people on Earth are fucked. The colonists on this new planet might turn out OK, so that "saves the human race", but talk about a downer.
Your completly missing the point. It's not about saving you, it's about saving the human race. Jfc you must hate sci-fi.