League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
Challenger is 200 people. Within that subset an unknown amount of players are highly skilled junglers. Within that subset are those highly skilled junglers that not only play Pantheon but are skilled with him. Using averages with so little data is not useful.


I don't know if Pantheon needs a nerf. I really don't. All the Panths I've seen have been fucking awful. What bothers me is that Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Elise, and Vi dictated what you could and could not play in the jungle for month after month after month and nothing was done to them. It tookforeverfor changes. Panth has been popular for what, a couple weeks and the hammer isalreadycoming down. There's no consistency. It also dives me nuts when instead of a single large charge being implemented you see multiple large changes. How are you supposed to gauge the ramifications of either? I understand it's just Test and not everything makes it off of Test but doing multiple big changesnevermakes sense to me.


My fucking team is more retarded than a LFR in WoW every single fucking game. All I get are people arguing with each other or telling me how to play (they are diamond 1 supposedly
) I mean what the fuck how do you do anything in this game with people like this all the time?

Level 9 now. Tell me it gets better.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
If you do bad and/or team is losing, people will be dicks. Winning teams have much less issues. It's the nature of the game and humans. People hate losing and never want it to be their own fault. Ignore the assholes, don't type back. Typing makes you lose focus and not perform optimally. Ignore works great and I've been able to turnaround a few games even after starting shitty just cause I eliminated the distractions.

Level 9 is also a joke and you shouldn't worry about what anyone says. Winning/Losing means jack-all until 30 really.


A Man Chooses....
Man they did clobber Panth. I didn't think he was overpowered at all. He's nothing compared to Kha at the moment.
Panth is better for a team then kha when used correctly. Basically you camp mid or top until you hit six. Then you just ult bot lane every time its off CD. Free kills all day every day. Kha is more binary, if you get an early kill or two then you steamroll the game. If you can't get the early kills then you're sub par like all assassins. Albeit a little less so, because you're still Kha and one snowbally fight can get some of that strength back.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
kha is really really strong. He's kinda like rengar. Underappreciated a long time, and not used as much as he should be, but incredibly good. It took forever for people to realize just how fucking broken rengar was, and if anything, I think kha is even a harder champ to understand/utilize as well. He's an absolute solo que god in the right hands.

That said, fuck pantheon. His early game is -STUPID-. He needed a punch in the balls hard for ages. He used to shit on every champion in lane. It was truly sickening, and an early gank almost guaranteed he would feast on noobs for the first 30 minutes of the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ehh, Panth will still be strong. As long as his passive keeps blocking tower shots he will always be strong imo. Tower dive hard, passive blocks a shot, use your spells, passive blocks another. Looks like you might just want to max his W 2nd and he'll still be a boss in the jungle. Clear will be a tad slower but /shrug. Both range and CD nerf on his ult kind of suck, but it'll still be powerful. Honestly ulting from wraiths > bot lane / wolves > bot is pretty damn strong. His level 16 ult should stay unchanged though imo since Panth's end game does tend to fall off if he doesn't snowball.

Plus, his early game is extremely OP right now so you can't even really try to counter jungle him either, he's basically got a free ride to 6.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
No, he will not still be "strong". And a .5s stun means he has nearly 0 early ganking potential.



Tranny Chaser
Just copy/pasting Nocturne's ranges is some lazy shit that I hope gets changed around. They are very different abilities with different properties and cast times and travel times. Nocturne just needs you to be in range when he mashes R and he'll fly to you guaranteed but Panth's goal is to land behind. You won't be landing behind shit with 2k range.


this just in, i have been playing diana jungle and having a fucking blast. strong, good sustain. decent jungle fights. ganks pre6 kinda suck but can be done. flash - e - red - pew pew.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's no chance the grand skyfall changes are complete. He can walk that distance faster than the channel time. Either the range reduction was supposed to be linked to a removal/reduction in cast time or the range reduction was tied to some other iteration of tweaks on him and isn't intentional. That's happened multiple times on the PBE to different champs. People flipping the fuck out is why the PBE patch sites plaster everything in all caps with THINGS ON PBE ARE TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Almost no initial change on the PBE makes it live exactly the same, aside fromminornumber tweaks.

I don't have an issue with them poking Panth so rapidly but do agree they need to address all champ issues that fast. Although I had very few Vi/Elise junglers in any of my ranked games so I can't even say they "dictated" anything from my perspective in gold/low plat.

Edit: Casting time reduced to 0.5 seconds, landing time increased to 2.0 second from 1.5. So now it's a great escape tool and even less reliable initiating tool, for now.


Silver Knight of the Realm
A lot of people are missing the channel time change to .5s, which would be pretty nuts at later ranks with increased range. They're obviously trying to get away from the free bot lane kills at 6, I'd imagine the level 1 range gets pushed out a bit though.

Edit: Casting time reduced to 0.5 seconds, landing time increased to 2.0 second from 1.5. So now it's a great escape tool and even less reliable initiating tool, for now.
Edit to your edit, I hadn't seen those notes, that's pretty bleh. It's already slow at 1.5.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
A lot of people are missing the channel time change to .5s, which would be pretty nuts at later ranks with increased range. They're obviously trying to get away from the free bot lane kills at 6, I'd imagine the level 1 range gets pushed out a bit though.
And you're missing the increased fall time of 2 seconds. 2 seconds means even people with level 1 boots can just walk out of range of the thing.


It's been 3 days. How fucking long does it take to fix a simple error on heim? Is this the level of work Riot does?


My fucking team is more retarded than a LFR in WoW every single fucking game. All I get are people arguing with each other or telling me how to play (they are diamond 1 supposedly
) I mean what the fuck how do you do anything in this game with people like this all the time?

Level 9 now. Tell me it gets better.
It doesn't get any better, the only thing you can control is your own play.

Just do your best to have a positive impact on your team and keep queing up.

Going on tilt is never the answer.