League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mained Poppy when I first started ranked and got to about 1400 rating with her in season 2. If you could pick any champ with 6 completed items, Poppy (or Vayne, toss-up imo.) would hand downs be the strongest champ in the game. The problem is getting her to that point in the game because it is very hard for her to get money. In SR she generally is best in top lane and played as an ad bruiser. Philo stone and Sheen are her core build but like someone else mentioned, AP Poppy in dominion or 3v3 is a fun time.Use this guide if you wanna mess around with her more.
Vayne aint got nothing on a 6 item trist! Who cares if you can tumble every 2 seconds when you have an ult that blasts them away 10k yards and a jump that resets on kill/assist. Actually Trist would probably be my pick for strongest 6-item champion in the game.


I've been playing LoL on and off for about a year or two. The only player I've come to love and rape with (in 3v3's at least) is Shaco, even after the nerf. As I've started to play ranked 5's and some 3's more I've realized he's too squishy. Any opinions on other characters I should pick up that are similar ?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shaco still works fine even in ranked 5s. You just have to split push the majority of the time and don't team fight as much.

As for your question, it depends what you prefer to do because at least in my opinion there are no other champions in the game that are similar to Shaco. Only champion that I think is reasonably close (at least early game) would be Lee Sin. He has a very strong early game between dueling in the jungle or ganking. You do end up building him full tanky though so his split push usually sucks and end game you're mainly just there to Ward jump into the enemy team and hopefully use your ultimate to kick somebody squishy into your team so they can blow that person up.


A Man Chooses....


Only Bronze One, but still.


Potato del Grande
You do end up building him full tanky though so his split push usually sucks and end game you're mainly just there to Ward jump into the enemy team and hopefully use your ultimate to kick somebody squishy into your team so they can blow that person up.
Tell that to everybody in bronze who builds 80% damage on him (bloodthirster, black cleaver, think I saw one guy do hydra once, etc.) please =(.
Tell that to everybody in bronze who builds 80% damage on him (bloodthirster, black cleaver, think I saw one guy do hydra once, etc.) please =(.
Tanky lee sins are for the jungle. So make fun of them if they build more then one offensive item. A top or mid laning Lee sin will build hyrdra, last whisper, then head in to a defensive item (most often randuins) then maybe a BT or more tank depending. Offensive Ree Singah's are nothing to sneeze at if played correctly.

So hit gold one. Finally am getting semi clamped since I've won two games since getting in to the league and only getting 14 points a win. Its better then the 2-6 I was getting in all of Silver 1 though, even though it is rough when I was getting 24-28 points a win all the way from gold V-II.


how hard is this game to get started with? I played heroes of newearth for a while and i am not too good at it and people get so mad!
Its a MOBA. Pretty much you either need a thick skin or you need to always queue with friends if you want to get in to it. People will bash you even in level 5 bot games. It also has the genre wide steep learning curve. Not as bad as HoN or DoTA but still plenty deep if you aren't a vet of any previous MoBA.


Thx, i should try seeing as its free... I got ok at Newerth eventually. But I only play about 3 heroes, if I try something new... things go wrong and ppl go ape shit at me.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
how hard is this game to get started with? I played heroes of newearth for a while and i am not too good at it and people get so mad!
Easy if:

you understand core concepts like "Stay out of AEs"
You do a quick "google CHARACTER NAME" of people you aren't familiar with and read during loading
You have common sense about lane safety

Unfortunately the above is NEVER done by people and they instead throw 6 deaths away before learning "OH that was HIS ability that killed me!"

In relation to the rage comments, people always rage, usually on the person with little to no fault.

Mid lane over extended and never bought wards and died 7 times? "Fucking top lane and jungle suck GG surrender at 20"
Bot lane ADC keeps jumping into fights when you clearly see the jungle person on your wards headed to your lane? "GG SUPPORT NOOB FUCKIN UNINSTALL"
Support never wards and constantly steals / "helps" with killing minions? "No hablo ingles, morde es numero uno!"
Top lane lets his lane roam after handing off 12 deaths under their turret like a moron? "FUCKING JUNGLE BLOWS, GO BACK TO BRONZE FUKIN NUB"
Jungle never ganks in spite of every lane being in perfect conditions (warded, cleared of enemy wards, enemies low on health and over extended)? "LEARN UR ROLE, YOU SHULDN'T NEED HELP, I DIDN'T ASK FOR HELP IN JUNGLE DID I?"

League of legends, where the community is SO bad that they have a psychology department who has a sole responsibility of fixing their bad community.


