League Of Legends


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, thats just indie sports in general. very few shaun whites, tony hawks.
And "real" sports can make more money streaming, then they do from sponsership/events.
Laned against him on his NA smurf account last week. Boy did that suck! I know watching the pro's you can see that they are on another level, but actually having to play against them really just drove home how far the challenger+ plus players are ahead of everyone else. The only positive things I can say about the lane was that I only died to him once when his jungler ganked me and he "only" beat me by 40 cs leaving laning. Luckily my bot and top lanes won hard so my team actually won the game. Take that Bjergurking!


Golden Squire
Yeah I laned against a few challenger tier players in my company's LoL tournament. It was fun to see how hard I got my ass handed to me.
I've watched the replay of the match a couple of times now and its really something to see how he manipulated the lane and myself. Always had the minions where he wanted them, never gave me a free last hit without putting some damage on me (he was playing ori), landing every last hit and having a sixth sense for where the jungler on my team was. I know he didn't have enough wards to cover everything but he was constantly playing in the appropriate aggressive/defensive mode for where our Nautilus was. Very impressive. All that doesn't even take in to account his mechanical skill which was off course highly impressive.


2 Minutes Hate
I played a Poppy game last night and I fed early. Then again I was up against a Wukong/Heimer duo top. Meh.

In any case, I thought I would do more damage level 1/2 and I really didn't. What runes/masteries do you guys go with? The game went on forever and once I had full build it was kinda lulzy.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Poppy is very week during lane phase, you just have to survive somehow and try to get to late game. I don't play her though so unsure on build but from what I've seen she is very complex and can be built a ton of different ways.

Poppy is unique in that the developers hate her, will never buff her, and if she ever sees competitive play they will likely nerf/rework her:

Morello Want to Rework Poppy - Page 6 - League of Legends Community
Morello_sl said:
Well, there are two choices; I'm OK with both to some extent;

* Rework Poppy and make her a real pick in League, balance appropriately.

* Don't rework Poppy, and never ever buff her, and nerf her if she ever sees play.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Morello is such a cunt, I don't know why they let him talk to the public.


<Gold Donor>
Been watching a lot of twitch lately, how do they get away with people streaming music? Seems like that would be a huge legal issue.


Tranny Chaser
Poppy is unique in that the developers hate her, will never buff her, and if she ever sees competitive play they will likely nerf/rework her:

I don't really get what Morello is saying. The stated goal should be for every champion to be a real pick.


2 Minutes Hate
They have stated in the past that there are a few champs they keep the way they are just because they are fun, but not real serious champs.


Tranny Chaser
Sure, like the developers at Riot that thought GP's old Raise Morale was fun and opposed changing it. It's fun having the only deny in the entire game and ruining a lane with it.

If Poppy's Heroic Charge had the same forgiveness/auto correct of Vayne's Condemn I'd be a whole lot happier with that character. If you get shoved near a wall by Vayne you are going to get auto adjusted the extra little bit necessary to be stunned and it's bullshit. With Heroic Charge you damn near have to send someone through the terrain to get the stun. Drives me crazy.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

I don't really get what Morello is saying. The stated goal should be for every champion to be a real pick.
Basically her kit has 0 counterplay which makes her a toxic champion if she were ever to be a popular pick. To be a competitive game there needs to be counters. You can't just have the only counterplay be a weak laning phase and high mana costs (which become negligible with items). As spectators that's not fun to watch and as players it is frustrating - Poppy is like a ticking timebomb in any game.

He is saying they could make her a viable pick with the ability for counterplay (ie: Change her ultimate), or since there is a cult of Poppy players they can simply leave her alone and allow those players to keep having fun with her but if she ever became a mainstay in the competitive scene she would have to be changed.


