League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
My bro in law only plays ADC. I should play more support with him from time to time. Maybe I'll try Gragas support tonight.


2 Minutes Hate
Another champ I'd like to try but I never did before is Lissandra. How does she fit into the top-meta these days? Seems like some people play her still doing a cursory search around the internets.


Bronze Squire
I could see Lissandra working top if you need the extra CC. I don't see why she wouldn't have the ability to keep bruisers at bay between her root and her q slow. The problem would lie in that you either would now be running a double AP comp or two super squishy champs so your jungle/support would need to be more on the tankier side I would say to pull this off.


2 Minutes Hate
Do you really think they are going to keep the Ancient Golem's +25% bonus health that is currently on the PBE? That would be fun on someone like Vlad. Too bad everyone else on that item is useless for non-junglers and Vlad isn't a jungler.


25% "of" bonus health.

I think it only applies to Health you receive for items and masteries/Runes. And considering it lost 150 Hp on the item itself, I dont think that its a massive change.


2 Minutes Hate
Sure but you're adding 25? on every item. That's a deathcap for hps. Would be a fun gimmicky build for vlads W with some warmogs.


Bronze Squire
So apparently there is suppose to be some new amazing easter egg on the new summoner rift map? Anybody know what it is as the reaction that was posted by the riot employee seems over the top.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This win is going to turn it around for The Flower Arrangers. And to prove it, here's math:
Poor Flower Arrangers, they did win, sure, about time, but unfortunately some big dumb animals are going to come stomp all over his pretty flowers.
Sidian needs to educate himself. Math always wins in the end!

Updated For/Against as of Week 6:

( - ) 1662.68 Drtyrm's Dirty Rooms
(? 2) 1558.39 Hodor Hodor
(? 1) 1554.63 The Spectaculars
(? 1) 1541.19 The Flower Arrangers
( - ) 1485.18 Umbra
( - ) 1463.86 Big Dumb Animals
(? 1) 1456.34 Such Team So League
(? 1) 1432.12 Never Played Fantasy

( - ) 1642.07 The Flower Arrangers
( - ) 1627.09 Never Played Fantasy
( - ) 1594.76 Drtyrm's Dirty Rooms
( - ) 1570.77 Such Team So League
( - ) 1498.07 Umbra
( - ) 1473.1 Big Dumb Animals
( - ) 1445.87 The Spectaculars
( - ) 1302.66 Hodor Hodor


Lord Nagafen Raider
Going to be busy this week so probably won't get power rankings out til wednesday. Or maybe I'll just do them but won't include them in an image and just type them out instead. Also, fuck NA teams yo. CLG blows ass game 1, completely dominates 2nd game. Dig completely dominates their game 1, blows ass their game 2. Fuck that. Dlift/CLG get me less than 10 points during game one yet 50 points total in their 2nd game. Shiptur+Kiwi get me ~40 points 1st game and like 3 points their 2nd game. Fuck that. Fantasy LCS sooo raaaaaaaage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This next week is a super week btw... 2x the games again.
And I'm against my nemesis, SIDIAN!

The forecast shows Sidian taking a victory with 456 points to 435... still anything can happen on Super Week!

Can the worst team in the League dethrone the delusional self-proclaimed first place team?!?!

To top it off, TSM will be facing 3 of NA's worst teams... Bjergsen shall carry me to victory!
If Bjergsen doesn't have a 100+pt week I'll be disapointed


Lord Nagafen Raider
lol I hadn't even looked at my fantasy team all this week, I won by 0.04 points? Good thing I wasn't watching, too much stress as it is :p


2 Minutes Hate
Has anyone had any success recently with Katarina. Started playing here over the weekend and I'm either feast or famine with her. I'm either 15-X-X or upside down on the KDA. Her laning phase is a pain in the ass.

Played my first Lissandra game top. Not a bad champ. Kind of fun to play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sid got handcuffed this week. I play a lot more EU than most teams I think so I was finished, ahead by 80 points and Sid still had 4 to score: Shiphtur, Kiwikid, Doublelift and CLG. Sadly, they were playing each other so I just needed one team to stomp. Shiphtur went Orianna and I was very very excite.



Got something right about marriage
This NA split has been a lot more fun to watch. The teams seem to be on much more equal footing and every game is worth watching.


Bronze Squire
Has anyone had any success recently with Katarina. Started playing here over the weekend and I'm either feast or famine with her. I'm either 15-X-X or upside down on the KDA. Her laning phase is a pain in the ass.

Played my first Lissandra game top. Not a bad champ. Kind of fun to play.
To me there are a couple of key things for kat that can help you out and it may sound like just general advice (and I suppose it is) but to me it makes more a difference on her.

One is your lane match up...do you know it, like do you know if you win it, break even, have a hard time farming, etc. This can help knowing if you just need to get 6 fast and roam or how to contribute and get kat rolling as if she gets behind she is useless.

Is the enemy team looking to counter you? Are they focusing you and if they are focusing you are you playing around that. A good example for me here is I had one team hardcore on me all day so I made sure I got zhonya's asap and would jump in to get them to go nuts on me only to zhonya and have a lot of their shit down now and I would run rampant. This leads me to my final point. Your team.

Does your team have more than 1 damage dealer? Are you the only one doing good and able to put out damage or are there other threats on your team. This kind of ties in above, as if you are the only threat they are looking to kill you to win. This also starts in champ select and runs through the game. To me with kat you need to keep tabs on more stuff than normal since she has to go all in so much. If I am playing someone much safer ziggs etc...it doesn't matter as much imo. Maybe I am just rambling though, who knows.


2 Minutes Hate
My problem is my engagement timing. There are some games it seems everyone is saving a CC for when I ult, every single top. Need more practice on timing and target selection.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yup that's going to happen a lot. Against low CC teams she'll be a monster and against high CC teams she'll struggle. Timing is everything. You just need to wait out the cc abilities or rush a Zhonyas so you can bait out the cc like sebur mentioned.


Bronze Squire
My problem is my engagement timing. There are some games it seems everyone is saving a CC for when I ult, every single top. Need more practice on timing and target selection.
Those are the times I would be looking to bait with a Zhonya engage to where they might blow some cc trying to stop you or perhaps wait until you know you can jump in and get a quick reset then perhaps zhonya, however, this only works if you have other damage sources on your team. If you are the sole "real" damage on the team they will wait all day to CC you if they are good. If you want to add me (forum name same as IGN) if I don't already have you and just forgot, I can certainly spectate and see or play some games with you if you like, but it seems you know what you are doing wrong.