2 Minutes Hate
I had such a terrible time Jungling last night. Played two quick games to mess around with a Kayle build I saw, I have mixed reviews on that. Played a game as Yi and a game with Zac.

Kayle and Yi games were three games where we didn't have a tank. Should of paid closer attention to champ select, ah well but I wanted to mess around with a Kayle Jungle. First game was hilarious because we had an Aatrox "support" that KSd bot and jungle all game. Fun.

Two games in a row played against a Malphie and Maikai jungle. Fucking tanky mother fuckers. Then my Yi game, we had no tank again, but we ended up winning anyway, but we had zero initiation the whole game so I ended up having to do it with a squishy Yi. Got the win and we had a good Fiora playing top that snowballed.

Last game played Zac because I got tired of being squishy and we lost pretty bad. First game with Zac that I really felt the pinch when I couldn't carry. Built zac all armor because we were up against a full AD team. I couldn't die, but the rest of my team refused to focus down targets. Or they would wander off and farm during team fights. Not that I was flawless either, I had a hilarious chance with Jax where somehow my Q missed by a pixal, my E landed right next to him but didn't hit him, and my W had no range. Oh god that was embarassing and belonged on the lowlights of the month youtube video.

Really depressing night last night and playing Jungle (even not playing very well) really teaches you how different lanes, if they fail, how it effects other lanes. Really teaches map awareness which I really needed.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, it definitely does, but unfortunately most other people don't understand cause and effect. Even when someone is 'winning' their lane, they end up doing small things that effects everything else. Like, they get a kill bottom, but when I ping that we should do dragon now, mid doesn't understand to push up his lane, so 5-10 seconds later when we're all at dragon, his lane is on tower and the enemy champ showed up along with the bigger wave.

Or, a lane that is getting zoned out and having a rough time farming is pinging for help, but mid and bot keep recalling when their lane is pushing back towards them rather then resetting it on tower. So, if I go gank top, we lose a tower, or two, in the process. If I go to gank for him, half of the time they push the lane while I'm on the way, making the gank unsuccessful and wasting my time. If an early gank is unsuccessful, that tends to make the next few not work as well since you get underlvled. If you focus on farming, then everyone bitches that you haven't ganked while enemy jungler has, so he's better then you and you suck. :p If I hold a lane and they die, it's my fault for not ganking.. It's never their own fault. It can be very frustrating if your team is losing to be the jungler. You have to learn to just ignore people, which is true for most positions at lower level, but jungler gets raged at often even when you don't feed.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Is Mordikaiser worth messing around with this free week? What's his history like?
Use spell vamp quints and build spirit of spectral wrath, hextech gunblade and will of the ancients. Its a fun build. Nothing you would ever use in ranked but if you ever manage to complete all the items you will be able to tank an entire team.


2 Minutes Hate
Question is, why isn't he played in ranked? I ask only because I like learning about different champs. I'm coming into this game in S3 and there are a few years of build up with some of these champs that interest me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Mordekaiser has no escapes and in order to harass in lane he pushes the lane automatically because of the way his kit works thus making him incredibly susceptible to early ganks. If you survive the early game Mordekaiser can become a beast later but he brings no CC and is a melee-range mage, so he is generally just more of a liability than a boon for his team, either because he dies and is never relevant or he just gets blown up in teamfights before he can really be useful. Unlike Shaco, I don't think Mordekaiser has a place at all in the current meta. It's a shame, too, I really used to enjoy playing him.


Golden Squire
Mordekaiser is good in certain situations, for example as a counter pick to a team running a Heimerdinger 3v1 mid lane. At the same time you will never see that except in organized play sooo yeah. Even in that situation I am unsure if Mordekaiser is the best, anyway.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Morde used to be a monster, but they reworked his shield a while back, and then nerfed him some more. He used to just shield tank through team fights. Too much cc/jumps now for the character in most situations.


Tranny Chaser
Almost the entire cast is absolutely fine to pick in solo queue at any rating. Morde specifically was really popular in 2011 but his shield generation got monkied with and the quality of Mordekaiser has always been determined by what condition his shield generation is at. By the time it was fixed back up everyone had already dropped him and moved on. He's still plenty dangerous and woe to any level 4 jungler that tries a gank when Morde is 6. That usually goes QWER Ignite double kill report dis noob jungler. With the addition of Spectral Wraith and the recent change that dropped respawn times on jungle creeps to 50 seconds a Mordekaiser middle might really be decent again. He was one of the original champions that people would take wraiths and shit with from mid lane. I could totally see picking him against someone with terrible wave clear.