League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh god... I was already pissed I missed getting Vander, now you turn around and use him for trade bait.
The fact you got him off free agency makes me hate the deal

I'd probably keep Yellowstar if I was him. TSM will have a surge.


Trakanon Raider
heh.. yea, I was happy with that pickup

He can keep yellowstar still, but I don't think he's gonna do better then Vander overall, or in the near future anyways. If they start surging, or have weak matchups, he can bring him off bench. If I were him, I'd drop kasing to make room. I dropped him for a reason, VIT is not living up the hype, and even when they win he's very spikey. Not consistent, and overall pretty low even with the spikes.

edit: I've always noticed people undervalue those from free agency versus their initial draft picks.. but that's how I've always done well in other fantasy sports. Things change, people we overlook during draft end up being the best performers. I bet no one thought Rush or Impulse was good before last split, and then they wrecked everything. Similar with Immortals, they were undervalued at draft time versus what they've done. On draft day, Rekkles went much higher then Wildturtle, but no one would make that trade now. Huhi has been like the #4 mid so far, and he's scored over 30 every week, which can't be said for many. He always puts up a decent performance on that team, even in a loss.


<Silver Donator>
I like having 3 from immortals because I only watch one or two games a week, and I like having 3 from my roster in those games.


Trakanon Raider
well.. then I hope ryu stays in korea or whatever is going on with him, cause now I got selfie.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jhin has performed well in most of my games. You can't look at his stats on Champion.gg yet. Only 2k games analyzed and nobody has more than 5 games played with him yet in those stats. If you look at the win rate by games played, players with 5-15 games as Jhin average a 75% win rate.


Bronze Squire
Jhin has performed well in most of my games. You can't look at his stats on Champion.gg yet. Only 2k games analyzed and nobody has more than 5 games played with him yet in those stats. If you look at the win rate by games played, players with 5-15 games as Jhin average a 75% win rate.
I think I have played 5 games but not sure on the division cutoff that it looks for, I have a 100% win rate on him playing him mid or bot. I love him, he fits my style so much and the damage comes from out of nowhere. I am finding success with rushing RFC on him as a first item.

-edit I lied I lost 1 game, so 80% since I didn't realize the first game I played on him was ranked.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
yup.. I break out the Udyr when he is in the meta, just set my masteries and need to set rune page later. I would have had a game with him but he's already getting target banned. Udyr was like my top 1 or 2 champ played in Season 2. Always brings back good memories of Silver tier
yup.. I break out the Udyr when he is in the meta, just set my masteries and need to set rune page later. I would have had a game with him but he's already getting target banned. Udyr was like my top 1 or 2 champ played in Season 2. Always brings back good memories of Silver tier
I used to play the shit out of him in seasons past. So I took him for a stroll with this new build to see if he was actually ban worthy like some friends were saying. Yup! With runic echoes and then some mixture of tank and sheen items you basically become some unstoppable farming split pusher god. Ran two games with him where I was level 14-16 when everyone else was level 12 max. The scary part is this iteration of the bear man can actually team fight if you build him for it. Runic, sunfire, abysal, tank items and you just destroy people in team fights. If you want to split push its runic, gauntlet or tri force, dmp etc. So stupid. This isn't your old afk farm udyr. The mana regen and movespeed make his ganking pretty credible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually rarely played Udyr and bought Spirit Guard just because it's by far my favorite skin in the game. If he's actually like decent now, my teammates may have to suffer me playing a champ I hardly play in a role I haven't done much since S3 :p
I actually rarely played Udyr and bought Spirit Guard just because it's by far my favorite skin in the game. If he's actually like decent now, my teammates may have to suffer me playing a champ I hardly play in a role I haven't done much since S3 :p
I think with the current popular picks and the items he uses he is beyond decent right now. Really this is about anyone who can abuse movement speed. When i dont jungle I play mid and am taking either tf or annie depending on the matchup. First buy on both of those assuming i didnt get dumpstered early and have to buy defensive is swifty boots and either a second dorans or wisp. At that point I can shove the wave and walk top or bot for a gank then get back to my lane without missing more then one or two creeps. I watched alex itch play a speed based version of Viktor the other day which was just as disgusting. He literally had ghost every time his q landed.


