Lovecraft Country


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
These fucks are just hopping on the "evil whites" 2020 hype train, and no one should give them a pass because "oh well I like sci-fi stuff..." "I love me some Lovecraft!..." "Its just based on a book!..." How much shit can some of you eat and keep asking for more?
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The Dirtbag
How much shit can some of you eat and keep asking for more?
This is some Self Aware Wolves stuff right here. Y'all get really triggered by not seeing a full white cast.

Bad Monkeys was ok and The Mirage was interesting. Never read Lovecraft Country but ill watch it tonight.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
There was 1 or 2 parts where the racism was comically over the top. Driving down town opening fire on black people and not in the south? Seems pretty far ludicrous in the 50s. Like I would be embarrassed putting that in a show if it didn't also have cosmic horror in it.

Other than that part there was way more cosmic horror in this than I expected. Enjoyed the first episode.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The book was good. About three stories that all crossed over I seem to recall. Need to read it again before watching this.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
My lifelong erection for all things Lovecraft demands I watch this.

So I will. But I guess the Elder Gods hate black people.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah the book kicks ass. The poster and early interview I saw for this didn't look good, but after finishing the book I am hopeful.
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I aborted at the moment we had a black dude getting sucked off in the alley by another black dude. Just tired of this dumb shit.
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Aychamo BanBan

I’m so sick of this anti white people shit. Fucking Smollet should be blacklisted for her brothers sins.
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Sanrith Descartes

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Early on reviews of Watchmen gave it a wokefest, not worth watching vibe. I gave it a shot and ignored the SJW shit because it was actually part of the underlying story and enjoyed it mostly. I will do the same with this. if its shit, ill stop watching.

At the risk of inciting a riot here, keep in mind the concept of pendulum swings. For a very long time, TV and movies were basically white folk. The movement in the 70's starting chipping away at those barriers (Sanford and Son, All in the Family, Jeffersons, Good Times etc). So we are where we are today because that pendulum has swing from all the way on one side of the arc and we are now approaching the other end of the arc (all woke, all the time). Viewers and society will begin more and more to react negatively and the pendulum will begin its slow steady movement back toward the center before continuing on back in the original direction. Like it or dislike it, this is just how life works.
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Read the synopsis of the book, so sure, its the theme of the book of racism in the United States during that time period. I get it, but they are truly beating a dead horse at this point. Not interested.
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Read the synopsis of the book, so sure, its the theme of the book of racism in the United States during that time period. I get it, but they are truly beating a dead horse at this point. Not interested.
You don't need to virtue signal in here, you could just not watch it.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Read the synopsis of the book, so sure, its the theme of the book of racism in the United States during that time period. I get it, but they are truly beating a dead horse at this point. Not interested.

If you're of the opinion every programme is pushing some agenda and you only watch the ones you're aligned with then you're potentially doing yourself out of some good watching.

Yes, there's an acknowledgement of racism, it's Jim Crow America in the 50s, but it's also a fine set of stories.
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FPS noob
reviews i've read said the show gets totally nuts after episode 4, but its a bit more of an anthology than straight up arc story telling. I'll probably wait until the entire season drops and check it out, easy enough to stop and delete if it gets annoying.

I enjoyed Watchmen, the ending was just ok but the episodes up to there were great.

Also the lead bad villainess in this show, Abbey Lee, has that perfect mix of creepy and sexy. She was also in Mad Max Fury Road, I think as one of the concubines?

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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
You don't need to virtue signal in here, you could just not watch it.

So you're saying someone cannot have an opinion if they are a huge HP Lovecraft fan but also think that this is a stupid concept?

If you're of the opinion every programme is pushing some agenda and you only watch the ones you're aligned with then you're potentially doing yourself out of some good watching.

Yes, there's an acknowledgement of racism, it's Jim Crow America in the 50s, but it's also a fine set of stories.

Acknowledgement of racism? They literally talk about saying which is worse, white people in the 50's or cosmic horror monsters. I'm not saying that it won't be good, but that sounds like a fucking retarded and actually racist premise.
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Sanrith Descartes

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Who's to blame for this? White people in general? Or Hollywood?
Its not a blame thing. Its a period in the timeline of our society. Its the same with slavery for the most part. Is/was slavery bad? Of course. At that period in time, however, it was a part of society. Blame ties to actions not society. Yul Brenner played Asians during a time when Asians weren't used in Hollywood. We didn't include minorities in major roles until society had begun to change. People like Norman Lear really began the push for Hollywood to begin to resemble the changes that were occurring in America. It doesn't get mentioned enough, but Good Times was amazing because it for the 1st time captured life for poor urban blacks and showed everyone an albeit sanitized version of inner city life.
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