League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
Lissandra is amazing! You just need a team that follows up. One of my favorite games I've played recently I was TF mid and we had a Lissandra top. Level 6 if i ever went top was a guaranteed kill because she could follow up 100% of the time and stun, which lead to my stun, then her root etc etc. Her early game kind sucks because she doesn't really do damage but once you get a couple items and get 40% cdr she's a monster. Shitty champion if nobody follows (so prolly shitty champion at lower leagues) but amazing if you're playing with some friends or just playing with people that follow.

Annnd before you ask Draegon...Ahri, Leona & Lux are all amazing so if you're thinking about buying them since they are going on sale...get them all! :p

Ahri is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite mid in the game. Very mobile, an assassin, can roam and lane clear well. Lux has dropped off a bit but as long as you can land skill shots you can still almost 100-0 a lot of people once you get deathcap + void, so just farm farm farm til you get those items. If you get fed early your burst combo does ridiculous amounts of damage so just go gank bot and watch as your ultimate does 1/2 their life. Leona is my goto support. Really fun with another bursty adc like graves or draven. Your ultimate has a huuuge range and if you can land the stun great, but even the close portion of it allows you to EQ combo in to follow up.
Hah! Well, I wasn't really coming here for those champs as I've played around them quite a bit and I really have no interest in playing mid at this time. I'll probably buy Leona so I can play her as support from time to time.


I think any Diamond + Rerolled members should give back to the community and boost us silver II / IIIers to Gold V this season. Who agrees?


Molten Core Raider
I think any Diamond + Rerolled members should give back to the community and boost us silver II / IIIers to Gold V this season. Who agrees?
I am not Diamond, just Plat level, but I'd be willing to help anyone out and do some duo quo'ing! -- Message me in game, name is "Parkway amw"


Hah! Well, I wasn't really coming here for those champs as I've played around them quite a bit and I really have no interest in playing mid at this time. I'll probably buy Leona so I can play her as support from time to time.
What position do you like Draegan?


Vyemm Raider
I think any Diamond + Rerolled members should give back to the community and boost us silver II / IIIers to Gold V this season. Who agrees?
I'll carry you to whatever elo you like.....for the right price~


I haven't tried to seriously play ranked in 4 months. I need to move from gold1 to plat before the season ends. When is the season ending?


Tranny Chaser
The world championship finals aren't until October and last season they extended the season beyond it's original end date so you've got time.


Golden Squire
I hate people. Last game we had an Ashe that didn't listen to myself or top make calls. Resulted in several fights that we lost simply because Ashe decided to farm instead of helping out. Favourite part was when an inhibitor was about to die to super creeps, the Ryze and myself on the team asked Ashe to help and he didn't move from farming the center lane because "Ryze was already bot", needless to say the inhibitor went down and we lost shortly thereafter.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can't tell if they put too much weight into pre-made groups or night, played a game last night that 3 ppl on my team said they were in skype together, one was bronze 1 and the other two weren't ranked, so the enemy team had a platv and goldv on their team both with at least 500 ranked games this season and 20-30 wins over .500. But despite that it was still a pretty close game.

Also I just found out you can vote on players in the tribunal, never have I wanted to punch so many 13 year olds in the face.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mostly play adc and I was thinking of picking up tristana any thoughts or tips on her? I just don't see her played often...
She's fine. Also, you get her and a skin for free if you like Riot on facebook or something. Someone else can confirm exactly what it takes.


Golden Squire
The mana cost to her haste has been dropped, but I still wouldn't pick it up until after lvl 7, but I would max it after that.

It's mostly good to start with her jump (W) level 1, so you're not pushing the lane so early. When you activate your Q, make sure you're ready to auto attack for the entire duration to get the most out of it. I personally like to use BOTRK with her that synergizes with her E, but a phantom dancer for attack speed is also quite good because if you're jumping into minions with your W, and chasing, the passive helps you maneuver with ease.


My list of ADC favorites includes trist, but I play a little more passive on her than most people do. I go BOTRK zerker greaves then IE. At that point with my Q and good positioning in team fights we just walk through things.

My favorites are hyper carries: Trist, Kog, Vayne. I never get to play Kog though, team comps never let me.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So, I experienced my first ever teamwide flame "we're reporting you" situation. It was 4vs4 top in Dominion and both teams were poking back and forth waiting for the right time to initiate when my dog let loose the most epic toxic fart mankind has ever known, driving me from my seat. The whole scenario lasted about 10-15 seconds but during that time my team initiated and we ended up getting aced because my champ just stood there. I know I won't get banned for it but I have now added "don't play in close proximity to gassy animals" to my list of LOL Pro Tips.