

<Prior Amod>
I've been mulling over on getting in on Tainted Grail, it looks awesome but I've been burned a couple times on games.
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<Prior Amod>
Plus it's like a hundo + shipping isnt it? I mean I get it that good board games thats a normal price but I dunno, I just have bad luck with untested/unreviewed things.


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<Bronze Donator>
It’s ~$87 and another $20 or so for shipping if you don’t get expansions and miniatures and stuff. You’re paying for a massive amount of content (they’re at 1500 story cards now) and high quality is why. I was hesitant at these higher prices games at first but generally the amount of content for the $1-200 range games is pretty far beyond the $40 games out there. I’m not saying they’re bad, but there’s a pretty significant difference.

I have been burned and disappointed in the past too so I get the hesitation. I don’t have that hesitation with these guys after getting one game from them. I was nervous but they delivered far and beyond what I was expecting. Games they have done since then (I skipped cause I was still waiting on the first) have all been reviewed at pretty much the same level of quality and refinement as the one I bought so I feel pretty safe dropping a couple hundred with them again.


<Prior Amod>
Says the expected release is Aug 2019...assuming no delays...I wonder how much it'll cost to just wait and get it then? Is the core game at 1500 cards or does that include expansions?

Are we getting bonus content for kick starting it? I'm not seeing anything.


<Prior Amod>
Reading up on it more. Ugh I want to get it..I feel like I'd nee to get the $140 edition for some reason. That what you guys are going with?

Thing is, I'd probably be playing it by myself most the time and 1 player games sometimes dont deliver well either.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Reading up on it more. Ugh I want to get it..I feel like I'd nee to get the $140 edition for some reason. That what you guys are going with?

Thing is, I'd probably be playing it by myself most the time and 1 player games sometimes dont deliver well either.

The $140 does not add any gameplay, it just replaces 20 monster cards with miniatures. I’m going with that but I also paint minis as a hobby.

According to the Kickstarter you’re getting double the content that retail will have. The 1500 number is the core box plus stretch goals which are included in both pledge levels. There hasn’t been any additional add on game content yet, just cosmetic stuff.

If you’re on the fence about upgrading the pledge just get the cheaper one. You can upgrade it later in the pledge manager, that gives you time to think about it and splits the payments up if you do decide to upgrade things.



<Prior Amod>
core set comes with minis on the stretch goals though right? I mean I'm okay without getting minis so I'll stick with the smaller one if thats the case probably.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
core set comes with minis on the stretch goals though right? I mean I'm okay without getting minis so I'll stick with the smaller one if thats the case probably.

Yes you get those miniatures. The 20 monsters is all the bigger pledge adds.


<Prior Amod>
Oh, yeah I'm okay using minis I already have or just using tokens for those. 20 minis (to me) aren't worth $50-$60 as I don't paint. I used to, but I suck at it. LoL

I appreciate you clarifying somethings on all this for me. I'm at work and scrolling through that kickstarter on a phone is rough.
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<Prior Amod>
Do you still get the player cards in the larger edition and just not the minis or you dont get those characters either?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Do you still get the player cards in the larger edition and just not the minis or you dont get those characters either?

Not sure exactly what you’re asking here. You get the character cards and minis in both pledge levels. The larger pledge is just 20 monster miniatures that you put on the board instead of the monsters card that comes in the smaller pledge. They don’t add anything other than the physical miniatures, like you said you can use something from another game if you want or just the card.

There is one character board/mini that doesn’t come with either pledge that is a $10 add-on, but it’s optional. Other than that, you have 100% of the game content in the lower level pledge. There may be some more gameplay add-on forthcoming but I’m not sure.


<Prior Amod>
I guess I misread the Kickstarter (again it’s hard to scroll through so much of it on my phone) but it looked like the player characters that are in the later stretch goals that are in green were only in the larger edition.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I guess I misread the Kickstarter (again it’s hard to scroll through so much of it on my phone) but it looked like the player characters that are in the later stretch goals that are in green were only in the larger edition.

Ah ok. Nope, those are stretch goals and all come in the lower pledge. That’s all the bonus stuff for the Kickstarter edition.

One thing to note, after the Kickstarter is over you’ll have two shipping options. You can get the core game in Aug 2019, then the stretch goal green stuff in May 2020. It’s $10 more expensive in shipping but you get the main game sooner. The other option is cheaper shipping and wait for it all in May 2020. I’m definitely doing the two wave shipping, I don’t want to see people playing it for 8 months while I wait, $10 is worth two wave shipping imo.
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<Prior Amod>
Yeah waiting that long sounds awful. That’s even assuming they deliver at their projected times as of now.

Two wave is much better for sure.


<Bronze Donator>
Had a few show up this week. Got the two player version of Dinosaur Island, the expansion pack to 5 Minute Dungeon and Dice Throne Season 2. Can't wait to try out Dice Throne 2 this weekend but haven't had a chance to open it up and get it organized yet, box seems a lot bigger and heavier than season 1. The 5 minute dungeon expansion is going under the tree for the two youngest as they love the base game and the silly barbarian baby mini that came with it while Dino Island is going under the tree for the teenager as she is on a huge Jurassic Park kick. Pretty shocked these showed up on time as promised as December-January deliveries have always been late for me and I figured these would be part of their birthday gifts. Also got a notice that Escape the Dark Castle should be arriving before Christmas which I'm looking forward to taking down when I visit family and friends if it shows up on time.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Had a few show up this week. Got the two player version of Dinosaur Island, the expansion pack to 5 Minute Dungeon and Dice Throne Season 2. Can't wait to try out Dice Throne 2 this weekend but haven't had a chance to open it up and get it organized yet, box seems a lot bigger and heavier than season 1. The 5 minute dungeon expansion is going under the tree for the two youngest as they love the base game and the silly barbarian baby mini that came with it while Dino Island is going under the tree for the teenager as she is on a huge Jurassic Park kick. Pretty shocked these showed up on time as promised as December-January deliveries have always been late for me and I figured these would be part of their birthday gifts. Also got a notice that Escape the Dark Castle should be arriving before Christmas which I'm looking forward to taking down when I visit family and friends if it shows up on time.

Awesome timing for all those. My fireball island showed up a couples weeks ago, I was very surprised they were on time considering how many people KSed it. Glad they did as it’s intent was Christmas gift for my son which is how I got mine as a kid.

My dice throne is due today, perfect timing as we’re going to my dads with all my sisters nieces nephews for a Christmas cookie / gaming day. The two older nephews will probably like it.
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<Prior Amod>
I'll probably add on Niamh to mine when I back it next week. I'll pay $10 for the additional character.

Sinc eI'm not going to paint them, I may opt in for the sundrop as well.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I definitely would if I wasn’t a painter. Especially the core box at $20. Here’s an example of before and after I did a similar process to, from the same company. I did not do a wash after this step which would enhance it even more, asI will be fully painting, but you can still see quite a change.

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<Prior Amod>
I'm waiting till Xmas to buy this for myself. But then, I'll either have fully convinced myself to get the additional minis pack that I have no intention of painting but want cause they look neat....or not. For now, I'm having fun watching the new stretch goals get added almost daily. LoL