League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
yea, it's a combination for sure. Stopwatch, spellbook, overheal and relic shield are all contributing, plus the champs that are good right now (Azir/sivir) are great at wave clear. Stopwatch helps stop early dives, spellbook gives more early game summoner spell safety (and more summoner spell uses with extra CD), overheal/relic shield on ADCs makes them tankier early, and the wave clear champs being meta prevent too many early tower kills.

If they just change like 2 of those 5 things, it'll be down to 25-35 minute games, I think. I hope they don't really change stopwatch, it creates fun outplay scenarios, but in combination with everything else it's slowing the game down too much. I believe they should nerf relic shield on ADCs, it's not the intended purpose of the item anyway, and Azir should be getting a small nerf as well. If they fix those, then re-evaluate, should be ok.


Trakanon Raider
This was the last week of relic shield stuff. Thats already been nerfed on live and will be in next weeks competitive patch.

Re: TSM vs EF

I'm going to put that loss almost entirely on Bjerg. EF figured out real quick that they could insta pop the malz and literally three fights in a row spread about 10 minutes a part he is picked out by a lets bounce and just gibbed leaving TSM to fight 4v5 from the beginning of the fight. TSM actually won two of these but couldn't take objectives because only two of them were alive and low health. If Bjerg buys an hour glass TSM wins the first two of those fights handily resulting in an earlier broken base and a possible win seeing as they are fighting at full strength.


Potato del Grande
Yeeeeeeea, get into silver 2, get a kayle top who ints all game. Super fun, only 9000000 more reports on her and riot might ban the account for it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This was the last week of relic shield stuff. Thats already been nerfed on live and will be in next weeks competitive patch.

Re: TSM vs EF

I'm going to put that loss almost entirely on Bjerg. EF figured out real quick that they could insta pop the malz and literally three fights in a row spread about 10 minutes a part he is picked out by a lets bounce and just gibbed leaving TSM to fight 4v5 from the beginning of the fight. TSM actually won two of these but couldn't take objectives because only two of them were alive and low health. If Bjerg buys an hour glass TSM wins the first two of those fights handily resulting in an earlier broken base and a possible win seeing as they are fighting at full strength.

Yea you're right, took Bjerg 48mins to get zhonya, but I just thought Dardoch was playing pretty damn good too tbh. The way he'd dive into 5 and pick Bjerg, pretty great.


Trakanon Raider
Yea you're right, took Bjerg 48mins to get zhonya, but I just thought Dardoch was playing pretty damn good too tbh. The way he'd dive into 5 and pick Bjerg, pretty great.

Oh it was high level play by Dardoch no doubt, just thought it shouldn't take that long to figure out what EF's game plan was. Sure it happens once, but three times?


Potato del Grande
Morg mid feels pretty good right now, been playing her when I can't get zoe or in bad zoe matchups. I've always liked morg mid so that might be part of it but it's good damage vs tanks that are popular now from liandry+rylai and good kite vs champs like nasus/illaoi/etc. while also being able to melt squishies.

61% winrate on zoe atm with 82 games and 77% on morg with 35. 99/81 win/loss so far, almost in gold promos (hopefully if I keep up the high winrate I can start skipping a division maybe so I won't have to be 200/100 to hit plat).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm almost back to gold after being placed Silver II. I'm 1 win 0 losses in promos so far, just need 2 wins in next 4.

Been jungling 99% of the time after starting 0-8 with Diana mid in placements.

I've got 90 games played total and Evelynn is my most played, 43games, 25-18, 58% WR. 60% in past 15 games.

Eve is so fun and still super strong even after the last nerf, and she gets banned often still. I always pre-select her so my team doesn't ban, been screwed a few times already by forgetting.

Just played against new Swain, but the guy seemed to suck. No idea if Swain is good or not. Seems like he should be decent, but he got rekt. I was able to 1v1 him easily, and he had 4.5 items completed so idk


<Gold Donor>

2 - 2 in Silver Promos.

Ga,e 1 I got Supp Leo and our Jungle went Twitch, then told everyone it was his first time Twitch Jung. I checked his OPGG and it was the truth, so that was a loss the best part of his troll shtick was that I asked him in Champ Select if we could switch roles and later on he tried to say I told him to play Twitch...that cock sucking troll tried to do word play... that Mother Fucker.

Game 2 I got Jung Voli and Won.

Game 3 I got Jung Voli but had a Yasuo that died 5 times in in 9 minutes, 4 to just Talon Solo in lane, blamed me and rage quit. I was 2-0 when he rage quit and there was really no hope with Talon that fed and roaming, so that was a loss.

