Man of Steel


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ya Michael Shannon was top notch. I'm not sure what I expected from him (I'm a huge Boardwalk Empire fan), but he met and exceeded those expectations.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think anybody with eyes could miss it.

Although I will say that I loved

During the final fight scene, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but they mimicked the scene from Superman Doomsday when Superman and Doomsday are trading punches while trailing flames from re-entry just before Superman kills him. I thought if they set it up differently it would have been a great way to end the Zod fight too, although the way they did set it up was great. If I were directing that scene, I would have had him kill Zod by blasting him in the back of his head with his heat vision, a broken neck was way too sterile and clean for as dark and gritty as the movie was. If he could shove his head over to one side in order to snap it back over to the other side, he could have just muscled him away to protect those people.
A broken neck is also a fairly plausible thing to be resurrected from, if some other villain was to bring Zod back in another movie. Obliterating his skull would make him harder to bring back.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I definitely enjoyed it. It felt like it had room for a bit more humor, but as an action flick it delivers on the action. 8/10 or so. The story had a few strained and oh yea sure moments, but on the whole it was fairly free of nonsense, which I think made this movie solidly better than star trek was in terms of enjoyability. I never read the comics or watched the stupid kids cartoons. Could give one shit less about superman or his history, so my judgement stems from this movie and this movie alone.


Life's a Dream
I'm finally reading this thread because I'm home from the theater so I don't fear getting a possible spoiler.

...the fact that The Avengers had great action pretty evenly spaced throughout the movie. Man of Steel's action seemed to be heavily back loaded in comparison.
You saw Avengers, right? Maybe you need to watch it again. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Avengers, but the first 30-40 minutes of the movie didn't have shit for action. Well, there were like 1-2 minor scenes, but they were more trying to set up the story. This set up the story as well, but did it in a much nicer way. You get to the core of the action quicker due to a few interruptions in the action (to tell more back story) later on. It was a perfect superhero movie. Holy shit was it great.


Life's a Dream
Pretty awesome scene though! I was really excited when they started to fight but then lol'd a bit at how much it reminded me of a Dragon Ball Z fight. Also, couldn't superman try and take the fight outside of Metropolis? As if that city wasn't completely fucked up enough
I kept thinking Street Fighter II sound clips as they fought. During that big uppercut Zod gives Supes, I was like "Shoryuken!" Then the scene where Supes and Louis kiss, they zoom back to Laurence Fishburne & Michael Kelly. As they glance at each other, I was expecting one to call Louis an alien whore or something. God damn was that movie great.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm finally reading this thread because I'm home from the theater so I don't fear getting a possible spoiler.

You saw Avengers, right? Maybe you need to watch it again. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Avengers, but the first 30-40 minutes of the movie didn't have shit for action. Well, there were like 1-2 minor scenes, but they were more trying to set up the story. This set up the story as well, but did it in a much nicer way. You get to the core of the action quicker due to a few interruptions in the action (to tell more back story) later on. It was a perfect superhero movie. Holy shit was it great.
I'd rather have the action more evenly spaced with story/developments in-between. Man of Steel did almost all of the story in the first hour, and the rest of the movie was basically one giant action scene. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I like how The Avengers tended to mix action and story; i.e, they'd have a fight between a couple characters, then some dialogue and advancing of the plot, then another fight, then more dialogue and plot advancement, etc. In Man of Steel, once the fighting starts it pretty much doesn't stop until the movie ends and the plot doesn't really advance any further because we know everything already.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
So let me get this straight, this forum is hyped about Pacific Rim because robots and monsters fighting... Yet complain about superman fighting other supermen for too long.

Fuck all of you. I hope the next movie just has superman catching an air plane and then its just a pov of the director taking the shit of his life. Then maybe you retards will be happy.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
So let me get this straight, this forum is hyped about Pacific Rim because robots and monsters fighting... Yet complain about superman fighting other supermen for too long.

Fuck all of you. I hope the next movie just has superman catching an air plane and then its just a pov of the director taking the shit of his life. Then maybe you retards will be happy.
Most of the responses in this thread have been overwhelmingly positive towards the movie. If your post is in response to what I said about the action, let me quote myself to help out your horrible lack of reading comprehension:

Man of Steel did almost all of the story in the first hour, and the rest of the movie was basically one giant action scene. Don't get me wrong,it was great
Man of Steel was really good, but it wasn't perfect. It's perfectly possible to enjoy something while still discussing small flaws or what could have been done better/differently.


Trakanon Raider
the script of this movie was literally two sentences long. superman grows up on earth, zod comes to earth, CGI action sequence, CGI action sequence, CGI action sequence, roll credits. if you think that is entertainment, then you probably enjoyed this movie.


<Gold Donor>
I know you've all been waiting for my opinion, and I fucking loved it.

Now, I can definitely nitpick some things. The beginning sequence could have been half as long in my opinion, and the Avatar-esque flying crap seemed completely out of place to me, but it wasn't horrible enough to make me angry either. I also didn't like the particular weakness element
the "Kryptonian air", which is just an alternative to Kryptonite I guess, but it is fucking dumb because he should just be able to hold his breath like he does in space,
but I could live with it again. A few other things were convenient or not quite perfect, but other than that, it was fucking awesome.

I absolutely loved the fight scenes with the chick beating on normal humans, it looked about as realistic as I could have ever hoped for. The fight scenes between Kryptonians was pretty fucking awesome too, although at times some of the cuts were a bit difficult to follow. Oh, and the intro fight scenes on Krypton, the "laser blasts" were way too fucking bright at times, but who knows what an alien blaster might look like, right?

