League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
i hope they start doing more model updates. I'm one of those players who refuses to play a dumb looking champ (warwick, alistair).

loving hemeirdinger right now, but only because of the holiday skin. been destroying enemy team because they always underestimate my turrets (non ranked of course)
Infernal Alistar is an awesome skin. I agree his other skins are severely lacking.


Trakanon Raider
Man.. playing a support is waaaay more fun since the S3 changes. I hadn't been playing much for the last year due to shitty internet, but started taking my laptop over to a friend's house last few weeks to play with him. Since my mechanics/reactions are rusty, I've just been playing support to his ADC, as my game theory and knowledge has stayed current at least (Watch a lot of streams and such). Been fucking owning with soraka/blitz this week, and having a ton of fun actually being able to buy a few real items each game. Sightstone/flask are great for saving money in the long term, and pickpocket makes zoning via poke on ranged supports a fun mini-game.
He got me in on some arranged 5 games with 3 of his online buddies.. he warned them I was rusty/bad so they wouldn't rage if I sucked and we lost, but then got in and they were like 'Rusty? Wtf? He's our new support, he's amazing'. Being able to ensure good ward coverage by having a free 3-5 wards (sightstone or upgraded) every trip home makes it easy to keep on top of. Plus, literally sitting right next to your ADC ensures good communication during laning.

I had enjoyed playing support occasionally back in the day, but always preferred AP carries/top laners.. starting to flip that around to enjoying support more than AP.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Man.. playing a support is waaaay more fun since the S3 changes. I hadn't been playing much for the last year due to shitty internet, but started taking my laptop over to a friend's house last few weeks to play with him. Since my mechanics/reactions are rusty, I've just been playing support to his ADC, as my game theory and knowledge has stayed current at least (Watch a lot of streams and such). Been fucking owning with soraka/blitz this week, and having a ton of fun actually being able to buy a few real items each game. Sightstone/flask are great for saving money in the long term, and pickpocket makes zoning via poke on ranged supports a fun mini-game.
He got me in on some arranged 5 games with 3 of his online buddies.. he warned them I was rusty/bad so they wouldn't rage if I sucked and we lost, but then got in and they were like 'Rusty? Wtf? He's our new support, he's amazing'. Being able to ensure good ward coverage by having a free 3-5 wards (sightstone or upgraded) every trip home makes it easy to keep on top of. Plus, literally sitting right next to your ADC ensures good communication during laning.

I had enjoyed playing support occasionally back in the day, but always preferred AP carries/top laners.. starting to flip that around to enjoying support more than AP.
Yeah it's pretty crazy how much gold supports get now a day, between the sightstone for wards, the global gold, and pickpocket, plus not having to worry about boots for such a long time. I'm guessing we'll start to see a giant shift in AP champions supporting bottom if their kit allows it. You mainly saw it with Zyra, but I could see Lux and Morgana starting to be played more at bottom. Same could go with say Orianna since she provides good utility.

It's been tough lately for AP at mid with all the assassins since s3. You can still do it but you have to play carefully, that or get an early jungle gank so you can basically zone them out and make them useless. Otherwise any panth, lee, talon etc etc that goes back and gets a bruta makes me pay hard. Although, I guess there are more item nerfs on the PBE so it probably won't be that bad anymore.


Man.. playing a support is waaaay more fun since the S3 changes. I hadn't been playing much for the last year due to shitty internet, but started taking my laptop over to a friend's house last few weeks to play with him. Since my mechanics/reactions are rusty, I've just been playing support to his ADC, as my game theory and knowledge has stayed current at least (Watch a lot of streams and such). Been fucking owning with soraka/blitz this week, and having a ton of fun actually being able to buy a few real items each game. Sightstone/flask are great for saving money in the long term, and pickpocket makes zoning via poke on ranged supports a fun mini-game.
He got me in on some arranged 5 games with 3 of his online buddies.. he warned them I was rusty/bad so they wouldn't rage if I sucked and we lost, but then got in and they were like 'Rusty? Wtf? He's our new support, he's amazing'. Being able to ensure good ward coverage by having a free 3-5 wards (sightstone or upgraded) every trip home makes it easy to keep on top of. Plus, literally sitting right next to your ADC ensures good communication during laning.

