League Of Legends


I'll play with anyone that wants to play. Currently silver, moving up towards gold. Actually I was in promos for silver 2 but then I went on a bad streak and am getting back to silver 4 now, but whatever.

InGame: Jarrettmp


Mr. Poopybutthole

LoL Design Values: In-depth with Clarity

Riot adding automated Jungle timers. I know this is going to be a contentious issue. Personally, I'm all for it, timing is such a mundane and skilless task. I don't honestly think the people who don't care about it now are suddenly going to prioritize the information just because it's at the top of the screen instead of in their chat window. I also like how it promotes more control over vision to prevent the enemy from getting 'easy mode' timers.

In the end, what matters most is what you do with the information.

Edit:[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */is reporting that how they work on the PBE currently is that they only show up on the top of the screen when you press Tab (scoreboard). So they're not constantly present.


Bronze Squire
You knew it was coming. I figured the reason they told Curse to stop was for them to add it. Sure they can say whatever bullshit they want but I assumed it was coming.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ranks are in, should be a fun week coming up and could potentially shake up these power ranks a good bit!


Mr. Poopybutthole
You knew it was coming. I figured the reason they told Curse to stop was for them to add it. Sure they can say whatever bullshit they want but I assumed it was coming.
They said from the very beginning that they were okay with timers for for 'earned' information. The only sticking point was it being a available solely through 3rd party programs rather than the base UI.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm watching a guy that plays Mid AP Sejuani this morning.Twitch

Diamond1, not bad.

I love watching goofy shit like this. Kid on the stream is like 15 years old though so make sure you mute the stream and be prepared to watch how a 15 year old serfs the internets.


2 Minutes Hate
So I played Sej last night AP mid. How some kid got to D1 playing that I have no idea. Shit is not fun. It was funny though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
That kid was annoying as fk to watch and mid sej didn't look that great even when he was playing it. Sej ult has an insanely high cooldown, you need to make sure you land it. If you're diamond you likely have the skill to land it when it counts. Sej CC is insanely good though and AP sej definitely does good damage. She's squishy though so you'd need to play her almost like an assassin.. you won't be able to just charge into fights. Lead with Ult then go in behind your team, just like most other mids do.

TBH any champ can be played anywhere if you're good with it.

I know you took a long break from LoL but it seems like your only enjoyment from this game is by trying to be janky. You should just find a champ you thoroughly enjoy and maybe you'll enjoy the game a little better. You can't expect to do well with sej mid after 1 night.

My enjoyment atm is playing Syndra & Yasuo. It's ashame AP Mids can't carry as hard as AD though. I resort to Yasuo more often cause he can actually solo push and take turrets/inhibs. I can get super fed with Syndra but if my team has downs then there's no guarantee the turrets & inhibs will fall. I've had so many games on Syndra where this would happen. Its probably because I can't carry hard enough but tbh some teams are just uncarriable.

Also, as a general announcement, I'd be willing to duo with anyone that's Silver I or higher. I've been stuck in Gold V for months now after being Gold I in like my first 100 games lol...


Bronze Squire
Ya I kind of feel the same way. It is like unless I play someone that will absolutely crush their spirit via say a Leblanc then it doesn't matter cause I can't push at all. I need to work more on my melee ads as I am not the greatest at them any more and I could really use their pushing power some games.


2 Minutes Hate
That kid was annoying as fk to watch and mid sej didn't look that great even when he was playing it. Sej ult has an insanely high cooldown, you need to make sure you land it. If you're diamond you likely have the skill to land it when it counts. Sej CC is insanely good though and AP sej definitely does good damage. She's squishy though so you'd need to play her almost like an assassin.. you won't be able to just charge into fights. Lead with Ult then go in behind your team, just like most other mids do.

TBH any champ can be played anywhere if you're good with it.

I know you took a long break from LoL but it seems like your only enjoyment from this game is by trying to be janky. You should just find a champ you thoroughly enjoy and maybe you'll enjoy the game a little better. You can't expect to do well with sej mid after 1 night.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond to this post. It's both condescending and an attempt to be helpful however with the assumption that I'm a fucking idiot.

