League Of Legends


If you mean top lane, no he's not really a champion for top lane. If you mean as a marksman, he's fine, he's just not popular at the moment. He's still plenty strong.
Whoops. I meant up top as in the higehr ranks. I almost never see him played and was wondering why. I usually go bottom lane, but I'm still playing against bots, but can hold my own solo vs 2 bots. I realize this changes drastically against people.


Molten Core Raider
Gotta love when this happens.



Lord Nagafen Raider
wow yeah, I'd report that feeding poppy. Ridiculous. :p

Seriously though, how can a game like that not be loss prevented...that's just got to be so damn frustrating.


2 Minutes Hate
I wonder if the new Tear and Ryze range buff makes him feel a bit better going top lane. Anyone get a chance to mess around with him yet?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just watched Rain Man stream a VelKoz game. The new champ is boring as fuck to watch. Like I thought, It's just a bunch of straight line skill shots that do damage. His E looks so easily dodged.
I played him some last night and he actually is pretty darn fun. His E is pretty similar timing to cho'gaths version if you are used to the lag of one you can aim vel'kozes. It also if you land it is REALLY deadly because once you pop him up you poop out your W and q immediately and they are guaranteed to eat your full burst+passive effect. The nice thing also about the q is at close range it also knocks people back as well as up. That thing allowed me to escape at least three certain death encounters where I should have by all rights died but managed to not only survive but in one case I killed my attacker as it bought enough time to get my ult back and I unleashed the death beam.

I really like his Q it is going to take a while to really get used to aiming but you can do some crazy bank shots to peg people hiding behind minion waves pretty easily.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I played Vel Koz 2x yesterday and had fun time both times... Also did pretty well both games, although Im 1-1 record atm. 1st game I did well but rest of my team did horrible. Im rocking a 4.3 KDA with him atm which is pretty good. Averaging 9/5/12.5 K/D/A right now.

The Q is really fun to use and does awesome damage. The Ultimate is extremely satisfying to use. The W is kinda lackluster imo. E is a very nice crowd control ability and sets up the rest of your abilities.

Im basically trying to play either Yasuo or Vel Koz mid now.

Im not 100% sure on build right now but since 3 of his 4 abilities slow the enemy I tend to rush Liandry's first. I've been finding mana to not be too much of an issue, though I tend to get Athene's second. And then Ive gone Dcap/Void Staff and have considered Zhonya/Rylai except never got that far in a game yet.

My typical build path is Doran Ring --> Sorc Shoes --> Haunting Guise --> Chalice --> Liandry --> Athene --> DCap/Void/Rylai/Zhonya
Rylai also pairs well with his abilities but I like the burst from Magic Pen items, so Rylai would probably be 5th/6th


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
2 more games, Vel Koz fun as shit. Wrecked a Yasuo mid and a Teemo top. 3-1 now. Averaging 10/4/11 K/D/A (5.3 KDA). Lovin this champ. 40/16/44 in 4 games.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Vel'koz is kind of fun, but the hit box on his Q seems wonky to me. And I swear it seems to sometimes explode out on nothing at all (without being activated or anything). I've done decently well with him, but I've also destroyed him in every match I've been against him. One thing I only really noticed after playing against him is that his mana costs seem really low, and he can sit in lane and spam abilities for a very long time with little issue.

His real strength is in his comboing, since W is instant cast. W>E>Q and you've chunked 1/4 to 1/2 their health easily. But after playing as him, then playing against him - I felt like his moves are a bit too predictable - especially with the Q indicator. I could just side step a tiny bit to dodge all his abilities then start fucking him up easily.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Vel'koz is kind of fun, but the hit box on his Q seems wonky to me. And I swear it seems to sometimes explode out on nothing at all (without being activated or anything). I've done decently well with him, but I've also destroyed him in every match I've been against him. One thing I only really noticed after playing against him is that his mana costs seem really low, and he can sit in lane and spam abilities for a very long time with little issue.

His real strength is in his comboing, since W is instant cast. W>E>Q and you've chunked 1/4 to 1/2 their health easily. But after playing as him, then playing against him - I felt like his moves are a bit too predictable - especially with the Q indicator. I could just side step a tiny bit to dodge all his abilities then start fucking him up easily.
Welp I think he's pretty strong but most APs are, just depends what fits your playstyle. Vel Koz isn't "flashy" due to his lack of mobility, so I doubt you'll be seeing a highlight reel of "cool" moves, but the damage is good and having 4 skill shots makes him play a lot like Lux. Playing as or against Vel Koz is simply how well you can hit or dodge skill shots.

The Q requires some decent timing and is quite satisfying if you can land a "trick shot". Using the laser in team fights is awesome. Ive played against Vel Koz 2x, demolished him as Diana and then 2nd time I was adc vs a Vel Koz support and we lost our lane and the game... just badness everywhere.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had a nice Irelia game today, 8/2/5. Went against a Shen top lane and I actually got behind because the enemy lee came top after double buffs, then came top again like 5 minutes, then again about 9 minutes. I was Purple side and he kept coming through my tribush which was annoying because I always ward deep river, usually around baron so you can see the blue buff entrance, but he kept going mid > our jungle > tribush. So irritating.

Either way, being able to Q every last hit if needed under tower is great as irelia, I was actually down about 10-15 cs in lane but I was 1/1/0 so /shrug. Dshield > dblade > boots > phage > tabis > tf > randuins > banshees. Pretty much following the guide that one guy posted. Worked like a charm. Really forgot how enjoyable Irelia is to play especially since I didn't really play her much at all last season.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I was gonna do Frozen Heart but because they didn't have any heavy auto attackers I figured I'd just go Omen. They had a Riven, Lee & Lucian. Honestly if they had like a Sivir or Cait I would have done Frozen Heart.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Definitely having so much fun as jungle Pantheon. So much fun once you're level 6 to just Ult bot lane every single time. Just always do it behind them and then they either have to hard engage your lane or run backwards into the middle of your ult. Unless both can use escapes/flashes you can always catch someone. Plus, when your ult is back up in 100 seconds you just do it again because you know someone won't have flash. Elder lizard > brut > last whisper > GA/BT depending how hard you're snowballing. He's so much fun and really catches people offguard so often.

Elise, Vi, Khazix & Pantheon. Top junglers!

Although, I wish I could play a good Lee sin, because he's always a ton of fun to play, but dear lord I suck with him lol. The ~120-150 ping doesn't help either when you're trying to do a bunch of flashy Lee moves.


Tranny Chaser
Just played my first game in a month to avoid decay and was treated to an ADC that was disconnected for the first 12 minutes of the game and a Nasus that got destroyed by Tryndamere because he rushed Sunfire over Frozen Heart and never came to team fights. I ended up getting pissed off enough to purposely flush any chance we had at a come back so I too was part of the problem.

Boy, I sure missed you League of Legends. I look forward to our next meeting together in April.


Doing a climb now from Bronze V and up, almost to bronze 3 after a day, Xerath support is a REAL thing and let me tell you it is destroying the leona/thresh BS I've seen nonstop. I'm trying to find a good ADC to get good with, any thoughts on current meta? I was thinking Lucian?


Tranny Chaser
Lucian is great but if you pick him up now you need to budget getting nerfed moderately at least once in the next few months. He's too much a staple ADC of both solo queue and LCS to not get tagged.