League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
How is Warwick back to nearly 55%? He feels like a complete shell of what he used to be.




Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How is Warwick back to nearly 55%? He feels like a complete shell of what he used to be.


Funny enough I went Kayle yesterday cause shyvana was already taken and it ends up being a losing game, partly cause my jungle was focused by 3 people on enemy team and my team starts saying why pick a bad champ like Kayle since I couldn't do too much. Was pretty funny actually even though we lost.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nightblue played aatrox once when I was watching. Makes aatrox better but not good enough to pick over other jungles. Not sure on skarner


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I should have kept Impact, oh well, tied for 2nd and most importantly ahead of Sidian


That piglet baron steal.. Blind... How the fuck!?
4 people had flash, Bjerg had his ult and they had vision on piglet. Santorin seemed distracted trying to move himself between piglet and baron (he did intercept the rocket), but the team basically should've just sent someone to chase him off. That was terrible.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
3 wins 2 losses with Runeglaive Diana mid. Seems like a stronger & more versatile build path for her. She doesn't really need ignite after laning phase cause she 1 shots people anyway. Having Challenger smite lets you 1v1 even easier now and the smite gives you more gold when taking jungle camps, gives you free oracles if you smite wraiths, and you can smite buffs away from enemy junglers.

I took Blue from enemy my last game at level 1. Diana was always decent with lichbane so Runeglaive is like a better alternative. I haven't noticed a drop in power building runeglaive first over abyssal, either. But abyssal is nice for the defensive stats. Right now ive been going Abyssal 2nd but Im not 100% set on itemization yet, still experimenting.


A Man Chooses....
This game is just a horrible experience lol. Last pick demands top, goes Sion despite us having a top, goes top, Wukong goes bot, we are winning anyway, then he decides to refuse to group to "teach us a lesson". 55 minute loss, painful the entire time.


People who cant fill if they dont get their role really annoy me. Don't play ranked if you cant play each lane. Also accept the fact that if you're last pick you arent going to get your spot most likely.


Playing these bronze games on my smurf account is crazy. I tanked my promos and got bronze 3 and wanted to try to climb playing only ADC. But its almost impossible to carry unless my solo lanes dont feed like mad men.

Doesnt matter how well I play, once the mid game team fights start if their top/mid/jung is fed I cant do shit. I just get 1 shot. Its so much easier to carry in solo lanes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd imagine if you're going to try to carry from bot lane you have to play a pretty big lane bully. Graves, Draven, maybe lucian and hopefully have a pretty powerful support that can follow you up, Annie, Zyra, Leona. Draven can be especially scary if he gets ahead since an early IE or BT with his maxed Q calls for some very scary chunkage.

Otherwise it's just a farm game where you don't really become useful til late in the mid game but then it's still soloq so most of the time your still on your own because your team won't peel that great for you.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I can see ADC being super hard to carry from if you aren't at a skill level much above where you're currently at, but obviously you can see pros carry at ADC all the time from lower MMR (which to them might be plat/low diamond). Carrying is not about 1v5'ing but picking smart fights you can win.

Your last game last night, Penalty, as Tristana, the main thing I could point out was that you were initiating with your jump and got stuck in the middle of enemies and then killed quite a few times because you wanted to kill enemy Sivir. As an ADC though, you typically want to stay on the outskirts and kill closest targets. You can use your jump to finish off a low health enemy knowing you'll get a quick reset but I watched you jump toward a full health Sivir and no reset was coming since you couldn't burst her.

We all make dumb decisions, especially when tired, but that was the main thing I saw which might have turned the game around in your favor if you could have killed other targets and stayed alive doing so.