King's Raid


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I tried one on hell mode but I hit the enrage timer so I probably have gear issues. I've been using this as a rough guide, is it accurate?
Gear Guides? • r/Kings_Raid

I have 4-5 days before I can do guild raids since I left my dead guild Friday. Are there tiers to guild raid? like a normal tier/hard tier. And is any of it doable solo is it something people are always group up for?

Yeah, there's easy/normal/hard, but the GM picks the difficulty when they open it and that's the difficulty everyone gets, regardless of capability. We clear normal pretty quick, but hard is much, much harder, so it'll be a while before we do those. Guild raid participation rewards are minor, and the boss clear rewards are mailed to everyone. Once a boss has been downed, several items are added to the Guild Raid section of the guild's Shop - a piece of manticore armor, fragments, skill books, dust, and rune crafting books. The manticore armor is essentially useless, but the extra fragments and skill books are very useful, and you should probably always buy those.

Guild raids are solo - 4 heroes, 3 minutes, and gimmicky mechanics (physical damage reflect, magic damage silences the damager, boss hits the tank with a big hit but it can be split between nearby melee, etc).
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I'm Keebrams in game. I've cleared a friend spot for you to add me. It'll take about 15-20 minutes total to get enough raid currency to deck out 4 of your characters in raid gear. The guild also has at least one spot open if you want to join.

Sure, can't promise I'll be of much use for higher level guild stuff as I refuse to be a whale, but I'll do what I can.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Sure, can't promise I'll be of much use for higher level guild stuff as I refuse to be a whale, but I'll do what I can.
Also, the devs give away a lot of stuff with events and whatnot, so you can go far without spending a dime. If you're willing to spend $3-$10 per month, the daily rubies are probably the best value out of anything in the shop. But as I said, there's nothing you can't do as an f2p player.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Seems it's pretty cost prohibitive to get heroes as f2p. You really have to save for a while, yeah? Or am I missing some source of 2*/3* heroes?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Seems it's pretty cost prohibitive to get heroes as f2p. You really have to save for a while, yeah? Or am I missing some source of 2*/3* heroes?
The Inn in town is how you get more heroes for free, but you earn a ton of rubies as you progress and clear levels. Clearing chapters on hard, first time level clears, weekly arena rewards, holiday/event rewards, etc. I imagine cumulatively it's 15-20k rubies.

Generally speaking you'll want to focus on your first 4 heroes and get them transcended to T3+ before you start expanding your team. The strategy I used was DPS one transcendence level higher than the team, then the tank, then the rest of the team. Repeat as you're able. Fragments (and sometimes gold) are the bottleneck for progression, so you can think of any fragments you spend on low-level heroes as coming from the pockets of your core team.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Wow, that apology of theirs... do they do many of those? Got Epis' UW as well as Kaulah's (but I don't have him). Also got to the point in my 15-day-login-reward thing where I got a 5* hero, so I grabbed Aisha because I already had her UW, and I can use her in raids when everyone's already bringing Artemia (who is, by far, my best dps).

So, I'm really just missing Frey's UW from my regular party at this point. Still running Kasel / Frey / Epis / Artemia for pve, all at 5* now. I guess the next step is to work on transcendence for them all, which seems like it'll take forever.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Wow, that apology of theirs... do they do many of those? Got Epis' UW as well as Kaulah's (but I don't have him). Also got to the point in my 15-day-login-reward thing where I got a 5* hero, so I grabbed Aisha because I already had her UW, and I can use her in raids when everyone's already bringing Artemia (who is, by far, my best dps).

So, I'm really just missing Frey's UW from my regular party at this point. Still running Kasel / Frey / Epis / Artemia for pve, all at 5* now. I guess the next step is to work on transcendence for them all, which seems like it'll take forever.
I should’ve mentioned that it’s optimal to wait to use all your x10 special summons until they run an event where you earn bonuses based on the number of “pulls” you do during the event. They run them fairly regularly. Since I started playing in December they’ve done about 1 x10 special summon event per month. The most recent one was a couple weeks ago. Edit: all other summon items are fine to use whenever (the blue general summons and single special summons) as they don’t do events for those.

