League Of Legends


I still feel like the choices in ban phases in this game are because of some fotm shit or comparatively OP champs rather than trying to break up some champ combo they're trying to put together.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
To chime in on Black Cleavers, they probably just forgot to make the ArPen effects unique. It goes from unique on Brutalizer to stackable effect on Black Cleaver... so someone just fucked up. Black Cleaver will still be a good item regardless for bruiser heroes. Just not OP.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've played like 3 games with Nami, I think she's strong and fun and not too difficult to use. Her Q is the knockup which can be quite powerful but it is easily dodged by anyone with a brain... its much better in team fights when you can land it easier on multiple targets.

Considering she has 2 knockups a slow and a heal, she is really nice imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still feel like the choices in ban phases in this game are because of some fotm shit or comparatively OP champs rather than trying to break up some champ combo they're trying to put together.
People mostly ban out champs they hate fighting/are considered OP, yea. Unless you're doing 5-mans, that's always the way it's going to be. There's so many champs that share similar rolls that it's hard to ban out 'combos' when there's usually another champ to fill it, so instead people ban out game-changers or just noob stompers. Blitz isn't that amazing in premades, but he's near 100% ban because in a pub, it's not worth the risk of someone on your team being terrible and getting caught every grab. Darius is strong, but in pubs, again, he's banned a ton just because people don't know how to fight him half the time.

There's not a ton of combo-oriented team comps out there right now anyway. Poke comps have a bunch of champs to pick from, tanky comps have even more, AE comps have more than enough. Even in pro matches, teams just ban out champs that either futz up their desired champs or that the enemy team is known for having an excellent player of, they don't ban to break up comps because there's just no point. You're better off building your team to counter their comp.


Molten Core Raider
Nami is meh. Her DPS is utter garbage and her CC/buffs are average...She is kinda like Janna had a lovechild with Karma. Anyway, if you are on the fence...Save the IP.


Bans have always been FoTM. A few months ago blitz was never banned, shen/malphite never played, WW/Riven/Skarner always banned


Golden Knight of the Realm
Nami is meh. Her DPS is utter garbage and her CC/buffs are average...She is kinda like Janna had a lovechild with Karma. Anyway, if you are on the fence...Save the IP.
I agree. I mean, she is interesting and I play her a bit because you can't get refunds when buying a bundle. I feel like she shines mid game but loses a lot of momentum as it crawls on. They could have been a lot more creative with this hero. If her Q also healed allies, and if her E could do a debuff to enemies, she would be really interesting. But after a few games with her she gets boring fast.


Golden Squire
150k a year? Time to get out of elo hell.
That number is crap, sure some pros make that much but the average is nowhere near that. I know for a fact that Team Dynamic only pays their players around $30k a year. Granted the players also do get to keep their share of prize winnings, but the prizes for most tournaments aren't really that much. Granted, as the viewership of LoL grows and more corporate sponsors get involved we'll see what the players are paid going up but right now the average is nowhere near $150k.


Avatar of War Slayer
People mostly ban out champs they hate fighting/are considered OP, yea. Unless you're doing 5-mans, that's always the way it's going to be. There's so many champs that share similar rolls that it's hard to ban out 'combos' when there's usually another champ to fill it, so instead people ban out game-changers or just noob stompers. Blitz isn't that amazing in premades, but he's near 100% ban because in a pub, it's not worth the risk of someone on your team being terrible and getting caught every grab. Darius is strong, but in pubs, again, he's banned a ton just because people don't know how to fight him half the time.

There's not a ton of combo-oriented team comps out there right now anyway. Poke comps have a bunch of champs to pick from, tanky comps have even more, AE comps have more than enough. Even in pro matches, teams just ban out champs that either futz up their desired champs or that the enemy team is known for having an excellent player of, they don't ban to break up comps because there's just no point. You're better off building your team to counter their comp.
yeah. Bans are only really relevant in tournaments, where you know who you are playing against. In regular matches, its mostly just, who is the most annoying pos, I dont want to deal with. Or, specifically, to ban someone that hard counters who you plan to pick.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Blitz needs a token nerf or something so he quits being permabanned and I can go back to playing him =(


Lord Nagafen Raider
Blitz could be complete garbage but as long as he still has his grab he can change games. Hell, I don't care if I play against a blitz because most of them are garbage, but I still ban him because usually I don't bot lane and it makes my team happy.


Bronze Squire
That number is crap, sure some pros make that much but the average is nowhere near that. I know for a fact that Team Dynamic only pays their players around $30k a year. Granted the players also do get to keep their share of prize winnings, but the prizes for most tournaments aren't really that much. Granted, as the viewership of LoL grows and more corporate sponsors get involved we'll see what the players are paid going up but right now the average is nowhere near $150k.
I really wish there was some list where we could see what each team gets paid. I guarantee you some of the bigger teams that actually perform well in tournaments and have big stream followings are making that higher number. Hell, I would even be interested in seeing what the difference is between people who have a consistently high amount of people watching their steam(oddone vs. xpecial comes to mind) versus the ones who don't.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Blitz could be complete garbage but as long as he still has his grab he can change games. Hell, I don't care if I play against a blitz because most of them are garbage, but I still ban him because usually I don't bot lane and it makes my team happy.
Pretty much this. A lot of champs just have mechanics that warp the game around them, and that's why they get banned. Nidalee, Teemo, AD Yi, Blitz, Shen, Karthus, late game all of those champs make you play different ways unless you're steamrolling them, and pubs aren't real great at that. There's more than that obviously, and to different degrees and effects, those are just the pub-hated right now in my experience.


Golden Squire
Arm pen/armor/MR and Offensive masteries. Black Cleaver, Blood Thirster, Trinity or Frozen Mallet, QSS, IE, then the QSS upgrade.


Molten Core Raider
That number is crap, sure some pros make that much but the average is nowhere near that. I know for a fact that Team Dynamic only pays their players around $30k a year. Granted the players also do get to keep their share of prize winnings, but the prizes for most tournaments aren't really that much. Granted, as the viewership of LoL grows and more corporate sponsors get involved we'll see what the players are paid going up but right now the average is nowhere near $150k.
The money comes from streaming. Towliee a modest WoW streamer makes about 9k a month streaming to ~ 2k people.