I mean in one hand you're telling me how I'm supposed to have fun. A friend mystery gifted me a Sejuani skin and I want to mess around with it for a night in normals (my night has enough time for 1-3 games). I figured I would try something silly. Searched reddit for Sejuani and this stupid kid popped up with his stream. I hopped into a few normals and gave it whirl. I guess I'm not allowed to have fun and then talk about it in this thread?

I enjoyed my night last night. I wasn't expecting to win or do exceptionally well. I'm playing normals for shits and giggles.


2 Minutes Hate
Ya I kind of feel the same way. It is like unless I play someone that will absolutely crush their spirit via say a Leblanc then it doesn't matter cause I can't push at all. I need to work more on my melee ads as I am not the greatest at them any more and I could really use their pushing power some games.
I've seen some people playing Kassadin in more of a bruiser/melee character and not as much as a mage/assassin type. Small difference is in itemization IBG, Sunfire, Manamune tossed in with other standard AP items. I haven't played Kass in a very long time.

I haven't played ranked recently, but I assume he's still banned all the time. -- Just looked on LOLking, 65% behind Jax, Braum and Kayle.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond to this post. It's both condescending and an attempt to be helpful however with the assumption that I'm a fucking idiot.
Sorry about that. I assumed you were pissed you couldnt get sej working based on your comments. Play how you like of course!
Not to offend, but you do always seem very focused on trying to "break the meta". Combine that with your "Shit is not fun" comment on Sej, and I figured I'd try giving you some advice. Your personality seems to be an anti-meta one, nothing wrong with that, I was in a GuildWars 1 guild for 3 years where every member's mission was to create janky-ass builds that didn't conform to the meta. Thing is, after being in that setting for 3 years, I've determined that the majority of jank is simply unfunto me. Of course when something works it's freaking hilarious and awesome.

Currently I just stick to the meta in all games I play now and simply try to outplay my opponents instead. But yea, continue experimenting if it's what you prefer.


Kass is banned cause he's still OP as fk. His changes made him super anti-mage and he's damn near uncatchable with the lower cooldown on riftwalks. He's probably more OP than before. AD can counter him harder but basically no AP mid can touch him.


Molten Core Raider
I was at the dentist and saw on Kelly and Michael or whatever its called, the said something about a univirist is the first ever to give students athleticial scholarships to come play "League of Legends" ....oh god it was so funny because they didn't even know what it was outside of some video game and they were trashing on it all show making jokes. Was pretty funny actually.


Bronze Squire
I've seen some people playing Kassadin in more of a bruiser/melee character and not as much as a mage/assassin type. Small difference is in itemization IBG, Sunfire, Manamune tossed in with other standard AP items. I haven't played Kass in a very long time.

I haven't played ranked recently, but I assume he's still banned all the time. -- Just looked on LOLking, 65% behind Jax, Braum and Kayle.
I am unsure if that resets though. So those ban numbers could be from previous OP state. I still find much success with him as the typical AP assassin I just have to constantly remind myself that I do in fact need to auto attack once to murder them.

As far as the other post I don't think he was trying to come off brash or at least that is not how I read it. To his point though anything you play/understand well enough and play 24/7 can be made good if you are skilled enough. I remember someone use to main eve before the rework when she was considered bad and climbed up to diamond.

I am with you though, I give no fucks about normals and will usually do some stupid shit (AP/CD or MS/AtkSpd Ashe comes to mind)or try something crazy unless I am angry then I proceed to play a shit stomp champ and roll everybody.


2 Minutes Hate
Sorry about that. I assumed you were pissed you couldnt get sej working based on your comments. Play how you like of course!
Not to offend, but you do always seem very focused on trying to "break the meta". Combine that with your "Shit is not fun" comment on Sej, and I figured I'd try giving you some advice. Your personality seems to be an anti-meta one, nothing wrong with that, I was in a GuildWars 1 guild for 3 years where every member's mission was to create janky-ass builds that didn't conform to the meta. Thing is, after being in that setting for 3 years, I've determined that the majority of jank is simply unfunto me. Of course when something works it's freaking hilarious and awesome.

Currently I just stick to the meta in all games I play now and simply try to outplay my opponents instead. But yea, continue experimenting if it's what you prefer.


