League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
So.... why exactly can't you guys practice all this "crazy mechanical requiring" shit that you want a sandbox for... in a bot game?
I like that you are attempting to trivialize the mechanical demands of League of Legends by using quotations derisively. That's good stuff. Very enjoyable.


Potato del Grande
I like that you are attempting to trivialize the mechanical demands of League of Legends by using quotations derisively. That's good stuff. Very enjoyable.
I like that you're trying to compare a game with 4 moves per hero and 2 summoner spells to fighting games that have 10+ hit combos that are only doable in a certain order because only some punches/kicks/moves lead in to other punches/kicks/moves and the rest break the combo and let your opponent block or start his own combo on you.

Not to mention the cooldowns on abilities... old Ryze might be the closest thing to actually being able to be compared to a fighting game with his machine gunning but none of the other heroes even come close and it's one of the most retarded comparisons i've ever heard in my 30 years on this planet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The majority of their players don't care about sandbox. They don't care about replays. You are getting worked up because Riot's priorities don't line up with your personal priorities.


Tranny Chaser
I like that you're trying to compare a game with 4 moves per hero and 2 summoner spells to fighting games that have 10+ hit combos that are only doable in a certain order because only some punches/kicks/moves lead in to other punches/kicks/moves and the rest break the combo and let your opponent block or start his own combo on you.
Yep, no mechanically intensive elements in the game of League of Legends.
The majority of their players don't care about sandbox. They don't care about replays. You are getting worked up because Riot's priorities don't line up with your personal priorities.
Well it isn't like ill quit playing over this. At least have to get games in so I don't decay. But this is bad timing for them to piss off a chunk of their player base. Dota2 equivalent of world's is currently on going which is drawing massive viewership numbers. Dota is the better game with a lower entrance requirement from a monetary perspective. So you don't want large amounts of negativity about your game coinciding with the grand showcase of your closest competitor.
Where did I say that? No elements that require a sandbox where you can spend hours spamming the same fucking thing 80000 times that's for sure.
I listed three moves that are core to the heroes using them. You also have things like riven auto cancels, Ali combo, shurima slide, orb walking, kalista hops, flash flays etc. So you can either currently practice them in ranked and while failing lose your lp, or you can play normals which is a waste of time for the most part.
Why can't you learn playing normals?
Of course you can. But it has the same limitations a custom or bot game has. Waiting on cooldowns for certain combos which can be two to five minute waits. Which can mean only getting four practice attempts on the thing you entered the normal for in the first place. Or having to play three to four thirty minute games just to try out different item builds when all you want to do is see if a second buy blood thirster is worth more damage then a second buy whatever at the eighteen minute mark versus a well farmed shen. It's excessive time periods and disjointed practice for very specific things in a game mode with other people that usually don't give a shot because it's a normal.


So yeah, I worked my butt of to get to Gold in a week, and new patch comes out and boom, banned 2 weeks (not perm thank god) for verbal harassment. I really need to not say ANYTHING anymore. ;/


Potato del Grande
Why can't you learn playing normals?
No way, normals are a waste of time, you'll never get good like that! You have to flash-flay 1700 times to get the hang of it. You definitely can't practice ali combos or kallista hopping in normals. Jeez, every other MOBA on the market has a sandbox mode with 0 cooldowns etc. for practicing!

Also... league has a monetary entrance requirement? The game is free, literally no part of it requires real cash spending...
Full roster of champs for free and no rune system as soon as you install. Or having ten free champs per week and then making it so you have to chose between purchasing champs with in game currency for flexibility or purchasing runes that are needed for high level play. Sure you can play the game for free at a basic level but you are either spending real money to have a relevant champion pool early or you are playing unhealthy amounts of time to build a well rounded champ pool.

Also the difference between myself being able to pull of those moves at a high rate and someone like you who thinks it isn't a big deal is one of the reasons I'm in diamond and you are still stuck somewhere in silver. A sandbox mode would accelerate your skill jumps in a stress free environment. I can't grasp that people think this is a bad thing in any shape or form.


