League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
How long do you have to wait before the new release champion drops down to 6300? Was it just 1 week or is it 2? I really want jinx but don't really want to spent the extra 1500 ip to get her since she'll be 6300 soon enough. I think I've only ran into 1 bad Jinx so far and it was in a normal and it was Leona (me) + Jinx vs Thresh + Jinx and we absolutely dominated the thresh/jinx lane. Think every other Jinx I've seen just becomes a monster. She's like the Katarina ADC, that speed boost when she gets a kill combined with her Slow and her Root is just sooo much control.


Tranny Chaser
It's a week +/- a day or two.

She's got too much CC for an ADC. Jinx/Zyra, for example, is a pretty major amount of bullshit. Tons of harass at big range and heaven help you if you get hit byanything.

Do not like.
Jinx is on perma ban status for me right now. I've had two lose out of the ~14 games that I've seen her in. Out of those two only one lost lane. Its disgusting what synergy she has with Zyra, Thresh, Fiddle, and leona. This may be slight exaggeration but she basically has a mini ashe arrow on her w in regards to CC chains in lane. I've been running support for a couple of them and that slow with its range makes landing skill shot CC so easy. Jinx W, Zyra Snare, Jinx E all day long.

On a related note, S3 has been in at least the pro scene a weak year for ADCs carrying a game, but I'm finding that more and more in solo queue that banning out Vayne, Corki, and now Jinx is the best way to control the game as a team captain. Jinx and Corki have no horrible matchups and snowball incredibly easy. Vayne does have problems with Caitlyn lanes but if she can survive the lane with okay farm and she either picks up a couple of kills or gets some free farm time and becomes that insane dualist/mid game monster. The only other ban worthy champs are Fizz, Ahri, and Zed at the moment. But each of them have a couple of strong counters in lane that see play fairly often.


Bronze Squire
In regards to Curse I kind of felt like Voyboy might have been going that way as he was playing a lot of mid lane lately. Certainly don't have much hope for this team any more.


Tranny Chaser
That seems like an interesting outgrowth of how ridiculously important the buff camps are right now. I'll have to watch those games. In S2 I saw a couple times an Ezreal/Janna bot lane start with Smite and do red buff at level 1 before going into lane but I've never seen it since. I always liked that idea.


In regards to Curse I kind of felt like Voyboy might have been going that way as he was playing a lot of mid lane lately. Certainly don't have much hope for this team any more.
My favorite part was at the end when the announcer said something along the lines of, "I wonder who Curse is going to kick for that loss?" Twitch chat just exploded.

Never understood the Curse hypetrain myself. They never place very high.Team Curse - Leaguepedia - Competitive League of Legends Wiki


Like Fawe said, this isn't true. In my case during promos I only got small amounts for one or two games then it returned to 29ish a win.
I've won like 10 of the last 14 games and still doing 7-8 a win. Up to 50lp I was getting 20-25, as soon as I hit 50 lp though it was single digits. Lame. Just takes a bit to get MMR high enough. It is also probably because I had a bad losing streak like two weeks ago when I dropped out of silver 1, so my MMR probably dropped pretty badly. :\


Played an aram against meteos earlier, seeing the mechanics difference between him and the people I play with in low diamond/high plat is insane.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
She's got too much CC for an ADC. Jinx/Zyra, for example, is a pretty major amount of bullshit. Tons of harass at big range and heaven help you if you get hit byanything.
Do not like.
Jinx is on perma ban status for me right now. I've had two lose out of the ~14 games that I've seen her in. Out of those two only one lost lane. Its disgusting what synergy she has with Zyra, Thresh, Fiddle, and leona.
Jinx seems fairly balanced to me. If anything maybe her W does a bit too much damage. I feel like a Vayne/Corki/Tristana match up very well against Jinx and it comes down to the supports. Late game I feel like all 4 ADCs have about the same power.


2 Minutes Hate
Not sure if this has been posted yet...

Here TPA doesn't even use ADCs to win either game. They used 3 bruiser/tanks, APC and supp fidds w/ triple smite.


LNL 2014 ????*??*???#42 TPA vs ahq - YouTube
LNL 2014 ????*??*???#55 CGA L vs TPA - YouTube

Reddit Article:

Triple Smite Team Comp by AZB TPA : leagueoflegends
My perspective is from a guy who just hit level 30, and never played a MOBA in his life until 4-5 months ago. I always thought the lane metas were pretty strange and didn't make sense. From my observation, that is free from seasons of play, is that you need to control Baron/Drag and buffs. Outside that, all the lanes are exactly the same except travel times.

