Lumi's Batshit Insane Thread


<Bronze Donator>
Well, I know CERN has to do with attempting to find an inter dimensional gateway to allow demonic spirits to enter the physical world but it will do so on Earth, not Mars or Venus. It's literally almost exactly like Lord of the Rings and how Sauron does not possess a physical body and cannot manifest himself fully in the physical realm until he possesses the ring. Similarly CERN is attempting to unlock this gateway to allow demonic spirits access to physical forms and it's merely a matter when and not if, before they are successful and I believe it will be quite soon.

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I'm Amod too!
Since meteors and asteroids don't actually exist it's impossible that they caused it as many people believe.

Maybe they actually do exist but it is really cross dimensional Sauron warping in rocks above our heads as a part of his invasion plans.
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Vyemm Raider
Maybe they actually do exist but it is really cross dimensional Sauron warping in rocks above our heads as a part of his invasion plans.

You do realize that most of the info about inter dimensional gateways comes directly from the people who make CERN right?

"A top boffin at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) says that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" - for instance "an extra dimension".

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN"
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Vyemm Raider
So you're a flat earther? Lol

After looking into it quite extensively it seems that it's true so yes. There's a ridiculous amount of evidence which demonstrates that the Earth is in fact flat. There is literally no experiment which has demonstrated the Earth is in motion and in fact all experimental evidence shows the Earth is completely stationary.
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<Bronze Donator>
You do realize that most of the info about inter dimensional gateways comes directly from the people who make CERN right?

"A top boffin at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) says that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" - for instance "an extra dimension".

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN"

They also said that maybe small black holes would be created all over the world, that seems to have not been the case though.
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Heather Hyer didn't die because of "terrorism" in Charlottesville.

Her mother said this week she died of a heart attack.

The car didn't even hit her. It drove by her, she got scared, and had a heart attack.

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<Gold Donor>
Heather Hyer didn't die because of "terrorism" in Charlottesville.

Her mother said this week she died of a heart attack.

The car didn't even hit her. It drove by her, she got scared, and had a heart attack.

LOL! Again, fake fucking news pushing fake narrative.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Actually Nikola Tesla gave a speech where he announced that his technology could be used to manipulate the weather and the feds raided his home after he died and kept his knowledge top secret to this day so I wouldn't say it's far fetched considering the dude built the 20th century almost single handed.

Yeah this isn't a conspiracy. But as far as I know had nothing to do with weather specifically, it was about ALL of Tesla's work.

The FBI confiscated pretty much everything in his home. I believe most of it still hasn't been returned to his family's estate, although they returned a few things recently I thought?

Regardless, the estate of Tesla doesn't know what Tesla had, so the FBI can keep whatever they stole since it cannot be accounted for. If Tesla knew the nature of his government he could have created a list in his Will and Testament before he died. The estate can't request specific property be returned through their attorneys because they have no idea what property was even seized.

He fucked up.
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Poet Warrior
So I just ended a 4 and a half day fast about an hour ago. Went exactly 108 hours without consuming a single bite of food whatsoever and literally only water until the 4th day which I had some tea but added nothing to it whatsoever. It was actually quite surprisingly easy and didn't feel hungry at all and even in the 4th day I could've easily gone without eating. I also had a surprising amount of energy and while certainly felt a bit weaker than usual I was able to ride my bike around with little problems and able to do 20 push ups with little effort but noticeably a little more difficult than when I had been eating. My eyes and teeth have become incredibly white, like it legit looks like I went to the dentist and had my teeth bleached or something and my face is incredibly clear and almost all blackheads I had are now gone. Fasting is the real deal.

"Fasting is the greatest remedy-- the physician within."

Philippus Paracelsus, one of the three fathers of Western medicine"

"The best of all medicines is resting and fasting."

Benjamin Franklin"

"Everyone has a doctor in him; we just have to help him in his work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness."

Hippocrates, one of the three fathers of Western medicine

"A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors."

Mark Twain, in My Debut As a Literary Person

"I believe that fasting is the "missing link" in the Western diet."

"From a medical point of view, I believe that fasing is not utilized often enough."

".... fasting is one of the best overall healing methods because it can be applied to so many conditions and people."

"Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy. It is nature's ancient, universal 'remedy' for many problems. Animals instictively fast when ill."

all from Elson Haas, M.D. in Staying Healthy with Nutrition

"Due to [the] effects of fasting, a fast can help you heal with greater speed; cleanse your liver, kidneys, and colon; purify your blood; help you lose excess weight and water; flush out toxins; clear the eyes and tongue; and cleanse the breath."

James F. Balch, M.D., in Prescription for Nutritional Healing

"Therapeutic [water] fasting accelerates the healing process and allows the body to recover from serious disease in a dramatically short period of time."

"Fasting, combined with nutritional competence, removes the most significant causes of disease."

"Therapeutic fasting is not a mystical or magical cure. It works because the body has within it the capacity to heal when the obstacles to healing are removed. Health is the normal state. Most chronic disease is the inevitable consequence of living a life-style that places disease-causing stressors on the human organism. Fasting gives the body an interlude without those stressors so that it can speedily repair or accomplish healing that could not otherwise occur in the feeding state."

"The job of fasting is to supply the body with the ideal environment to accomplish its work of healing."

"The body's wondrous ability to autolyze (or self-digest) and destroy needless tissue such as fat, tumors, blood vessel plaque, and other nonessential and diseased tissues, while conserving essential tissues, gives the fast the ability to restore physiologic youth to the system. By removing or lessening the burden of diseased tissue, including the fatty tissue narrowing the blood vessels, fasting increases the blood flow and subsequent oxygenation and nutrient delivery to vital organs throughout the body."

all from Joel Fuhrman, M.D., in Fasting and Eating for Health

Please don't hurt yourself.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Lumi, I love you* bro! Never change!

*no homo
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Ssraeszha Raider
After looking into it quite extensively it seems that it's true so yes. There's a ridiculous amount of evidence which demonstrates that the Earth is in fact flat. There is literally no experiment which has demonstrated the Earth is in motion and in fact all experimental evidence shows the Earth is completely stationary.

That's some grade A level trolling
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Vyemm Raider
That's some grade A level trolling

Heh really isn't trolling at all. Even as a conspiracy theorist for many years I thought flat Earth was bullshit. However after actually genuinely researching it and thinking about it logically it makes the most sense.

Give that a listen.
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I'm Amod too!
Eric Dubay's youtube description:
I'm a 34 year old American living in Thailand where I teach Yoga and Wing Chun part-time while exposing the New World Order full-time

The part time yoga martial arts master is my first choice for science questions.
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