Lost Ark Online


<Silver Donator>
Switching them probably would have been better but I'm sure investors and money guys and shit were tired of the constant delays. Would have been smarter to release the already complete game where they can just adjust what new content opens up whenever they want and shit, and get another 4-6months into New World, considering what I'm reading about the endgame in the NW thread and on reddit on how unpolished and in many places broken it is. It's gonna take them a while to fix all that stuff, and that'll hamper their ability to make new content a lot, so a lot of people will move on with a bad taste in their mouth and might not come back. Meanwhile if people got Lost Ark, they'd just know "oh ok done with this for now but there's a bunch more content coming every month or two since KR has plenty of content to go" kind of thing.

Ultimately don't mind either way, I'll play this when it releases for a bit I'm sure, or maybe later depending on what else I'm playing, shit's so old now I'm not in a rush to play it. And they still haven't revealed their cash shop choices for this, which could still be pretty shit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It’s questionable AGS would have fixed the issues even with extra time. Many of the current issues were reported by alpha/beta players and never acted upon


<Silver Donator>
It’s questionable AGS would have fixed the issues even with extra time. Many of the current issues were reported by alpha/beta players and never acted upon
Isn't that just because they were still finishing the game as much as possible? Because they changed so much stuff over time that they had to make all the dungeons and all that shit that they hadn't originally planned at all so they were behind on everything, so anything that wasn't top priority just got ignored? At least that's my understanding of the situation, I don't really know though since I didn't pay attention to much, but it seemed like a reasonable explanation, and more time would have helped as long as they kept the same specifications for release instead of just trying to add more shit with the added time.
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Vyemm Raider
Another closed beta? Why?

Free QA for their translations, and to keep the hype train going, since someone forgot to tell them they derailed it already.

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Vyemm Raider
Cuz they're Asian. And, to make matters worse, they love to give these types of shitty costumes away for free all the time. At least in RU. And I hate the fact that the colors and textures clash horribly with the world and armors. Ya know, the whole point behind art direction.

Cash shop costume:

Normal gear:


Free crap. This one actually auto cycles through all the gay pastel colors of the rainbow:


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Golden Baronet of the Realm
AGS reminds me of Trion right now. New World is Rift, and Lost Ark is Arch Age. Im just waiting to see if they end up going the same direction.


Trakanon Raider
Live stream for Lost Ark with one of the community managers and Datmodz is happening right now.

Edit: I'm not sure if its funny or sad that it looks like this CM hasn't played a single video game let alone Lost Ark. lol
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Vyemm Raider
Edit: I'm not sure if its funny or sad that it looks like this CM hasn't played a single video game let alone Lost Ark. lol

Since Amazon is just the publisher, and the game has been out in KR for like 3 years, it doesn't really matter. Most CM's are a waste of space anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Live stream for Lost Ark with one of the community managers and Datmodz is happening right now.

Edit: I'm not sure if its funny or sad that it looks like this CM hasn't played a single video game let alone Lost Ark. lol

Just clicked play and the CM has this totally lost look on his face, I feel bad for the guy. If he actually applied to be a CM for LA specifically with this obvious lack of knowledge, then whoever decided to hire him should be fired. Buuut, its probably a diversity quota hire. Maybe he is a quick learner.


Trakanon Raider
I'm very surprised at the changes being made. Not sure how it will pan out with the "p2w hurr durr" crowd but it should please some people that were on the fence.

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Vyemm Raider
I'm very surprised at the changes being made. Not sure how it will pan out with the "p2w hurr durr" crowd but it should please some people that were on the fence.

I hate to break it to you, but this is all snake-oil salesman bullshit.

  1. To ensure all purchases in-game feel optional, it is important players have a path to acquire all items in our in-game store without having to make a purchase. Most items are available with Crystals which can be earned by trading gold at a player-run exchange. Any item without a Crystal price will be tradable via the in-game trading post. This means that all items will be available for in-game, earnable currencies (with few exceptions, such as Founder’s Packs and services like name changes).

This is how it already is pretty much. Even if they change a few/all things that cost Royal Crystals to cost Blue Crystals, it doesn't really affect you. Buying Blues from other players with gold to then use the Blues to buy cash shop items isn't really any different than buying those same items from other players off the AH. If anything it will most likely drive up the gold cost of Blues, so a net loss. ( Would be nice if they included character slots, but that is probably a "service" like name changes)

2. We have updated how pet features function. Originally, players would rent features on their pets each month and the pets would gain additional functionality. An epic-grade pet will be available for free as a quest reward in the early stages of the game. In our version, pet purchases are permanent and the features that were previously rented are now available through Crystalline Aura benefits. Auto-looting remains a default feature of pets, regardless of whether or not you have Crystalline Aura active.

