Lost Ark Online


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, it's crazy how some guardians are fucking AIDS trying to solo (Vertus solo as a melee is fucking annoying as shit if you don't just overgear the fuck out of it - but he's a joke in a group) and easy as fuck in a group. Then there are some which are a total PITA with a group but fine solo.

A large part of the problem is these "end" Guardians with dumb one shot mechanics. If you're grouped that one shot takes all your party's available rezzes. If you're solo it takes 1. It does usually require you to be somewhat over GS for the fight, since you have the 20 minute timer to worry about, but bosses HP scales down to a decent level if you're solo, so it's not too bad.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Seems I played from 9am to 9pm without realizing. Doing dailies, weeklies and islands following the guide.

Ended buying a few cheap items and engraving cards and got all-out attack and ignite to lvl 2. Nothing special but better than no engravings at all.

Ended the day at 470 ilvl or some and did the 4th guardian, he was annoying but glad I'm ranged.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
First MMO in a long time where time just disappears for me while playing. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, other than the fails on weapons which seem to set me back by a full day each time.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
First MMO in a long time where time just disappears for me while playing. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, other than the fails on weapons which seem to set me back by a full day each time.
One of the few streamers I like, dude said he would highly encourage using Moon's Breath between weapon upgrade 13 to 15 if you dont want to be set back. I was just talking about being sketch about my upgrade in guild chat, too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So after Raes and Xexx went back and forth, Power pass boosted characters are the same as the ones you went through the whole MQ? I started Berserker and hit 50 this weekend, and about to hit North Vern, but I think I'll like a Sharpshooter way better, but other than my pre-order rewards which I have the 2nd one I can use, is there other things I'm missing out on? All the side quest bonuses?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
So after Raes and Xexx went back and forth, Power pass boosted characters are the same as the ones you went through the whole MQ? I started Berserker and hit 50 this weekend, and about to hit North Vern, but I think I'll like a Sharpshooter way better, but other than my pre-order rewards which I have the 2nd one I can use, is there other things I'm missing out on? All the side quest bonuses?
Anything "important" from sidequests you earn are all ROSTER wide. Providence stones, stat potions, skill potions, etc. This game not only encourages you to make alts, it facilitates the fuck out of it. You really never need to do a single non-daily quest on an alt. Anything important from yellow, blue, purple, green, etc. quests will all be available on your alt.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anything "important" from sidequests you earn are all ROSTER wide. Providence stones, stat potions, skill potions, etc. This game not only encourages you to make alts, it facilitates the fuck out of it. You really never need to do a single non-daily quest on an alt. Anything important from yellow, blue, purple, green, etc. quests will all be available on your alt.
Amazing, so I can power boost a Sharpshooter, and not feel like I missed out on anything!! This game is bad ass!

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
So my puttering along playstyle finally got me to 50 today. Ive still got a bunch of the crystal things from my founders pack but don't really have a good grasp on the upgrade mats just yet. When it comes to Mari's secret shop, if i have crystals to burn, what are the items worth buying?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea I get it, movement debuffs have shorter durations when applied to other adventurers, fuck!


Trakanon Raider
If you run both, you should have enough tokens for the full set. You get one armor drop and enough tokens to craft one of each piece exactly. Not sure how you didn't get enough, maybe you didn't see the armor piece? But if you diss it, it'll give you 2 tokens back anyway so you should have enough to get the weap too. 5pc is enough though, there's no difference between 5 and 6 afaik, just looks nicer.

Make sure you're transferring your levels on the abyss set, and not relvling, that'd be a waste of mats. Honing NPC transfer gear levels.
Wait a minute..... I have a few level 50s now and I'm gonna start working on my main. Paladin is kind of boring for me. So I need to get to 340 ilevl through chaos deungeons and leveling up my gear and then go to Abyss, get a set from there and transfer the stats from the chaos to abyss gear? Then start leveling up that gear? Is there some kind of walk through explaining all this shit?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So my puttering along playstyle finally got me to 50 today. Ive still got a bunch of the crystal things from my founders pack but don't really have a good grasp on the upgrade mats just yet. When it comes to Mari's secret shop, if i have crystals to burn, what are the items worth buying?
You dont have to spend, well... any? Crystalline aura is nice, and the ship skin that gives auto boost and auto pickup is nice. But you can literally just do the islands and get to high tier 1 w/o issue.
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<Gold Donor>
Just playing a character, like me leveling them, you get to realize which skills are good and which suck. Also, some scale real well to late game, some do not. Most of the dot type skills Ive noticed scale poorly for example. But thats also the problem with getting a lv 50 character and expect to play him well. That shit takes time IMO.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For someone like me that never really likes any story, not even in FFXIV, I like how you can catch the basic gist of the story by just listening to the parts they voice act. Skip all the details in the dialogue.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So I think I have my first legitimate complaint about the game, and that's the schedule gating of certain things.

I need a ton of Gianeh coins, but the only way to get them is co-op sailing events. And those are only at a very specific time, and you'd need to run probably 4-5 days of it to buy a single thing. If you miss it, well, sucks for you. There's nothing you can do about it. It's possible you'll never be around for when they're scheduled.