Game 4 I got Jung Mao and Won. So hopefully I get Jung and no trolls for Game 5. Wish me luck my dudes!

I obviously I hope to win game 5, but I am not sure how far into Silver/Gold I can ride the Tank Jungle Train of Mao and Voli. I plan on adding Skarner, Nunu, Pantheon, Vi, J4, Trundle, Graves, Udyr, Nocturne, Tryndamere and Hecarim to round out my Jungle play.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
View attachment 161382

2 - 2 in Silver Promos.

Ga,e 1 I got Supp Leo and our Jungle went Twitch, then told everyone it was his first time Twitch Jung. I checked his OPGG and it was the truth, so that was a loss the best part of his troll shtick was that I asked him in Champ Select if we could switch roles and later on he tried to say I told him to play Twitch...that cock sucking troll tried to do word play... that Mother Fucker.

Game 2 I got Jung Voli and Won.

Game 3 I got Jung Voli but had a Yasuo that died 5 times in in 9 minutes, 4 to just Talon Solo in lane, blamed me and rage quit. I was 2-0 when he rage quit and there was really no hope with Talon that fed and roaming, so that was a loss.

Game 4 I got Jung Mao and Won. So hopefully I get Jung and no trolls for Game 5. Wish me luck my dudes!

I obviously I hope to win game 5, but I am not sure how far into Silver/Gold I can ride the Tank Jungle Train of Mao and Voli. I plan on adding Skarner, Nunu, Pantheon, Vi, J4, Trundle, Graves, Udyr, Nocturne, Tryndamere and Hecarim to round out my Jungle play.

Hey, nice...
Just looked at your OP.GG.
You skip season 5 & 7?
Is your goal to get Gold this Season?

I would highly recommend you DON'T do what you're proposing. You have excellent win rates with Mao/Voli right now. 55% or greater is a good winrate to climb. Keep at it until they stop working, you can easily reach Plat with both those champs (if played competently).

Actually tanks start to work better as you climb because your carries know how to better take advantage. If you're already 60%+ win rate in Bronze I'd say you're golden. Carrying with tanks in low elo is more difficult imo.

However... Volibear does fall off eventually, but I'd say not until mid-high Gold. But in Silver I think Volibear is fine throughout. Countering Voli requires good kiting which is a mechanic that is lacking in Silver.

Also I highly recommend sticking with a small pool of champs. ~3-5 to climb most effectively.


Game 1, how'd you get Support? Auto-Fill or do you choose Supp as 2ndary? I always go Jung+Mid and have yet to get placed Mid. I was autofilled Support a couple times. I'm 0% winrate as support.

Fucking Yasuo's.... if they don't rage then deaths can be overcome if they farm it out. Yasuo can feed and still be a beast later... but in Bronze... eh prob not.

If you're looking for another Jungle champ to climb with... I'm really not liking any on your list, they are all "out of meta" atm. Jarvan is fine and Nunu is still ok even after the buff was reverted. I'd also recommend looking at Sejuani, Warwick and Shyvana (all "tankish" which I think suits your style).

Do you look up stats at Champion.gg - League of Legends Stats by Champion Role for the Current Patch

Nunu, WW, Shyv in top 5 win rate
Kha Zix, Eve Sej, WW in top 5 ban rate
Lee, Jarvan, Kha Zix, Sej, Kayn are the top 5 played


Here's my update, currently on 8win streak, made Gold in 92 games. I'm happy with that. I took most of Season 7 off, only played ~100 games total, had to shake off a lot of rust. Making Gold in under 100 games is a good milestone.

Eve @ 60% after last 2 wins.

I have shit KDA with everyone.

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<Gold Donor>
Ravishing Ravishing
Thanks for the response!

Yes, my goal is Gold this season.

Yes, I skipped 5 & 7 and I think I played less than 30 games in S6, I might have stopped after promos, so maybe only 10 games.

Game 1 - I went Jung Primary, Supp Secondary. I should have re-queued after it went a minute over the expected wait time, I know better, that mistake will not happen again. I also should have Supported with Mao that game, but I went Leo to appease my ADC as I was trying to avoid toxic shit in promos.

I am not looking to play all those Champs in ranked without extensive time put in on them in norms. I just feel like I need to expand my pool. I tried Eve in norms a few weeks back and she is not for me. I like the idea of Shyvana but I do not like her in execution. Her clear speed is awesome, but I do not like her CC Ult in team fights. I have only played Zac once since his re-work and I did not care for him but I need to give him more of a chance. Skarner seems like a solid choice overall and would suit my tank style of play. I need to give WW more of a chance, but I hate Sej since the rework, I played her in S4. I do like Pantheon but for me to play him I need a Tank Supp and a Tank Top. I left Amumu off that list and he seems like a solid AP Tank too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ravishing Ravishing
Thanks for the response!