Why do you send your duo lane bot anyway? Why not mid? My experience is extremely limited, but if I was planning out a game. I would put my most flexible players mid so they have easier control over the whole map. Either run 3 solo lanes and two junglers where you can control half of your jungle and half of theirs. Each jungler rotates into lane for xp/gold in a rotational basis. Use bot/mid or top/mid to rotate in for counter jungling as you push lanes.

Or do what is explained here. Use your mid lane as the spear head of your attack where they can counter jungle or support top/bot or make for easier baron/dragon control.

Question though: How did solo-top, mid AP, bot Sup/ADC + jungler meta evolve? Was it always like that?

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
It came from the most efficient way to get gold into the hands of people that need it most. 4 solo lanes ensured the most efficient exp / gold per lane. You see pro play go against the meta as in the linked games and with lane swaping top / bot. The current meta works in solo que where communication is limited and you are playing with random people who may not pick up immediately on when its time to swap lane / force obj's. Its just a "safe" way to play the game.


Golden Squire
Because a lot of AP champions that you might want to put in bottom or top lane don't have the escapes necessary to avoid ganks because bottom and top are longer lanes. Furthermore you don't want your ADC wandering too much whereas when you are you mid generally want to wander as part of your job. Also because of the meta you would often be two versus one bottom. Finally you put your ADC and support bottom for dragon control.


Tranny Chaser
Back during the beta (and into much of S1) the jungle role hadn't yet came into focus and sticking someone 1v2 top because your team had a jungler and theirs didn't was sometimes even a detriment. Without a jungle the default just became two top two bottom and a solo middle. The reason we don't have the 2v2 lane middle might be a simple case of early players going with symmetry. I'm trying to think of a real good reason to not have mid be the 2v2 lane and it's hard to come up with someone I'm willing to actually believe. It's way easier to come up with reasons to want two people middle.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
middle is shortest lane, so safest from ganks. ADCs don't roam, they usually lack cc and mobility. Most mids excel in Mobility + CC. By putting your duos mid lane you sacrifice the roam. Bruisers are solo top because they can endure more pain and are safer solo in that very long lane. ADC are fragile and need the support to survive the very long bot lane.


Avatar of War Slayer
Back during the beta (and into much of S1) the jungle role hadn't yet came into focus and sticking someone 1v2 top because your team had a jungler and theirs didn't was sometimes even a detriment. Without a jungle the default just became two top two bottom and a solo middle. The reason we don't have the 2v2 lane middle might be a simple case of early players going with symmetry. I'm trying to think of a real good reason to not have mid be the 2v2 lane and it's hard to come up with someone I'm willing to actually believe. It's way easier to come up with reasons to want two people middle.
yeah. and way back AP mid was not as dominate either. Sivirs, kats, trist were common mids.

Duo mid does make alot of sense. Its better control of dragon, lets you control golem/red. lets you send your support off to roam as needed as well. not entirely sure why its not done.


Tranny Chaser
middle is shortest lane, so safest from ganks. ADCs don't roam, they usually lack cc and mobility. Most mids excel in Mobility + CC. By putting your duos mid lane you sacrifice the roam. Bruisers are solo top because they can endure more pain and are safer solo in that very long lane. ADC are fragile and need the support to survive the very long bot lane.
The problem I have with all of those reasons is that they all feel retroactive. Many of them were not even applicable when the game was first getting started and mid was the defacto solo lane. The first reason, gank vulnerability, is the only one that I think really holds water.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
There's many more reasons for why the lanes are the way they are. It is the most efficient setup but doesn't mean it is the only way to setup. Pro teams can do it a little different because they have the coordination and build specifics in mind when changing it up. To stray from the common lane matchups requires a tailored build.

The 3 smite team as posted above doesn't even use an ADC. I thought the strategy was interesting, they did go 2-0 with it, but when watching the game I didn't necessarily think it was amazing. In fact the Duo with 2 smites still lost red buff at level 1 to the enemy jungler in game 1.

The bottom line is this:

3 Lanes, 1 Jungle, 5 players. How can we maximize gold, buffs & level income? One area needs to have a duo. Double jungle has been tried but can be tricky. The gold & xp income is not consistent. Duo in any of the 3 lanes is viable and better off. It really doesn't matter which lane has the duo but as we know, the importance of dragon control and the fact ADCs need a babysitter and the fact ADCs don't roam and also do not need to acquire blue buff easily means the duo is normally a Support+ADC in the bot lane. AP champions need to acquire levels fast to gain their strength, they are fragile, but the have strong roaming potential. They benefit being a solo lane normally near blue buff. The only common lane near blue is mid lane. AP champs are most efficient soloing in the mid lane.

Here is the first article I found using google regarding the lol meta:The Meta and Why it is the Way it Is - Articles - Team Dignitas : Professional Gaming Team