Trakanon Raider
Sorry if this has been posted already:

TL;DR: SoonT, the NA game servers will be transferring to a more centralized location in Chicago, Illinois. This move, along with other components of the NA Server Roadmap, should improve connection quality for the vast majority of NA players. West Coast players will see an uptick in raw ping numbers, but should also see that uptick mitigated by connection improvements in the form of better overall stability and reduced packet loss. We'll keep everyone updated on the specifics (including exact timing) as we get closer to the move. For more details, check out the full story below.


Trakanon Raider
Fuck sandbox and replays. Can do replays from op.gg anyways. The soon to be ping for me on NA will be 64, down from 110-120. Can test your ping at the server ip

It will get a little better when they work with more isps by the time the new server base opens.


Potato del Grande
Also the difference between myself being able to pull of those moves at a high rate and someone like you who thinks it isn't a big deal is one of the reasons I'm in diamond and you are still stuck somewhere in silver. A sandbox mode would accelerate your skill jumps in a stress free environment. I can't grasp that people think this is a bad thing in any shape or form.
Right, cause you've seen me play the game and know that my mechanics are shit and my game knowledge is shit and I play like a one armed fat guy with keilbasa fingers. Who said it was a bad thing? All i'm wondering is why you guys are throwing such a hissy-fit over something that has literally never existed in the game.

By the way, on the topic of "having to choose a pool of heroes" aren't you one of the people saying you should pick a couple and stick with them instead of trying to play 20+ champs because you'll never get good that way? Now it's suddenly a negative when it applies to "monetary entrance"? By the time an account hits level 30 it's easily accrued enough LP to buy a decent hero pool along with several rune pages for different roles. Maybe not enough LP to have a specialized rune page for 17 different heroes who all use completely seperate runes with no overlap but not many people are doing that while still "entering" the game.
Right, cause you've seen me play the game and know that my mechanics are shit and my game knowledge is shit and I play like a one armed fat guy with keilbasa fingers. Who said it was a bad thing? All i'm wondering is why you guys are throwing such a hissy-fit over something that has literally never existed in the game.

By the way, on the topic of "having to choose a pool of heroes" aren't you one of the people saying you should pick a couple and stick with them instead of trying to play 20+ champs because you'll never get good that way? Now it's suddenly a negative when it applies to "monetary entrance"? By the time an account hits level 30 it's easily accrued enough LP to buy a decent hero pool along with several rune pages for different roles. Maybe not enough LP to have a specialized rune page for 17 different heroes who all use completely seperate runes with no overlap but not many people are doing that while still "entering" the game.
I used to spectate a bunch of people who used to whine in this thread about elo hell. None were even average mechanically. I'm pretty sure you were one of them. Also people who are perma stuck in silver or low gold after three plus seasons of playing the game either have bad mechanics or shit for game sense/knowledge. So I didn't feel like making that assumption was going out on a limb. Good mechanics and the ability to not tilt can basically get you to high gold or low plat by themselves these days.

Yes I do advise specialising in a handful of champions at a time. However that handful will change to varying degrees each patch as you should try to play what is relevant in order to play ranked seriously. Having to make the choice between purchasing a set of runes or a couple of champs with ip just blows. However that isn't the point I'm making. People who start playing dota have direct access to everything the game offers aside from cosmetics for free with no time investment. Whereas league veterans or people willing to pay cash for the champs have a huge advantage in rune flexibility and champ selection that a new ftp player does not until they have put huge amounts of time in to the game.

Edit: handful of champs means three to four in every role which would be fifteen to twenty champs. Half of which could become sub par picks each patch. Personally I think a champ pool of below fifty is pretty shallow unless you are one of those one trick pony God's who can't play for shot when your champ gets banned or taken during the draft.


Fuck sandbox and replays. Can do replays from op.gg anyways. The soon to be ping for me on NA will be 64, down from 110-120. Can test your ping at the server ip

It will get a little better when they work with more isps by the time the new server base opens.
Holy shit, if this is true it'll be amazing. 90ms -> ~10ms

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=58