And that's one of the more frequent ones. There are plenty of events that are only a handful of times a week. It makes it so you feel like you have to be on 24/7, or even if you are on, drop everything to do that certain thing that may not pop for another day or two.

That, to me, is incredibly shitty game design. I shouldn't feel the need to drop doing something fun because something else only comes up 3 times a week and I'm fucked if I miss it.
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Trakanon Raider
West Coast = Beast Coast! I really wish these chucklefucks had done a Central server to give everybody a "best of both words". I got a Sharpshooter to 42? on Regulus, but I just can't PvP with that ping. And while I prefer PvE stuff in general, I like being a sweaty boi when it comes to PvP.

My heart fucking bleeds for you. Try pvping with a ping of 230. Why the hell didn't those chucklefucks release an oceanic server?


Vyemm Raider
Why are fuckin cube tickets so rare? Cube and Silent hall tickets just never drop - 10 Chaos Dungeons in and none yet.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Why are fuckin cube tickets so rare? Cube and Silent hall tickets just never drop - 10 Chaos Dungeons in and none yet.
Cube Tickets are probably rated "rare" on the scale of common to relic type of drop rate. I have 4 on my sorcerer, but Ive only had 2 ever on my Artillerist. The sorcerer is probably 1/3 as old as my main. Silent Hall however, Ive gotten two to drop twice this week.


<Silver Donator>
Man Demon hunter is proving a lot more fun than I thought it'd be, even in T1. I guess because I have purple and blue wealth runes I can get the transformation going pretty frequently, not one rotation but still often enough that it doesn't feel bad, and it's really fun once you're transformed. I feel like maybe I'll switch to that as my "main alt" once I can catch up with my blade, which is also fun but more annoying. Maybe I need to try her with lvl 2 super charge first but it's rough getting both supercharge and remaining energy leveled up decently, at least until I can get a 7 or 8 supercharge ability stone.
Wait a minute..... I have a few level 50s now and I'm gonna start working on my main. Paladin is kind of boring for me. So I need to get to 340 ilevl through chaos deungeons and leveling up my gear and then go to Abyss, get a set from there and transfer the stats from the chaos to abyss gear? Then start leveling up that gear? Is there some kind of walk through explaining all this shit?
Well you don't HAVE TO. You can use the blue gear all the way to 600 then you replace it with the blue gear in T2 and so on, but you want to do abyss dungeons anyway since they give gold and accessories with your class engravings for more power and they're more importantly fun to do unlike the daily grind stuff. And when you do, you'll get gear that basically has set bonuses. Same stats as the blue gear, just with set bonuses for 2 and 5pc. Transferring only costs a little bit of silver, so it's virtually free to switch to the abyss sets to get those bonuses going. They're not crazy but it's nice, first set for example is like 8% speed and 12% dmg or something like that. The speed especially feels great since every animation is tied to your attack speed.

The process for upgrading doesn't change, just when you can get the abyss gear, you just transfer your upgrade progress from your blue gear onto this new purple gear(and for the 2nd set of abyss dungeon, orange gear) and continue from there since there's no reason not to. If you don't do it, you're only missing out on the set stats again so it's not like you HAVE to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man Demon hunter is proving a lot more fun than I thought it'd be, even in T1. I guess because I have purple and blue wealth runes I can get the transformation going pretty frequently, not one rotation but still often enough that it doesn't feel bad, and it's really fun once you're transformed. I feel like maybe I'll switch to that as my "main alt" once I can catch up with my blade, which is also fun but more annoying. Maybe I need to try her with lvl 2 super charge first but it's rough getting both supercharge and remaining energy leveled up decently, at least until I can get a 7 or 8 supercharge ability stone.

I think shadowhunter is my main at this point, I love blowing stuff up in demon form. My only real complaint about the class is it's kinda simple to play. My favorite alt right now is peacemaker gunslinger, its fun having different weapons and being able to still slot in multiple mobility skills without sacrificing dps, and its a nice change from shadowhunter since its more involved to play.


<Silver Donator>
I think shadowhunter is my main at this point, I love blowing stuff up in demon form. My only real complaint about the class is it's kinda simple to play. My favorite alt right now is peacemaker gunslinger, its fun having different weapons and being able to still slot in multiple mobility skills without sacrificing dps, and its a nice change from shadowhunter since its more involved to play.
Oh yeah it's definitely very unga bunga but I like that, that's why I play Taijutsu on my Scrapper, no thinking, you're always at full ressources so you just press whatever's up. There is a little bit of "comboing" going on on Scrapper since using your charge buffs your dmg by 15% for 3secs so you charge > big hit, but otherwise it's straightforward, and that's what I like, I don't want to have to micromanage ressources and mechanics when a lot of these fights are already pretty intense with the aoes and shit.

Also playing my Paladin I used knowledge transfer on atm, it's interesting knowledge transfer isn't the same as Power pass and doesn't complete any sidequest, so you can go around and get a bunch of engraving books for free on them, plus battle items and stuff from sidequests. Gonna get his class engravings for free or close to I think. Edit: k nvm it took like 3mins to get 20 class engraving books doing luterra quests lol. I'll have to do the rest later, there's like 10 blue books of each too for free.
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