League Of Legends


the pupe
So, now that she's out, anyone have Vi yet/can comment on her? I have the IP to buy her now, but going to try her out on a friend's account that bought her sometime tomorrow before buying her.

Friend said he doesn't like her very much, though =(


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Her skills are neat, animations are good, pretty entertaining.

But she's melee dps with a mana bar and no sustain, just where the fuck does she go? Her jungle is passable but nothing amazing, and she brings almost no CC with her for a gank pre-6 (ww syndrome). I'm kind of afraid she'll wind up being the worse version of Darius and thus never useful.


the pupe
Her skills are neat, animations are good, pretty entertaining.

But she's melee dps with a mana bar and no sustain, just where the fuck does she go? Her jungle is passable but nothing amazing, and she brings almost no CC with her for a gank pre-6 (ww syndrome). I'm kind of afraid she'll wind up being the worse version of Darius and thus never useful.
Dang =/ Only games I've spectated today have been Vi vs Vi top lane and it's like watching something in the mirror. Played against one in a game and didn't really register her on the meter of "you're getting fucked up if this gets near you."
Granted, I'm only level 18/been playing for a few weeks. So nothing I'm getting matched up against is any good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
On my limited exposure on PBE, she basically fills the same roll as Riven: halfway between melee ADC and bruiser, specialized in dueling and wrecking carries. Not sure she's as good as Riven but hell if she isn't fun.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Had a Vi on my team randomly get fed early (hooray normal queue). She bought Phantom Dancer, Zephyr, and Triforce off of devouring her terrible lane opponent.

2.5 attack speed vi with her W maxed is pretty hilarious to watch in action.


I usually main top lanes when I can get the chance, had a lot of opportunity to vs Vi in lane, and pretty much wrecked her on every match up I played. Riven, Khaz, Zed, Nidalee, Panth etc all smashed her. Hard to judge fully because again there's a learning curve every time new champ is released where people are bound to be fucking up a lot playing her. Her only poke is that blast through minions, and she obviously has no sustain. At lvl 1 she seems okay with that blast having 2 charges saved up for some early burst, seems like she falls off until 6 where her ult is pretty nice for comboing with a gank. I would almost say she's more viable in the jungle.. but again, no real strong ganks til 6 like someone else said. Weaker version of riven imo.


Molten Core Raider
Only played a couple times so far but it seems like she is better in the jungle. Her Q debuffs armor and is a small knockback. That combined with two E's is very good burst dmg pre-6. Just have to practice charging Q while running in.


Anyone play Twisted Treeline? It's now the only map I play. I just wish that Riot would implement solo queue ranked.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I really love the new Twisted Treeline and play it quite a bit. So much better than it used to be I think.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I like it as well, but it does bother me a bit just how obvious it is that there is an supper tier of champions for it and most others are close to unplayable. There's what, 10-15 champs that shine on that map? The rest are all junk picks that only work if you vastly out skill your opponents it feels like.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So about Vi...

Does Riot really understand their own meta? How are they still making melee champs with mana bars that have no sustain? Like, they have to know what top lane is like right? The only way a champion like that works is if their damage is so bonkers they can brute force a lane (Darius), and even then they are almost always still situational picks as they have too many hard counters (Darius still). Vi is going to wind up on the bench just like pantheon/fiora/wukong/etc because the meta just has no place for her.


I like it as well, but it does bother me a bit just how obvious it is that there is an supper tier of champions for it and most others are close to unplayable. There's what, 10-15 champs that shine on that map? The rest are all junk picks that only work if you vastly out skill your opponents it feels like.
I think a solo queue ranked mode would solve a lot of that. There are a handful of champions which are very overpowered on the map that would get banned (Darius, Singed, Teemo, Xin Zhao, Jayce) and for the rest you could counterpick. Based on Riot's posts though they are firmly opposed to a solo queue ranked mode for Twisted Treeline.



Golden Squire
So about Vi...

Does Riot really understand their own meta? How are they still making melee champs with mana bars that have no sustain? Like, they have to know what top lane is like right? The only way a champion like that works is if their damage is so bonkers they can brute force a lane (Darius), and even then they are almost always still situational picks as they have too many hard counters (Darius still). Vi is going to wind up on the bench just like pantheon/fiora/wukong/etc because the meta just has no place for her.
Riot understands the current meta but they try not to build champions that solely fit it in case it changes.


Vi's pre6 ganks are pretty strong, especially if you are with a lane that has a snare, root, or stun. Land your Q and force a flash or get a kill(unless its jayce because jayce.) The knockback gives enough time for someone who hasn't engaged to catchup or if they are already there to secure a kill.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So about Vi...

Does Riot really understand their own meta? How are they still making melee champs with mana bars that have no sustain? Like, they have to know what top lane is like right? The only way a champion like that works is if their damage is so bonkers they can brute force a lane (Darius), and even then they are almost always still situational picks as they have too many hard counters (Darius still). Vi is going to wind up on the bench just like pantheon/fiora/wukong/etc because the meta just has no place for her.
Not sure if you've played much since the S3 patch, but I've been seeing a TON of pantheon, talon, and even some wukong at higher elos. Panth & Talon mid are especially popular right now, Panth is almost always either banned or picked. I haven't played Vi yet, but the Flask/4pot/mpot/ward start has helped the mana/no sustain ADs a lot.


Yeah, part of that started because of the broken nature of black cleaver, Talon/Panth were basically in every game because of the pain they could put on. But even after its nerf, Talon/Panth mid is damn strong, AD casters got a bit of love with S3 and it shows. Flask/pots start helps a lot as well since movement got buffed and boots nerfed, lets you early ward and a lot of champs that needed help early in top lane got it (looking at you Wukong). You can start with a shitton more pots now and sort of overcome some early game weakness, which I guess Vi as well can fall into.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Riot plans to add 14-17 new champions in 2013 and has revised the pricing structure slightly:


New champion launch price is. 7800 IP / 975 RP
After one week, the price is reduced to. 6300 IP / 975 RP
Each release, the oldest 6300 is reduced to. 4800 IP / 880 RP
Each third release, an additional 4800 IP or lower champion is reduced to one of the remaining tiers.
3150 IP / 790 RP
1350 IP / 585 RP
450 IP / 260 RP


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sounds like the IP prices are going to get clogged up at 6300 even worse than they are now.

Err, got it backwards in my head. 6300s will be a static number, but 4800 will just get bigger and bigger. Which I suppose is better than 6300.


Golden Knight of the Realm
i hope they start doing more model updates. I'm one of those players who refuses to play a dumb looking champ (warwick, alistair).

loving hemeirdinger right now, but only because of the holiday skin. been destroying enemy team because they always underestimate my turrets (non ranked of course)