Yes, my goal is Gold this season.

Yes, I skipped 5 & 7 and I think I played less than 30 games in S6, I might have stopped after promos, so maybe only 10 games.

Game 1 - I went Jung Primary, Supp Secondary. I should have re-queued after it went a minute over the expected wait time, I know better, that mistake will not happen again. I also should have Supported with Mao that game, but I went Leo to appease my ADC as I was trying to avoid toxic shit in promos.

I am not looking to play all those Champs in ranked without extensive time put in on them in norms. I just feel like I need to expand my pool. I tried Eve in norms a few weeks back and she is not for me. I like the idea of Shyvana but I do not like her in execution. Her clear speed is awesome, but I do not like her CC Ult in team fights. I have only played Zac once since his re-work and I did not care for him but I need to give him more of a chance. Skarner seems like a solid choice overall and would suit my tank style of play. I need to give WW more of a chance, but I hate Sej since the rework, I played her in S4. I do like Pantheon but for me to play him I need a Tank Supp and a Tank Top. I left Amumu off that list and he seems like a solid AP Tank too.

Shyvana ult is more to use as gap closer and you can push enemies a little but it's not really meant to cc. The power is her abilities become much stronger and I believe she is a little tankier. She also gains ult incredibly fast, so you can use it as a second Flash when necessary.

I'm only 50% with her but I feel like she's still really strong and I just need to play her better or build differently.
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<Gold Donor>

Feels good man!

Thankfully I was Duo with Vayne and together we were able to overcome the 3 feeders on our team.
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<Gold Donor>
I just realized that I can look up my S6 stats on OPGG. Looks like a I won 20 out of 49 games played mostly in the Support role. Considering I have over 100 games played on Mao and Voli this season, I consider S6 as a skipped season.


<Gold Donor>
Getting back into LoL a bit, since there's no one to play PUBG with anymore.

Hit me up: RagingMongoose

Would love to play with some folks!


Potato del Grande
Finally got into my gold promos this morning after a week or so of bouncing up and down in s1 lp. Sitting at 2-1 atm, hopefully get the 3rd after work tonight.


<Gold Donor>
WTF is this shit? I just hit Silver 5 and they stick me in with this group... also the troll WU ADC. FUCK YOU RIOT!



Potato del Grande
And now i'm in gold and I get autofilled to supp and my mid goes zoe and has 80 cs in a 32 minute game and literally has no idea how to play her. I don't know why the fuck i still bother with this shit game.


<Gold Donor>
And now i'm in gold and I get autofilled to supp and my mid goes zoe and has 80 cs in a 32 minute game and literally has no idea how to play her. I don't know why the fuck i still bother with this shit game.
I hear ya. I honestly think I am getting shittier players on my team since hitting Silver. I had a conversation with a fellow Jungler after a game and he totally agreed, he said Silver is the most boosted ass ELO in the game because shit players have friends duo with them and carry them out of Bronze but they do not have the skill to actually be there. He said it gets better around Silver 2 as he has been playing for 5 Seasons and always ends up Gold.
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Potato del Grande
Yeah, I dunno. Autofill is the most retarded system i've ever seen in any video game. I have 60+% winrate in mid this season but I get autofilled into support so that someone can get my main role who picks a champion they have no idea how to play (or they blatantly are feeding/trolling but watching her seemed more like she was just terrible and had never played zoe once before). I'd much rather sit in queue for 15 minutes and not get autofilled into a role I don't want with people who get my role and suck than sit in queue for 3 minutes and then waste 45 playing a game that ends 77 to 9 on kills and offers less than zero enjoyment.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I dunno. Autofill is the most retarded system i've ever seen in any video game. I have 60+% winrate in mid this season but I get autofilled into support so that someone can get my main role who picks a champion they have no idea how to play (or they blatantly are feeding/trolling but watching her seemed more like she was just terrible and had never played zoe once before). I'd much rather sit in queue for 15 minutes and not get autofilled into a role I don't want with people who get my role and suck than sit in queue for 3 minutes and then waste 45 playing a game that ends 77 to 9 on kills and offers less than zero enjoyment.
I agree, I would rather sit in queue for 15 mins and everyone gets their preferred role, like they do at higher ELO, I would love to get some TCG play in or some Single Player Game while I wait.