

Buzzfeed Editor
You are confusing gender and sexual preference. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant do you think that means she must have enjoyed it? The point of that story is that he actually turned into a female so thoroughly that he got pregnant. Real actual gender fluidity not the mental illness we have today.

Also, I am generally disappointed in all of you for not working heimdahl into this discussion on disney wokness.

Interesting. They even said that time works differently in here, which I think was also said in antman. I don't know about that purple = evil thing because that would require everyone in the MCU to be 100% good or 100% evil.

You need to read who I was responding to.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
For magic at least, all "evil" magic has been purple.

I guess this doesn’t include the power stone? That’s always purple and in GotG the “good guys” definitely use it to nuke Ronan.
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Vyemm Raider
That is the exception since the Stone IS purple, of course evil people used it until gotg, now is that stone magic? And y they used the power for "good" once only.

So far all bad magic users( not including Loki here) in the mcu used purple for the power color
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Log Wizard
It could be that purple isn't "evil" it's "order" as said in Wandavision. Red is Chaos magic and Purple is Order magic. Obviously the TVA are trying to control things so it'd make sense they'd use Order magic.

Loki himself should have some fucking perma red smoke effects goin on at this point, but I think the green is HIS color, so that's why they do it instead. I'm thinking we get an explanation with Loki and Chaos at some point soon.

Unlike Wandavision and Falcon, in a much lesser sense, I don't want read too deep into shit. Some of the fantabulous over-the-top fan theories for those shows were wayyyy cooler than what actually happened and we felt let down because of it. Think I'm just gonna not overthink this and let it ride. Almost wish they'd dump it all at once so it could be binged, but this is definitely a show that can build hype week-to-week.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I don't really understand what Loki did wrong to wind up in their sights. The tesserac was practically hand delivered to him so he grabbed it and escaped. He didn't try to meddle with time. He just did what you'd expect him to do. I don't see how there's a timeline where Loki didn't grab that thing and boogie out of there in the same situation.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I don't really understand what Loki did wrong to wind up in their sights.
His simple existence is a crime. That's what he was charged by the judge: being a variant.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I don't really understand what Loki did wrong to wind up in their sights. The tesserac was practically hand delivered to him so he grabbed it and escaped. He didn't try to meddle with time. He just did what you'd expect him to do. I don't see how there's a timeline where Loki didn't grab that thing and boogie out of there in the same situation.

In the sacred timeline Loki is supposed to be captured. The Avengers fucked up, and allowed this Loki to escape--that caused a branch in time that was not allowed. As Ukerric Ukerric said--his very existence is a crime.

Which is why people were pointing out that there is no real free will in the MCU. Everyone has to do what the TVA expects; all other choices get erased.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
In the sacred timeline Loki is supposed to be captured. The Avengers fucked up, and allowed this Loki to escape--that caused a branch in time that was not allowed. As Ukerric Ukerric said--his very existence is a crime.

Which is why people were pointing out that there is no real free will in the MCU. Everyone has to do what the TVA expects; all other choices get erased.
And then Loki and Wanda fuck reality sideways, and you get Doctor Strange 2 as the multiverse that the promo video warns about finally occurs.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I predict...things that have already been predicted so I won't bother repeating them.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well, a lot of that stuff that was discussed pretty much got confirmed. Kinda sad there are only 4 episodes left. Curious where this goes. Hiddleston is still fantastic.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hope that the female Loki he ends up chasing at least makes a passable attempt at Old Gregg.



Got something right about marriage
So what episode are we going to get the Owen Wilson "Woooowwwww"