The free epic pet is from the pet tutorial quest and is already in the other versions of the game. In those version the rented features (Warehouse access/repairs etc) cost a certain amount of Blues per month to activate. (AH anywhere access used to be part of this, but Smilegate gave that to everyone and made it part of the UI) Removing that and making it part of the Crystalline Aura (Beatrice Blessing) which is basically a sub and something you don't need doesn't really change anything for the better. There is no mention if the Crystalline Aura will be purchasable with Blues, as it is cash only in other regions. If it's still a cash purchase it's worse. Otherwise, it's a meaningless change. ( And saying the pet benefits are "no longer rented" but "now part of the (rented) Aura benefits" is a blatant lie.

3. We tuned the timing on Mari’s Secret Store to make products stay in the store for longer periods of time, giving players more time to make a purchase decision. Players will have 72hrs before items rotate out of Mari’s Secret Store.


4. We reconstructed the premium service, Crystalline Aura, to provide fair and fully optional benefits and avoid potential pay to win mechanical advantages. Examples of these changes include removing increased movement speed and increased combat XP from the Crystalline Aura benefits, and adding in some of the PC Cafe benefits, like half-priced ship tickets and free Triport trips.

Straight up worse. There are no p2w benefits in the current Aura. Just convenience.


Trakanon Raider
I hate to break it to you, but this is all snake-oil salesman bullshit.

  1. To ensure all purchases in-game feel optional, it is important players have a path to acquire all items in our in-game store without having to make a purchase. Most items are available with Crystals which can be earned by trading gold at a player-run exchange. Any item without a Crystal price will be tradable via the in-game trading post. This means that all items will be available for in-game, earnable currencies (with few exceptions, such as Founder’s Packs and services like name changes).

This is how it already is pretty much. Even if they change a few/all things that cost Royal Crystals to cost Blue Crystals, it doesn't really affect you. Buying Blues from other players with gold to then use the Blues to buy cash shop items isn't really any different than buying those same items from other players off the AH. If anything it will most likely drive up the gold cost of Blues, so a net loss. ( Would be nice if they included character slots, but that is probably a "service" like name changes)

2. We have updated how pet features function. Originally, players would rent features on their pets each month and the pets would gain additional functionality. An epic-grade pet will be available for free as a quest reward in the early stages of the game. In our version, pet purchases are permanent and the features that were previously rented are now available through Crystalline Aura benefits. Auto-looting remains a default feature of pets, regardless of whether or not you have Crystalline Aura active.

The free epic pet is from the pet tutorial quest and is already in the other versions of the game. In those version the rented features (Warehouse access/repairs etc) cost a certain amount of Blues per month to activate. (AH anywhere access used to be part of this, but Smilegate gave that to everyone and made it part of the UI) Removing that and making it part of the Crystalline Aura (Beatrice Blessing) which is basically a sub and something you don't need doesn't really change anything for the better. There is no mention if the Crystalline Aura will be purchasable with Blues, as it is cash only in other regions. If it's still a cash purchase it's worse. Otherwise, it's a meaningless change. ( And saying the pet benefits are "no longer rented" but "now part of the (rented) Aura benefits" is a blatant lie.

3. We tuned the timing on Mari’s Secret Store to make products stay in the store for longer periods of time, giving players more time to make a purchase decision. Players will have 72hrs before items rotate out of Mari’s Secret Store.


4. We reconstructed the premium service, Crystalline Aura, to provide fair and fully optional benefits and avoid potential pay to win mechanical advantages. Examples of these changes include removing increased movement speed and increased combat XP from the Crystalline Aura benefits, and adding in some of the PC Cafe benefits, like half-priced ship tickets and free Triport trips.

Straight up worse. There are no p2w benefits in the current Aura. Just convenience.

I didn't say it was good or bad, I said it might help people on the fence. I'm surprised they're messing with the sub at all because personally that seemed like a harder route to figure out IMO. Maybe I'm more of an optimist but at least they're trying. Now hopefully they get constructive feedback and will continue to adjust things. Are these mind blowing changes? No. But it shows the direction they're taking. They clearly want to make the Aura better because us Westerners can't decipher p2w properly and think that subscription based models = good.


Vyemm Raider

I didn't say it was good or bad, I said it might help people on the fence. I'm surprised they're messing with the sub at all because personally that seemed like a harder route to figure out IMO. Maybe I'm more of an optimist but at least they're trying. Now hopefully they get constructive feedback and will continue to adjust things. Are these mind blowing changes? No. But it shows the direction they're taking. They clearly want to make the Aura better because us Westerners can't decipher p2w properly and think that subscription based models = good.

The Aura isn't worth the price, even with moving the pet benefits over to it. It's obvious they're trying to make it seem that way though. With selling Aura for Blues it looks like they're trying to emulate Archeage/WoW and have the whales pay the "subs" of the free players. And, as I said, this will drive up the gold cost of Blue Crystals, and gold is already in short supply for free players. Your gold is better spent on Engraving books. These are permanent/interchangeable huge increases to your power/defense/support that are shared on all you characters and the best ones are super expensive.

AGS doesn't give a shit about the players or p2w bs, that's just PR talk. They are desperately trying to squeeze as much money out of this as they can and they don't know what they're doing. All of the focus of this update is to generate income, not make the cash shop better for you.