I actually liked most of the re-imagining of his origin, and the way they twisted a bunch of it around worked really well for me, because let's face it, we've all thought the original Superman origin was kinda lame. So I liked this quite a bit, and was happy to see it veer away from what I've seen a dozen times already.

The ending was spoiled for me because I clicked that fucking spoiler (fuck!) but I was ok with the way it went down. I mean yeah, it could have been resolved multiple other ways too, but it was ok.

I don't know that this is my favorite superhero movie ever, but I don't know what is either. Probably Avengers or Dark Knight, but I never really loved any of the characters in either of those movies. I never really loved Superman comics either, but something about his movies always makes me envision the "perfect" movie, and that's why I had such high hopes. I probably liked the X-Men far more when I was growing up, and the first two movies were awesome, but they also weren't exactly the X-Men I wanted to see yet again, so are those my favorites? Hard to say. It might be a tie amongst all the movies and Man of Steel, for different reasons on each movie.

Oh, and as far as the old vs. young crap going on around here, as I mentioned earlier today in another thread, I'm 44. I love thought-provoking movies, but I also love to see shit blow up, or hot 18-year-old girls show their titties before they get hacked to pieces in Sorority Party Massacre 17. I've got a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, and every goddamn movie that involves planes is chock full of things I could nitpick...but I don't, because I know they have to sometimes cut corners in movies, or they just want something to look cool...and I don't want it to ruin every movie I see. I'd love it if a movie got every single thing about planes correct, but hey, Top Gun is still an awesome fucking movie even though the MiGs were just fucking F-5s. Along those same lines, this movie could have been even better without a doubt, but it was still goddamn awesome, and if this is the best Superman movie I get before I die, I'm fine with that.

Avatar validated!


Lord Nagafen Raider
the "Kryptonian air", which is just an alternative to Kryptonite I guess, but it is fucking dumb because he should just be able to hold his breath like he does in space,
On the ship, my reasoning is that he didn't think to hold his breath, because the other Kryptonians didn't. When he was going after the machine, he was holding his breath as best he could (there was even a moment when he 'went up for air' sort of) to combat that effect as long as possible.

I really enjoyed it. My exposure to Superman is random JLA/Cartoon clips people post and Red Son, and normally I would say I dislike Supes, but I did enjoy the approach of this movie. Honestly, my biggest complaint was
Where the fuck was "Kneel before Zod!"?
. Otherwise, everything else seems to fit within the universe the movie creates, relatively speaking. One other note:
I questioned the whole fighting in populated areas thing, especially in Smallville, but I could chalk it up to this being really early Superman not really familiar with his own strength or how kite the fight away. He also had like 30 something years of pent up aggression to take out on these people, so yea, learning pains we'll say.


Molten Core Raider
Loved the movie, 9/10. Not at the same level as the Dark Knight, but easily better than IM2 or 3. 57% rotten tomatoes score is absolutely ridiculous.
Haven't seen it yet, but the user review scores on IMDB and Metacritic are way out of synch with the critic ones. (Critic: 55% MC, 57% RT, Users: 8.8 MC, 8.4 IMDB) Although it's just the first day, and early viewers are more likely to be positive about a movie they're excited for in the first place. I just think critics just don't like Snyder very much.


Molten Core Raider
Oh just for reference, the Amazing Spider-man got a 66 on metacritic, 7.2 from users. Is this movie worse than Amazing Spider-man?


Vyemm Raider
I'd rather have the action more evenly spaced with story/developments in-between. Man of Steel did almost all of the story in the first hour, and the rest of the movie was basically one giant action scene. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I like how The Avengers tended to mix action and story; i.e, they'd have a fight between a couple characters, then some dialogue and advancing of the plot, then another fight, then more dialogue and plot advancement, etc. In Man of Steel, once the fighting starts it pretty much doesn't stop until the movie ends and the plot doesn't really advance any further because we know everything already.
Hmm another reboot with the first movie having mainly story/flashbacks the first hour?...dam...another movie with a guy, a cape, and flashbacks.

Oh just for reference, the Amazing Spider-man got a 66 on metacritic, 7.2 from users. Is this movie worse than Amazing Spider-man?
Are we reading the same thread? :/


Trakanon Raider

People are either too stupid or just fucking stupid. I dont feel like correcting this article so here is the start of this dumb shit.
In Man of Steel, the ghost of Jor-El appears and disappears and appears again while helping Lois Lane escape from a spaceship. Russell Crowe, stumbling into every shot, seems to be channeling Javert from Les Miserables. If the Kryptonian Council had seen this unintentionally hilarious scene, maybe it would've acted to save the movie.

What is hard for me to understand is how in the fuck can you not follow this movie? I mean really how hard is it to follow this movie. Russell Crowe wasn't a ghost in fact he made that clear when he first talked to superman.
And only appeared after superman put the command thing into the command slot(i forgot what it was called).
Then as to forget this very simple point
Jor-El has entire conversation with General Zod who even ask the computer Can you bypass this A.I or something to that effect. after there conversation he proceeds to delete the A.I.

Further more what's with all the reviews of " divine inspiration" I just Googled Man of Steel news and you get all these reviews of Jesus Christ inspiration. if you saw this movie you'd see that
Kevin Costner character laugh's at the idea that Clark is divine providence
and to further illustrate this point
he tells Clark your the answer to wether we are alone in this universe
he doesn't say your a divine being or some simple shit like that.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke.

or in this case for some reason these people seem to find divine inspiration in a fictional character.


Don't bother to stay till after the credits btw. I guess DC doesn't want to be cool like marvel and show the audience some love.