League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
1 game from promo series. We win a baron fight, take an inhib, and then the ezreal takes the blue buff from Morgana. Morgana proceeds to recall, sit at the pad, type and bitch but never leave until we lose a 4v5. FUCK THIS GAME SO HARD.

The Ancient_sl

I just started playing this recently and its pretty damn fun. Ability of the team I end up can either really make or break the enjoyment factor though.

I do really really well with Annie because of her insane burst damage and stun. With tibbers I can get a pretty much guaranteed kill everytime. Anyone have any suggestions for similar insane spike damage? I tried Ryze but wasnt near as effective with him. I really need to get better at other champions but its hard to not pick Annie and get mad kills.
Brand. Leblanc.


Trakanon Raider
1 game from promo series. We win a baron fight, take an inhib, and then the ezreal takes the blue buff from Morgana. Morgana proceeds to recall, sit at the pad, type and bitch but never leave until we lose a 4v5. FUCK THIS GAME SO HARD.
yeah, I will never understand some people.


Trakanon Raider
go do the 5x vs 5x games! 10 blitzcranks hooking/knocking up each other is one of the most hilarious things ever. So pull of innuendos too!


I just had the most perfect game of ranked. We won at 18:25. First tower was top at 4:30~, then mid tower at 530~ and the 2 bot towers at 630 and 730 respectively, took dragon and pushed mid. Took our first inhib at 12 minutes, second one at 14 minutes. They aced us on the nexus towers so we just pushed back in and rode the super minions to the glorious end.

And just played a game with Froggen :S It was a lot of fun


Lord Nagafen Raider
and I couldn't agree more with what your Shaco said in chat. How many of your team mates were bitching and moaning when he picked him? :p

Did he snowball all lanes pretty hard I assume? Looking at team comps theirs seems a million times better, but yeah, you're guys early game is ridiculously good.


and I couldn't agree more with what your Shaco said in chat. How many of your team mates were bitching and moaning when he picked him? :p

Did he snowball all lanes pretty hard I assume? Looking at team comps theirs seems a million times better, but yeah, you're guys early game is ridiculously good.
Only lane you could say he snowballed was mine. He killed their jungler at their blue and then we got a double kill in top lane. From there it was just a push fest on the towers because their team didnt group to defend em. Nobody bitched about our team comp or about shaco, we just said the only chance we have to win is to korean push the towers and we did.


I just started playing this recently and its pretty damn fun. Ability of the team I end up can either really make or break the enjoyment factor though.

I do really really well with Annie because of her insane burst damage and stun. With tibbers I can get a pretty much guaranteed kill everytime. Anyone have any suggestions for similar insane spike damage? I tried Ryze but wasnt near as effective with him. I really need to get better at other champions but its hard to not pick Annie and get mad kills.


2 Minutes Hate
Curse has 4 new players in their lineup. It'll be surprising if they do well.

Voyboy has been lackluster in top lane. I don't think he's great with bruisers. He's good when he can get on an assassin-type champ. Akali was his best champion for a while but she doesn't fit into the pro scene.

Aphromoo has always been an ADC main but was forced into Support for CLG. Cop was always too passive for Curse, Aphro should be an improvement but I don't think he's seen as being "godlike".

Zekent is quirky. Should be fun watching him play his Janna. I have a feeling he'll be an upgrade from Edward. Not because Edward was bad but because he had no synergy with Cop & the team. Edward was known for Blitz/Thresh. Cop was too passive to utilize those champs and Edward was relegated to playing champs like Sona instead. Zekent actually plays the supports Curse wants (Janna/Sona/etc).

IWillDominate was known as one of the best junglers in Season 1, then he was banned for a year from pro gaming. I've seen his stream sometimes and feel like he's a much better personality & jungler than Saint. I feel like Saint melts under pressure (thus all the missed smites) whereas Dominate seems to perform better under pressure. Should be a huge improvement.

Pobelter is the only player I really haven't seen or paid attention to. I thought LinkNyjackywas a pretty good mid laner though. It seemed like the mid lane was the one area they had no issue at. Top/Jungler/Bot lane was always a disaster but LinkNyjackyseemed to always perform well. I'm sure Pobelter is a good player, perhaps even better than LinkNyjacky. I think keeping LinkNyjackyand trashing Voyboy might have been the better option.

I'm a big fan overall of this new Curse team though. I was never really a fan of them at all. Their players had 0 personality and none of them were interesting to watch. This new lineup has 3 players that I watch streams of (Aphro/Zekent/IWDominate).

I've typically rooted for TSM and then C9. I never got to see IWDominate in the pro scene as I never really got into LoL until S2 but I have been waiting for his return so I can see what all the fuss is about. His streams had been entertaining and informative.

I'm actually starting to despise TSM. Regi, Dyrus & Xpecial are too much drama anymore. Season 2 of Gamecribs just made me hate them. I <3 TheOddOne tho. Even Wildturtle gets on my nerves a lot. The quirkiness is a bit over-the-top.

I only rooted for C9 because they were our best hope internationally. I'm thinking their success may not come as easy this next season.

(Draegen, I'll consider composing some articles at some point)
Lol, I was about to c/p this.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
yeah, I will never understand some people.

No matter how hard you carry, someone will make sure you lose a game here or there. I like to play roaming smiteless second jungler support shaco when im out to win in low elo, but every now and then you get the "THIS SHACO IS SO FUKKEN TROLL IM AFK" player.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shit, I was gonna say the same about that Shaco build lol. But he did say support roaming Shaco so I guess it'd work. I'm one of those Shaco players that really dislikes Bork on him, just really preference I suppose.


Vintage skins coming back hnnng
Hey summoners,
For the past year, we've been exploring ways to solve a conundrum with Limited Edition skins. Here's the crux of the issue:
During events from December 2009 through October 2011, we released 34 skins for a limited time and communicated they wouldn't come back into the store.
Since then, our playerbase has grown so much that these skins are virtually never seen in game
The most common, Bewitching Nidalee, appears once every 971 games in NA
The least common, Ice Toboggan Corki, appears once every 116,586 games in NA
Every day we receive heartfelt emails with compelling stories from players asking for the chance to own or gift their favorite skin, either because they missed the brief store window due to travel, illness, deployment, etc., or because they hadn't joined the LoL community yet.
We think it's important to solve this, especially since we believe skins are primarily about self-expression and fun, not exclusivity. We've evaluated solutions such as a trading auction or achievement system, but each has significant negatives. We also feel that, while it's important we solve this problem for the majority of players, it's equally important that we preserve value for those who do own these skins.
Taking all that into account, we decided on the following solution:
The 34 Limited Edition skins will become available for purchase or gifting for a limited time during the following months:
Harrowing 2010 & 2011 skins during October 2013
Snowdown Showdown 2009 & 2010 skins during December 2013
Winter Games 2010 skins during February 2014
World Cup 2010 skins during June 2014
Given the reduction in exclusivity, we will be providing the following compensation to the original owners of these skins:
RP equal to the price they paid for the skin
Vintage treatment in the loading screen whenever they use the skin


Tranny Chaser
Skin exclusivity was a terrible, terrible idea from the start and I'm very happy to see them abandoning it sooner rather than later. It's a policy that does nothing but handcuff Riot with almost zero benefit for them or the player base. I bought a couple of the old holiday skins (many were terrible) and it won't bother me in the slightest to see other Nutcrackos running around.

I couldn't be happier about this news.