I don't particularly care either way. I've just been playing in RU on and off for 2 years and am sharing the real info with people who haven't. The good or bad isn't the point. It's that they just rearranged a few things and are trying to make it sound like they are making these HUGE changes that will make the players experience SO MUCH BETTER. Plus, the outright lies.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah it doesn't really kill any P2W complaint when you can clearly buy crystals and sell them for gold to do whatever it is you need to use gold for, which is otherwise much more limited. Can call it pay2convenience or pay2progressfaster but ultimately boils down to the same thing. Not that I'm particularly against the concept, as long as F2P progression isn't completely hindered by the design, but it certainly doesn't mean much. The fact "everything can be bought with ingame currency" argument tends to fall on its face in many other games.

Buying costumes in Black Desert on EU for example is a huge pain and it can take anywhere from 10mins to 6months to get a specific costume, because few people buy them to resell due to capped prices(poor euro to gold value) and only do so when they're on sale, so you can realistically only buy the costumes currently on sale, and since the buy orders are treated in a purely RNG way for fairness, even if you put an order 3months ago cause you really want that costume, nothing guarantees you get one when it goes on sale, and you're definitely not getting it outside sales.

Another example is how Blade and Soul currency buying thing basically went to shit pretty fast because there were a lot more people willing to buy cash shop currency than people selling, so you had to pay exhorbitant amounts of ingame currency for really basic shit. Yeah you could buy stuff, but you basically had to be constantly grinding and selling your money for currency to be able to afford shit you wanted, and that impacted your ability to progress your gear and stuff since that also needed large amounts of currency. And that didn't help the P2W aspect at all since it became easier to just throw 200$ at the game for big gear upgrades+cash shop stuff versus having to grind a long time for the upgrades and not having anything left for the cash shop.

Only positive thing from what I'm reading is pets can loot items by default so you don't need to spend money for that part, which from the wording is new? But no idea.

Ultimately I don't mind if I have to spend a bit of money every month for shit or spend some money to buy cosmetics every now and then so it doesn't concern me too much, just if you're really anti P2W mechanics and full F2P, this doesn't really sound any better than usual, and it'll mostly depend on the pricing of stuff and the conversion with ingame currency. Like if they sell costumes for 35$ like they do in BDO and that takes a month of running 4chars through daillies and weeklies or whatever, that's gonna feel kinda like shit regardless.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
"F2P" really just needs to be renamed, "pay to go faster" - because honestly, that's what ALL of these games are.

Rarely does "paying" give you a true, honest to God advantage. It typically just allows you to "skip" otherwise boring/annoying shit. Devs intentionally implement mechanics that are annoying as balls so they can sell you the "solution" in the cash shop - BDO was GREAT at those types of things. You could buy a horse whistle (summons your mount from X distance) outright for $12, or you could grind mindless bullshit for 30+ days to get the free version. Guess which one almost everybody chose?


Vyemm Raider
Only positive thing from what I'm reading is pets can loot items by default so you don't need to spend money for that part, which from the wording is new? But no idea.

Looting is a pet's primary purpose, so no, it's not new. Originally, they autoloot, let you access your warehouse/repair from anywhere and have 2 random buffs, that can be rerolled with blue crystals. The last two require (seperate) monthly payment of blue crystals to activate.

One of the primary issues here is that the cash shop in LA is not a problem, at all. It's the game design. Buying cash shop items and/or blue crystals to sell for gold to speed up your progress. These "changes" do nothing to address that, which is no surprise. As I've mentioned before, you'd have to majorly redesign primary game systems in order to do that, and that ain't gonna happen.

In addition, the resultant inflation in cost of blue crystals is gonna be bad. You need them for lots of convenience shit. Extra warehouse slots, extra gear loadout slots, etc. Also, when you buy blues from other players the game takes 5% for absolutely no reason. And, the seller has to pay a tax in Royal Crystals.


<Silver Donator>
"F2P" really just needs to be renamed, "pay to go faster" - because honestly, that's what ALL of these games are.

Rarely does "paying" give you a true, honest to God advantage. It typically just allows you to "skip" otherwise boring/annoying shit. Devs intentionally implement mechanics that are annoying as balls so they can sell you the "solution" in the cash shop - BDO was GREAT at those types of things. You could buy a horse whistle (summons your mount from X distance) outright for $12, or you could grind mindless bullshit for 30+ days to get the free version. Guess which one almost everybody chose?
Honestly, I'd rather people be able to just buy a max level geared character than that type of shit. Games become less fun for 99% of people because they are designed with timesinks strictly for monetization purposes. Especially eastern games it seems.

I did have some fun in LOTRO which had that model but that was because of the IP.


<Silver Donator>
Looting is a pet's primary purpose, so no, it's not new. Originally, they autoloot, let you access your warehouse/repair from anywhere and have 2 random buffs, that can be rerolled with blue crystals. The last two require (seperate) monthly payment of blue crystals to activate.
Ah haven't really played much/looked into it, assumed pets were like purely cosmetics baseline, and the looting was part of the rental thing and they made that permanent instead. Yeah no difference then.