I had enjoyed playing support occasionally back in the day, but always preferred AP carries/top laners.. starting to flip that around to enjoying support more than AP.
I've been playing support a lot lately as well, and really enjoyed Soraka this week. I think I will add her to my collection, as she's so cheap. It's really key to have a decent carry to play with, but that's true of any match. The nice thing is not having to fight for mid/top with all the other dicks that call it as soon as they join the game, or insta-lock.

I love the game, but find the attitude of other players - i.e., who should we blame/flame because we are losing? - really draining over time. It's just so childish. Still, it's better than when the game first came out. I was sad that they stopped giving IP for doing the tribunal, because that really seemed to help curb the worst offenders.



I love the game, but find the attitude of other players - i.e., who should we blame/flame because we are losing? - really draining over time. It's just so childish. Still, it's better than when the game first came out. I was sad that they stopped giving IP for doing the tribunal, because that really seemed to help curb the worst offenders.
For every game I have with a couple of shitty 12 year olds I have a game with awesome people who are nice and helpful. I report the former, friend and queue with the latter. The nice, funny people make this game worth playing.


Bronze Squire
Ya, mid is a bit rough if you aren't use to it, have to play really passive if you are running a typical AP carry, however, if you are running a Kat or Diana, etc, you can still go aggressive and win you just have to be smart about it. Every now and then I get stuck as support and I personally (especially if I am playing normals with friends) never run a traditional support. GP,Ori,Darius,Ryze,Veigar, and by far my favorite Fiddle are the ones that come to mind that I mess around with bot lane. Win or lose it certainly makes the lane way more interesting and fun and most people don't know how to deal with non-traditional supports so we end up smashing bot lane usually.


Bronze Squire

Ya, talk about retards. I see this happen all too often. In fact, the other day I had this happen while I was on fiddle, my friends in skype thought something was wrong cause I was laughing/choking so hard after it happened.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played quite a lot of Vi over this weekend and I have to say I find her very enjoyable. Her skillset is just fun to use and her whole character is neat. I actually prefer to jungle with her then top lane and that is just because there are just so many other top laners that I don't think she can handle since she doesn't have any sustain. Her passive shield helps a bit in lane but her kit just works so well in the new jungle. Q and E basically finish off all the little creeps super fast and your W will proc on the big creep and you kill it much faster.

I've been going Machete + 5 pots > Madreds > Boots1 > wriggles > brutalizer/boots2 (either Swiftness if they have lots of slows, or otherwise mobo) > black cleaver. Then start to build tankier either going aegis > bulwark for the MR or if you need some more armor go either Locket (This item gives sooooo many fucking stats and the shield is pretty awesome too for team fights) or Randuins.

Swiftness boots are awesome because not only do they make your Q slow less, but they make you overall faster then a lot of champions. Mobo boots are amazing just because they help with ganks much more, allowing you to hopefully lead in with a Q rather then having to burn your ult asap. Ganking through the lane with mobo boots is very scary because you can either Q into R to gap close onto an enemy or can even flash > ult since the range is long enough.

I'm still unsure which skill path is better. I've done the Q max first and I've done the E max first. Reading the skills it feels like Q max would be better no matter what since the CD gets a lot less and the damage goes up a lot more, although I like the E max because it does a little more damage and you get more charges off sooner (it's like every 6 seconds iirc?) plus it's a much more guaranteed hit where as if you max Q and either can't charge it the full way, or they dodge your Q you're shit out of luck where as they can't dodge your E. Plus the splash damage the E does is pretty amazing in team fights. I think the past couple games I've preferred going the E max in the jungle just because you'll usually always have 2 charges every time you get to a new camp which lets you clear it almost instantly.

So, EQWEER, R > E > Q > W. (I have yet to try out a W max, but I don't think it'd be that great)

So anyway, super fun champion imo, although I don't care to use Vi for top lane I absolutely love her in the jungle.


Molten Core Raider
Played quite a lot of Vi over this weekend and I have to say I find her very enjoyable. Her skillset is just fun to use and her whole character is neat. I actually prefer to jungle with her then top lane and that is just because there are just so many other top laners that I don't think she can handle since she doesn't have any sustain. Her passive shield helps a bit in lane but her kit just works so well in the new jungle. Q and E basically finish off all the little creeps super fast and your W will proc on the big creep and you kill it much faster.

