Kings and Heroes


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The only game I've ever bought in Early Access is Darkest Dungeon, and that's because they had a launch date and were mostly feature complete at the time. I think the Early Access model encourages bad development practices and short sighted behavior. I really want this game to do well, but I'll wait to buy until it's more like a preorder than a paid alpha.


I feel the same. I want this game to do well and expand into something awesome. I told myself I'm done with early access games but If I see sterling reviews I may contemplate buying it! Chances are though, that I will wait. Their net code better be up to snuff.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
first person MMO using an Occulus Rift while doing a dungeon crawl. Uhm, I have to say that sounds pretty badass.


Launches tomorrow. Hopefully someone gives it a shot and reports back. Pretty damn interested, but playing the shit out of Overwatch so holding off for the moment. Also, $30 for an Early Access game with absolutely no hype or attention seems really fucking rough. Maybe they only need like two people to buy in to be profitable.


I think a lot of people are in a similar boat. Releasing this close to Overwatch will definietly take some wind out of their sails. But then again, it's apparently one of the top selling games on Humble Bundle (link) right now. So I guess we will see.

Anyway, here is the early access launch trailer:

I can't wait to see how this game turns out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Totally interested in playing. But I dislike Early Access shit so I'll wait until we get more features deployed. But god damn. THOSE look like some dungeons.


Trakanon Raider
I just saw this out on early access, but not sure I want to spend 30 bucks just yet. I guess Felmega is the guinea pig.


Well, its certainly Early Access. Only played about 20 mins but the game is in rough shape.

Pros: Graphics are cool. There is potential here. It's got a good fantasy feel.

Terrible rubber-banding.
Choppy graphics and big time artifacting.
Players can physically block each other. I cant even leave town due to all the noobs blocking the exit.

When I did finally leave town and wander for 5 mins, I didnt see one mob to attack.

I need to play more but right now, I'd say wait unless you can stomach games in beta.


Downloading it right now. I will try to dive into it for a few hours, but we'll see how it goes. However after watching a few twitch streams, I have to agree with Felmega. It looks very clunky and buggy at the moment.


Molten Core Raider
I did some exploring outside of town as well, and ran a long way before I saw any mobs. The only ones I did see before getting booted were two tigers, or what looked like tigers from a distant. I was trying to make it to the camp to the West but they are patching now so i'm sure that's why I was booted. However, by looking at the map I can tell you it takes a good bit of running to cross it. I assume they will have mounts and such later on, hopefully. It is very laggy, but they said this patch should address it. I also found stuff to gather, like corn, but it doesn't show up anywhere in the inventory. So, if you are interested in playing and can stomach some of these bugs you might get your money's worth.

As for the stat rolling, that brings me way back to the old Bard's Tale days (and D&D but we didn't reroll for that). I spent about 30 minutes rerolling before settling on "decent" stats. As much as I wanted to keep hitting that button I wanted more to see the game. It's funny though to see the newer generation complain about how the stats are rolled. Some on the Steam forum can't grasp the 3d6 per stat and think the system is broken or lopsided towards one or two stats.

In my opinion, the game has potential if you have friends to play with, or are social enough to make friends in the game. It may be ok playing solo but from my limited experience so far it looks like it would be a great time with the same group of people.

My 2c anyway


Molten Core Raider
The two patches today really helped with the lag and rubberbanding. Got in a short crypt and a cave tonight with a friend. Still hit some bugs and it feels like really early access but it was pretty fun.


what Suineg set it to
I don't see how this game can fail if they are semi competent developers unless they fuck it up EA style.

I mean the genre is such shit in general just smashing mobs for exp in a moderately satisfying way is good right now.


Watched a stream last night and saw a 3 man party doing a cave with a spider boss. 2 of the 3 died on a platform jump, 1 tank guy left got spanked by the spider boss.

I can see that being pretty frustrating with pugs. Nobody can make even simple jumps in games it seems.

I remember doing the flag jump in city of mist to get on the wall was just awful for some people.

In a game where one fail jump is gg for a dungeon... Oh my.