League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
I never yelled at you because I was level 10 at the time. I also never said Im supposed to be better. I had one night of trolls, the rest of the nights were troll free.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah it would be cool if the occasional "bad beats" rage on the forums got met with hey man, we've all been there play some normals / arams, cool off and continue winning.

Instead its, elo hell doesn't exist, I have NEVER ran into a troll ever because im so goddamn awesome ( yet im not pro, nor do i stream ), you are just bad because if you aren't bad you never lose a game etc etc etc.


Vyemm Raider
Let's assume that trolls exist. Let's further assume that you aren't a troll.

Ten players in a game, five players per team.

1) You
2) Possible Troll
3) Possible Troll
4) Possible Troll
5) Possible Troll

Their team

1) Possible Troll
2) Possible Troll
3) Possible Troll
4) Possible Troll
5) Possible Troll

Trolling benefits you getting out of ELO hell, because statistically you should win 56% percent of your games.


Potato del Grande
Let's assume that trolls exist. Let's further assume that you aren't a troll.

Ten players in a game, five players per team.

1) You
2) Possible Troll
3) Possible Troll
4) Possible Troll
5) Possible Troll

Their team

1) Possible Troll
2) Possible Troll
3) Possible Troll
4) Possible Troll
5) Possible Troll

Trolling benefits you getting out of ELO hell, because statistically you should win 56% percent of your games.
Statistics are funny in that sometimes it can take a large sample size to achieve a more accurate percentage, in this case. Aka ELO hell (being stuck in the shitranks because you have bad luck with team draws for a long long time). Statistically, Draegen went 7/3 and ended up in Silver 1. If he loses 7 games in a row, he will still be about 6 divisions higher than someone who went 3/7, got stuck in bronze 4 and then won 7 in a row (7/10 record vs 10/7 record in ranked, silver 4 maybe vs bronze 3 or possibly up to 2 from 7 wins in a row). Chances are that 10/7 guy isn't going to win another 20 games in a row (and my luck seems to be win almost every game I play for 2-5 days, then lose almost every game I play for 2-5 days). I skyrocketed from s5 to s2 with 94 lp (1 game from promo series to s1) and now i've lost prob 16 of my last 20 games and am sitting in s3 still after going 0/2 in my latest promo series. Almost every game is an absolute steamroll.
Yeah it would be cool if the occasional "bad beats" rage on the forums got met with hey man, we've all been there play some normals / arams, cool off and continue winning.

Instead its, elo hell doesn't exist, I have NEVER ran into a troll ever because im so goddamn awesome ( yet im not pro, nor do i stream ), you are just bad because if you aren't bad you never lose a game etc etc etc.
Embrace being bad. Its the secret path to becoming less bad. Sorry man, but this is pretty much the DOTA or DOTAlike mentality. Anyone who has played in the genre long enough is just tired of posts that put the burden of not winning on your team for the most part. Its seen as a cop out and most of the dotalike vets are burnt out on trying to be understanding (see how things with Wizardhawk started in this thread). Its just much easier to pull a page from Purge and tell someone that they are bad, you are bad too, and that everyone but the top 1% are bad, so put on your big boy pants and get better. Leads to much more enjoyable games as well.


Tranny Chaser
I maintain that low Elo games are miserable places for players to try and improve. You don't learn good lessons from the games you play and the whole thing can feel completely beyond your control no matter what you do.
I maintain that low Elo games are miserable places for players to try and improve. You don't learn good lessons from the games you play and the whole thing can feel completely beyond your control no matter what you do.
I think you should really hammer out the kinks in normal until you step in to ranked. Grinding out the noobishness without tanking your rating would solve a lot of ranked problems.

The link below is what I mean when I talk about embracing the bad by the way.

Welcome to Dota, You Suck | Purge Gamers


Lord Nagafen Raider
Playing with Commander Vimeseh at the moment. Will report back after game with my blog about his play.

Yeaaaaaaa, we'll just ignore that game. Our Jinx dc'd like 3 minutes in for a bit and just spammed chat constantly. Oh wells.


Tranny Chaser
I think you should really hammer out the kinks in normal until you step in to ranked. Grinding out the noobishness without tanking your rating would solve a lot of ranked problems.

The link below is what I mean when I talk about embracing the bad by the way.

Welcome to Dota, You Suck | Purge Gamers
No, it wouldn't. The problems I am talking about aren't inexperienced players entering ranked before some members of the community think a player should. The problems I am talking about are the environment that people can continue to find themselves in after hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of games of solo queue and how well that environment facilitates improvement and an enjoyable gaming experience.

