League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The thing with Kindred that's going to be broken to all hell is the Passive can be seen through Fog of War. Mark the jungler and always know where he's at. That's more broken than Rek'Sai passive.

Here's how it looks on minimap


It's really dumb imo.

Apparently the mark shows "periodically" which is a little better, depends how often it appears. Still gives away a lot of info.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The mark always shows on camps. The mark doesn't show on champs unless you can see the champ, according to Rito


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The mark always shows on camps. The mark doesn't show on champs unless you can see the champ, according to Rito
The way I interpreted it is that the Mark doesn't grant vision of the champion, but you can still see the mark through the fog.

edit: watched some footage and the mark doesn't even show up on champions at all (on the minimap) so nm about all that
(it shows for jungle camps only)


Anyone know the safest way to go about buying an alt account? Just a fresh level 30 acct for cheap to save time having to level one.


A Man Chooses....
God I hate solo queue. Play Lee Sin, pure support build(warrior into tank), go 6-1-10 early, get 3 drags, doesn't matter team just derps and refuses to group up. It's like there is no point doing anything other than playing hyperscaling devourer junglers, because no matter how much you snowball early your stupid fucking team will allow the other team to hang around.


Potato del Grande
Welp, I might've been able to make gold this season but I doubt it any more. I just threw my first game intentionally because our trash zed mid was trolling me all game ks'ing, following me around stealing cs and then at the end he stole blue buff from me so I said fuck it and let them 4v5 (I was the only one on our team who could kill any of them). I think i'm going to be doing this from now on too. Probably won't help me from moving up in the ranks but if it keeps the dipshits from moving up then I can kind of consider myself doing a good deed.

After all, no real benefit to hitting gold/plat/diamond if all the dumb fucks get the same wins I do and end up following me there.


Trakanon Raider
So, your zed mid, who was struggling, got extra gold by assisting in kills - but got the killing blow, so fuck that guy. And then the underfarmed zed took YOUR creeps and then the asshole even had the audacity to take YOUR blue! Totally deserved to throw that game. Fuck him.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He wont follow you up the ranks. Millions of people play this game and you'll never see him again. You'll only frustrate yourself.


Got something right about marriage
I have a question about Ekko. I don't think I've ever seen an impressive Ekko, doesn't matter how far ahead they get. I just watched Meteos go 15-1-5 at 25 frigan minutes on his stream and he still looked lame as shit during team fights. The other team was losing 7-20 and they still won the inhib game. Ekko couldn't do shit even though he was that fed. He wasn't tanky, he didn't do damage... he was a complete waste even though he participated in 100% of his teams kills til that point. Why do people like that champion? He seems useless. Especially when I watch him take 20 seconds to kill a scuttler even with that much feed.

From 20 minutes on him and his team had a lead that just got whittled down to nothing and they eventually lost with Ekko finishing 19/5/6.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ekko is still good. People mostly play him Tanky which is why he can't carry late game, he needs his team to do damage. This is the case with all Tanks in League (except Juggernauts I suppose). Assassin Ekko can still burst really hard too. I like him and I've seen a lot of really good Ekko's (on my team and against).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Whenever I play Ekko I love going Back, buying very quickly then just R'ing to the spot you went Back at. I never see anybody else do this. Basically like a rek'sai ult kinda lol. Works really nice if you get some CDR too because his ult is up every minute or so. Sure, then you are without an ult but if you're just getting back to lane or jungle to farm a bit anyway you're ult doesn't have that long of a cd.