The apology was because they announced significant revamps to their special shop, and the Korean player base was very vocally opposed to some of the more drastic changes. They’re introducing something new called “treasures” and people are generally worried that the game is tilting towards p2w. That’s a large assumption though as we don’t have many details as to what “treasures” are or how you get them.

In any case, no, apologies aren’t common, but they do send out a few hundred rubies if scheduled maintenance extends beyond their stated window. Maintenance used to be irregular and seemingly unscheduled. Since January they’ve done routine maintenance every other Thursday between 1AM and X AM EST.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Alkorin Alkorin if you haven’t been, make sure you use all of your world boss tickets every day. You get 2 per day mon thru fri, then 4 on Saturday. They don’t carry over from day to day. You can just auto it as you’re not in a good position to do much damage yet, but the participation rewards are very worth it. Gold is the most common reward but I’ve gotten a couple random UW tickets, infinity stones, and thousands (total) of rubies. Plus you’ll want to start earning the world boss currency as it is the sole source of some of the most powerful artifacts in the game.
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Rasterizing . . .
App'd to SkyeFyre and shot Ivn a message to join based on FoH recommendation. Name in game is Kelmane.


Trakanon Raider
Top 6% on Protanius! Can't wait till I get Requina's UW, she's wrecking without it. Almost done with Morrah in my inn, decided to use my 2nd ticket from anniversary on Annette and her UW. She'll bring alot to wb1 and dragon raids.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Top 6% on Protanius! Can't wait till I get Requina's UW, she's wrecking without it. Almost done with Morrah in my inn, decided to use my 2nd ticket from anniversary on Annette and her UW. She'll bring alot to wb1 and dragon raids.
Nice! For whatever reason Protanius doesn't seem nearly as competitive as the other world boss. I'm wrestling with whether or not I want to get Morrah with rubies since I think her survivability will help me break into the top 1% on Protanius. The only thing staying my hand is that they've said they're gonna nerf him on Thursday.

Edit: Speaking of which - I just ranked up Mediana to T2 tonight so I could use her on Protianus and it pushed my Mitra up 10-20million DPS.

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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Man didn’t get any of the UW I still need from the 1 year event. Missing Freya and Klause. Still have a 3* ticket and up to like 13,000 rubies. Need to level the team up more though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I wouldn't say Frey *needs* her UW. It's nice to have, sure. Clause is almost certainly a waste of UW. I'd never hope to pull his. The effect is all but completely useless.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
App'd to SkyeFyre and shot Ivn a message to join based on FoH recommendation. Name in game is Kelmane.
Broseph, I don't want to give the impression that I'm creeping all over your shit, but what the fuck is up with your gear??


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I got the Nyx and Jane UW's from the apology thing, then pulled Lorraine's from a free 10+1 the same day.


Rasterizing . . .
Broseph, I don't want to give the impression that I'm creeping all over your shit, but what the fuck is up with your gear??
I've done little to no raiding so it's all over the place.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I got the Nyx and Jane UW's from the apology thing, then pulled Lorraine's from a free 10+1 the same day.
That’s some pretty good luck. UWs are only 1% drop rate on special summons (3% on the 11th item [bonus item] on x10s I think).

As with Alkorin, I’d encourage you to save your x10 special summons for when they have pull events. The most recent one gave 50 random fragments per x10 (up to 1000 bonus frags!), some essences for 5 x10s, 1000 artifact fragments for 10, a random unique weapon ticket for 15 and unique weapon selector for 20 iirc. I’ve been saving since that event ended a few weeks ago and already have 8 saved up again.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've seen that, and will probably do so once I get an equiped level 80 team, but right now my gear sucks and I'm trying to get to where I can at least farm normal and hard in act 7 so anything helps.