It doesn't and unlike you I have empathy for players at the bottom who never go anywhere and never understand why. Even the combative ones like Wizardhawke.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's an MMR component to normals correct? I've been on a winning streak since coming back. Playing mostly Renekton top, Udyr/J4 jungle and been on big winning streak. I've been watching tons of streams and videos and it has really made a difference for me. I don't think it'll be worthwhile to try and get out of bronze now, but I'm hopeful for next seasons placement matches.

Also, Spirit Guard Udyr is worth it just for the confidence boost that running around looking like a total badass gives.


Tranny Chaser
Normals have their own unique MMR completely separate from your ranked MMR. It's part of what makes them so hilarious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just started playing LoL last year off and on. I think I came in like Bronze 3 and quickly hit the basement. Im in a promotion right now but not really concerned about it. The reason I asked is I started using LoLnexus to spot pre-mades and duo queues etc and noticed i play with Silver a lot now. But then again, that means those Silvers might have terrible normal MMR?
I just started playing LoL last year off and on. I think I came in like Bronze 3 and quickly hit the basement. Im in a promotion right now but not really concerned about it. The reason I asked is I started using LoLnexus to spot pre-mades and duo queues etc and noticed i play with Silver a lot now. But then again, that means those Silvers might have terrible normal MMR?
Most likely silver V's? If so yah they got promo'd and can't be demoted out of silver so they just have tanked bronze whatever mmr.


Tranny Chaser
Your league and your MMR can become disconnected. It's hard to say whether it's theirs or yours. If it's happening routinely the most likely explanation is that your MMR is higher than your league would reflect.

edit - yeah, unless they are zero LP silver 5s.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I've barely played ranked, only have 67 total games, compared to normals i have 302 wins. I think I'm familiar enough with all the roles to really grind it out in ranked now though.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
Embrace being bad. Its the secret path to becoming less bad. Sorry man, but this is pretty much the DOTA or DOTAlike mentality. Anyone who has played in the genre long enough is just tired of posts that put the burden of not winning on your team for the most part. Its seen as a cop out and most of the dotalike vets are burnt out on trying to be understanding (see how things with Wizardhawk started in this thread). Its just much easier to pull a page from Purge and tell someone that they are bad, you are bad too, and that everyone but the top 1% are bad, so put on your big boy pants and get better. Leads to much more enjoyable games as well.
Dude, I understand I am not pro. I win more than I love. EVERYONE has some bad beats that you just want to come to a forum and vent your frustration and have people be like dude that sucks and move on. Instead you get fucking retarded posts like yours that completely ignore the meat and potatoes of my post and say the same rehashed shit over and over again. Some people like draegan was doing was just venting.

I had a game where some dude was last pick and didn't want to support so he went nid, didn't buy a single ward the entire game, fed the enemy lane 4 kills in 4 minutes. Roamed top mid and jungle, leaving a now fed bot lane vs me in a 2 v 1 against an ashe sona combo. This person then went on to go 1 / 12 for the duration of the 27 min game. There was no way I as a farm starved adc against a fed lane with deciding between buying vision and actually buying items could carry the game, and we lost that game.

Of course YOU would see this as " omg this is the reason why im stuck in gold forever and ever and ever I will never win a game in gold due to all the trolls " INC response: Dude you're bad, once you know you're bad, you might be able to win games. etc etc etc.

Draeg or many of the posters here will bitch about a few games and its just that, a few games that really sucked to play and had insurmountable odds due to some person who just didn't give a shit when they qeued for a game. Wizardbro was different he came in with the im in bronze because of XXX where XXX != him. He changed his attitude since.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Playing with Commander Vimeseh at the moment. Will report back after game with my blog about his play.

Yeaaaaaaa, we'll just ignore that game. Our Jinx dc'd like 3 minutes in for a bit and just spammed chat constantly. Oh wells.
You need to embrace being bad, Sidian. If you weren't such a baddie, your Jinx wouldn't have dc'd or spammed chat. Next time try owning your lane harder, problems solved.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think people are just tired of the troll stories. It's a bit played out at this point. We've heard it all before. That seems to be 75% of this thread.


has an outie
I went on a 30-3 game streak. Then... I went on a 5-30 game streak. :| It's been rough at the end of the game season.

Honestly I'd say lately the troll stories are pretty true. It's been impossible to play since the season is now ending.