Kass is banned cause he's still OP as fk. His changes made him super anti-mage and he's damn near uncatchable with the lower cooldown on riftwalks. He's probably more OP than before. AD can counter him harder but basically no AP mid can touch him.
No worries. I wasn't pissed that I couldn't get Sej to work. I said it wasn't fun to play because the laning phase is awful, because Sej obviously doesn't belong mid. I found it funny because of how ridiculous it was. I enjoyed the two normals I gave to it and I'll never do it again. I didn't expect it to work.

Part of the reason I enjoy playing League is because of all the hyper theorycrafting fun you can do. I enjoy finding non-meta champs and seeing if there is a way they can work. I don't do this thinking I can break into ranked and dominate because I don't have time to do that. Shit I barely play ranked this season (didn't even finish my placements) because I don't have time to play enough games to sharpen my mechanics which are dogshit. So I play normals and try different things. I like the puzzling.

Currently, when I choose to play a seriously, I'm practicing Jayce, Nidalee top and I am thinking of seeing how well Gragas can do as a Bruiser. But he's seen some changes since I last played so I don't know what he can do just yet. I can't wait for 4.11 where Nid's cougar form comes off cooldown immediately after landing a spear. I've died a few times when it was still on CD and I wanted to pounce and finish a target off in a close dual.

In fact, if you look at my lolking, you'll see that except for 2 Sej games and a custom Skarner game I made to mess around with the changes, it's all Nidalee practice.

(As an aside, I keep trying to make Skarner work in the top lane everytime the tweak him just because his dualing is so good. Still garbage in lane though.)


2 Minutes Hate
I am unsure if that resets though. So those ban numbers could be from previous OP state. I still find much success with him as the typical AP assassin I just have to constantly remind myself that I do in fact need to auto attack once to murder them.
Wasn't Kass changed to his current state like 4 patches ago? That should of worked it's way through lolking. But I guess you still have to work him through the system. I just hope Riot keeps releasing new good champs so that the ban list becomes larger. Braum looks like a fun as fuck champ, but he's always banned. Riot is doing good things with champs these days, but they did whiff on VK. Shouldn't a new champ be coming out soonish?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im not sure how lolking calcs the ban rate but I assumed it was for the recent week, that's how most stats on lolking are set. Im not surprised that kass is still ~60ish. He's always banned in my games.

Braum was released 5/12 and Vel Koz was 2/27 (over 2.5 month gap). Probably ~1.5 to 2 months for next champ still. Maybe teasers within the next month and then PBE soon after.

I liked playing the sniper nid and havent even tried her since the changes. She seems better balanced obviously but I feel like I'll suck with her. I tend to be bad with any AP champ that needs to get into melee range. Fizz is another one that I always struggle with for the same reason.

Some players use Gragas for support, I guess it's his strongest role atm.


2 Minutes Hate
Bruiser Nid is incredibly fun to play out of the top lane with TP. I did not do well with her mid as Hybrid Bruiser, but an AP build she would be better because you would need to do more poke on your spear.

I've been trying a few builds with here and haven't settled on anything. IBG is really good on her and if you're ahead, Triforce is decent too. I prefer IBG though. Rageblade, I think, is excellent on her. You can constantly keep it at 8 stacks because pounce keeps it stacked as you move across the map. After whatever sheen item and Rageblade I usually build tanky but I haven't really gotten that far in a game.

I'd like to try out a blue build, Maramana, Essence Reaver, IBG + whatever, but I haven't had a game where I can get that large of a build. I really don't like the essence reaver item though. Nidalee is a boss on towers currently though with the AS steroid on her heal.


Bronze Squire
Well I didn't mean to imply that Kass ban wasn't warranted as I could see it being the case although since I enjoy him I also know how to play against him and don't have much trouble with him. I think the big problem is too many people just out right are scared to death of champs and think they are OP. Shit part is I liked some of them before they became perma bans so now I gotta go back to my boring shit.

I have played gragas support (coming from a former gragas mid player) and his is still stupid if you are good with him. The amount of burst I can put down early game, ha. Me and my friends new thing lately is playing all supports stupid tanky since most people tunnel on a support without looking at items and I end up destroying them.