Tranny Chaser
Spare me the "toxic" and "counter play" buzzwords. Saying you are fine doing nothing up until Poppy appears in a competitive environment when the hammer will then come down is game design that I 100% disagree with. You shouldn't be fine with there being troll tier champions on the roster that no one plays, have awful win rates, and possess multiple problematic abilities. Heimerdinger got an excellent revamp that maintains the spirit and flavor of the champion. So did Sivir.

I want more of that.


Molten Core Raider
I played a Poppy game last night and I fed early. Then again I was up against a Wukong/Heimer duo top. Meh.

In any case, I thought I would do more damage level 1/2 and I really didn't. What runes/masteries do you guys go with? The game went on forever and once I had full build it was kinda lulzy.
There are 2 basic approaches when you spec Poppy for runes and masters: 1. Get to hypercarry mode faster (damage) and 2. Get to hypercarry mode safer (tanky + sustain)

Zekent's guide is approach #2. He uses 9/21/0 masteries, flat ad reds, armor yellows, armor quints, mr/lvl blues. The idea is to gear everything to making early laning safe and easy so you can farm up a trinity force and then win. He almost always rushes philo, then tabi, then sheen-> trinity
Opened is a diamond 1 Poppy exclusive player and he is more about approach #1. He uses 15/15/0 masteries (ad/level, ap/level, 8% armor pen, 8% magic pen, and the hp regen in defense), hybrid pen reds, a mix of lifesteal and flat ad quints, armor yellows, and either attack speed or mr/lvl blues. His idea is to utilize Poppy's OP kit in the early levels to be aggressive and get an early lead. He likes starting dorans and rushing a cutlass.

In my personal experience, Zekent's approach works reliably well but if you mess up it takes a looooong time to recover and often times you lose before you can contribute meaningfully. I have been playing more like Opened and doing the 15/15/0 masteries with flad ad reds, ad and/or lifesteal quints, armor yellows, and mr/level blues and it seems to be working out fairly well.

I have been experimenting with different build paths but lately I really like how rushing a tear + tiamat feels (start faerie charm + rejuv + 2 pots). It fixes Poppy's mana problems and wave clearing problems and hp regen is exceptionally strong on her. I also want to test the new Mikel's crucible item on her because that clickie is insane when coupled with her passive. Not only that but Poppy doesn't have innate mr/level like every other melee champ so that helps alot and the mana regen could possibly replace tear of the goddess.

The Ancient_sl

Spare me the "toxic" and "counter play" buzzwords. Saying you are fine doing nothing up until Poppy appears in a competitive environment when the hammer will then come down is game design that I 100% disagree with. You shouldn't be fine with there being troll tier champions on the roster that no one plays, have awful win rates, and possess multiple problematic abilities. Heimerdinger got an excellent revamp that maintains the spirit and flavor of the champion. So did Sivir.

I want more of that.
You are right that they should rework Poppy to make her a legit champion, but there are those who would bitch and moan as they always do that their champ was changed. And she would need to be changed significantly to make her viable while not broken.

Morello is half serious, half joking. I'm sure Poppy will eventually get her rework, but I can understand why it's not priority to upset a small percent of your player base to add a champ back into the roster.

Literally the first post of the linked thread is someone complaining that Morello is suggesting a Poppy work over.
Is this what Poppy players/poppy mains want? Because I sure as hell don't want one of the few champions I like becoming homogenized and getting all the fun stripped from her kit.
Are league forums the new battle.net?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Spare me the "toxic" and "counter play" buzzwords. Saying you are fine doing nothing up until Poppy appears in a competitive environment when the hammer will then come down is game design that I 100% disagree with. You shouldn't be fine with there being troll tier champions on the roster that no one plays, have awful win rates, and possess multiple problematic abilities. Heimerdinger got an excellent revamp that maintains the spirit and flavor of the champion. So did Sivir.

I want more of that.
I can't tell if you're talking about ME or Morello but you should calm down. Just because YOU want something doesn't mean EVERYONE wants it. I don't play Poppy and have no opinion on her tbh.