I've been going Machete + 5 pots > Madreds > Boots1 > wriggles > brutalizer/boots2 (either Swiftness if they have lots of slows, or otherwise mobo) > black cleaver. Then start to build tankier either going aegis > bulwark for the MR or if you need some more armor go either Locket (This item gives sooooo many fucking stats and the shield is pretty awesome too for team fights) or Randuins.

Swiftness boots are awesome because not only do they make your Q slow less, but they make you overall faster then a lot of champions. Mobo boots are amazing just because they help with ganks much more, allowing you to hopefully lead in with a Q rather then having to burn your ult asap. Ganking through the lane with mobo boots is very scary because you can either Q into R to gap close onto an enemy or can even flash > ult since the range is long enough.

I'm still unsure which skill path is better. I've done the Q max first and I've done the E max first. Reading the skills it feels like Q max would be better no matter what since the CD gets a lot less and the damage goes up a lot more, although I like the E max because it does a little more damage and you get more charges off sooner (it's like every 6 seconds iirc?) plus it's a much more guaranteed hit where as if you max Q and either can't charge it the full way, or they dodge your Q you're shit out of luck where as they can't dodge your E. Plus the splash damage the E does is pretty amazing in team fights. I think the past couple games I've preferred going the E max in the jungle just because you'll usually always have 2 charges every time you get to a new camp which lets you clear it almost instantly.

So, EQWEER, R > E > Q > W. (I have yet to try out a W max, but I don't think it'd be that great)

So anyway, super fun champion imo, although I don't care to use Vi for top lane I absolutely love her in the jungle.
I haven't played her top yet since her kit screams jungle to me and I think that building her tanky is the way to go. I haven't been able to play alot because I have been out of town but I want to try building her with wriggles>phage>wits end>aegis with trinity or frozen mallet for late game options.
Trinity is meh on her. She doesn't spam enough to get great use from its proc and the slow isn't reliable enough to get it just for that. Regardless of whether you are jungling her or taking her top the build is pretty much the same from what I've seen the high elo streamers do and what has worked for me. Top means early brut and phage with those becoming a BC and FM respectively then either GA or another defensive item if you are the beef on your team or a BT then a GA if you have a good tanky jungle to slap some extra damage around. You start with flask/pots/ward.

Jung works the same but you wriggles -- phage -- brut.

She's going to be considered borderline broken when she gets some heavy play behind her and people figure her interactions out. As it stands with the flask/pot/ward start she has no sustain problems and can harass like a monster. Against champs that can out duel her she has enough defensive ability and mobility with her Q to make it a farm lane. Then you get to team fights and you can literally not keep her off the enemy adc or mage. Q + flash + ult literally almost covers the distance between the two middle towers and you can't cc her once she hits ult range. I've already carried a couple ranked games that should have been losses with her just because the enemy adc was never a part of the late game team fights once I got vision on them. Add a Lee or Noc jungle and it just gets worse for the singled out carry.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So I just started playing LoL after playing Dota 2 for the past 8 months or so. I don't like a few "features" but overall it is quite awesome. If anyone would like to play though I'm on LoL as Randy Buttrknubz.

However, I do not feel that Flash should be a spell that you can just have as opposed to the blink dagger that takes up an item slot, and fuck the talent tree thing.


Pick my next champ!

I'm getting bored. I have about 20 champs currently and been mostly playing Nidalee practicing for ranked. I have 2000 IP. I never play carries so I think I'll try it. Ya'll can pick for me

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I know most people say she sucks, but man I have been faceraping the last few weeks with Karma. Sure, she doesn't fit the meta because she needs AP, but her burst is surprisingly high, she's fairly tanky, and she can arguably keep a carry alive better than any other support. Follow a Jax/Xin/Irelia around with W and then dropping a Mantra'd E and W on them and they pretty much become unstoppable wrecking machines. It's awesome being solo ambushed by a Vayne and instagibbing her with a R+E+Q+ignite combo, then hearing "wtf Karma burst??"

She's tough to play in SR because of the meta babies that don't want to let her farm, but when I'm allowed to go mid or top I almost always own my lane. She's also beastly in TT.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Snowmandinger is the best skin ever. Even if you lose hey you were playing a snowman. If you win I just kicked your ass by having candy cane cannons shoot you with gumdrops!