About Jhin. I'm not sure really whether he is UP or OP. I think he is kind of like karthus in that if you can pick him in to favorable comps you can absolutely steam roll a game. However if you pick him blind and get his version of soraka (assasins or super dive) then you are asking for a loss.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I keep meaning to try out storm surge with Diana, only problem is it seems to work best on low cooldown champs or aa champs, so I'd probably want to go Nashors with Storm Surge. It makes her a bit different than how I like to play her.
I keep meaning to try out storm surge with Diana, only problem is it seems to work best on low cooldown champs or aa champs, so I'd probably want to go Nashors with Storm Surge. It makes her a bit different than how I usually like to play her.
I dont think you really need stormriders surge man. Luden + Lbane + swifties should be more then enough movespeed on her? The only two champs i use stormriders on are fiddle and Wukong. Fiddle being the only real ap jungle I'm comfortable on, the keystone is amazing because people can't escape your ult. I take it on Wukong who is my go to jungle at the moment with Rengar's sorry state whenever I'm facing a team with multiple dashes or blinks because it keeps you on top of them while ulting.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My initial impressions of Jhin are:

  • He's sort of a caster marksman, but has a later power spike than Ez/Corki
  • If he gets ahead, he can absolutely wreck the enemies' day
  • If he's behind, he has some utility but can have a hard time farming back up to even
  • You cannot afford to be bad or half-assed at last hitting with him. Even with his relatively high AD, I was struggling with this
  • His abilities are all awesome and fun and his Q allows for some sort of high-skill lane trades
  • Getting a RFC proc on your 4th bullet makes you feel like a boss

Overall, his raw damage and surprisingly useful skills don't make up for his weaknesses in the hands of anyone not used to him. Much higher learning curve than some of the other ADCs that fill a similar role. Passive is confusing as fuck to try and math out on your own but it basically amounts to "build like a normal marksman and you'll be k" which is not what I expected.

I haven't seen him in competent hands yet (I'm assuming my own aren't competent as I haven't played him in a REAL game yet), but I feel like he may actually be in an ok place. Possibly too strong in skilled hands outside the laning phase but most of his long-range stuff is easy enough to avoid.


Trakanon Raider
Did they change his mana costs since PBE? Seemed super low, and I watched imaqtpie play him a bit, seemed borderline broken. He thought the mana costs needed to be increased, as he was spamming the bouncing grenade for last hitting + super harass at same time and not running out of mana. He looks like an ADC Xerath, but with better sustained damage. But, that's from someone who hasn't played him myself, just watched others so.. take it with a grain of salt.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
From playing 1 Jhin game in custom, you can't spam grenade. Not sure on the actual mana cost but having mana issues was the biggest thing holding me back against the bots

Regarding Udyr, I'm going 100% Diana/Udyr now. Played 4 games last night as Udyr and went 2-2 but should have easily went 4-0. I hate to blame teammates but yea... Losing games going 8-2-8 and 9-2-8 is super sad. That's 16 of 18 and 17 of 21 kill participation in those games. Only thing I could have tried was playing the split push game a bit harder, but no guarantee it would have worked.

Considering I've only played 2 Udyr games in the past year... and they were both top lane, I'm not too sad about losing those games. I need to refine strat & build a bit better to handle deadbeat teams more. Still rocking a 6.50 KDA in 4 games with 5 of my 10 deaths happening in my 1st Udyr game this Season. Seems strong as fuck and I hope to ride him up the ranks with my usual Diana pick.

Speaking of Diana... Either I lost my touch, the meta has shifted, or I'm super unlucky... but my games have been really tough with her and I'm not stringing together the wins like I was a couple months ago. She can still get fed and carry but it just seems a lot harder. Not much has changed since pre-season except people are try-harding more now and also Dynamic Queue puts everyone in their preferred roles, so matchups are always going to be tough. I also blame Maw of Malmortis... seems like every AD champion buys that thing (because it's OP as fuck), and it seems like nobody purchased it in pre-season.

I've been stuck in Gold I for a few weeks now (climbed from Gold 5) and only have a 51% win rate with Diana after 91 games (literally 46-45 record with her). I've played 103 ranked games this season already and am at a 47% win rate. 0-8 record with champions other than Diana & Udyr

Picking up Udyr should be a big help. I tried Volibear twice when teams needed a tank in the jungle and failed both times. Udyr is strong and will fill the role much better.

Here's my Udyr builds from last night, only thing I can think to do with those losses was split push and build a Zzrot portal to aid with that. I've been checking out Trick2g's builds for inspiration on what to buy:
