Man of Steel


Avatar of War Slayer
The difference being that Superman had no options. He wasn't a partially aware weapon with multiple modes of dealing with issues/people. Superman had his knowledge of what would transpire if he let Zod go. And that was death for 1+ people. People that Superman identified with, whereas Zod did not.

This isn't rocket-science. It is pretty much right and wrong, and superman was right in his dispensation of justice. Even if it is Wrong for the character (given the silver age) it was right for the character in the movie. No matter how much it would have made sense in future issues after the fact, what Superman did in the movie makes 100% complete internal sense. With zero issues. Is it silver age Superman? No. But then, that shit hasn't been relevant since the 60s anyway.
superman always has options. that is why he is superman.
Like Heylel mentioned about Kirk. it would be like having Kirk lose the Kobayashi Meru test in the reboot.


Registered Hutt

That was great, and it reminded me of a pet peeve I have. I don't recall the dialogue in this film exactly, but what the fuck is with every tv show and movie giving people "24 hours". What happened to "noon, tomorrow" and shit? Like space aliens are perfectly aware of our exact daily cycle and our customs regarding it? It's just way overused.


Buzzfeed Editor
If that's how they go with it, then it will somewhat redeem that scene. However, the movie did have a denouement after Zod's death where Superman made no mention whatsoever of regret over killing Zod, and in fact was just his chipper self while blowing drones out of the sky. I'll believe it when I see it.

I adored certain scenes of the movie, and it was beautifully shot. There were a couple of scenes that produced genuine chills for me, but it all felt very disjointed. It wasn't just them missing the whole point of the character, but it was also just a poorly constructed movie.
To me, that seems where they are obviously going with it. Like instead of just being told "Superman doesn't kill because he doesn't" we're actually seeing that part of the backstory and why.


Trakanon Raider
Eh, that opens a whole can of worms over why the hell they speak English at all. It's being translated all over the world during the broadcast, but once Clark is on the ship they're conversing normally without any kind of translation assistance.


Trakanon Raider
To me, that seems where they are obviously going with it. Like instead of just being told "Superman doesn't kill because he doesn't" we're actually seeing that part of the backstory and why.
It was never "because he doesn't", though. Maybe in the golden age, but there's been very good reasons why Superman doesn't kill for a number of years.

Honestly, the part where the bullies push him down and he crushes the fence post without realizing it? That's much, much more evocative of why Superman doesn't kill than him gnashing his teeth over breaking Zod's neck.

Also note, that's probably the most iconic and beloved Superman scene from any of the DC animated stuff, and he's absolutely trashing Metropolis.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I was never really a Superman fan so I don't really know. In the origin stories, like in movies or whatever, it is always framed that way. Superman doesn't kill because apple pie and America and also because he doesn't. Really shallow, but not really any different from other heroes. It isn't as if Batman has some deep and profound reason why he doesn't kill, it just serves the story and the image of him they want to portray and so he doesn't. In this story, as a standalone, it works to me. You can see that he didn't want to do it, you can see that it upset him to have to, you can imagine that it will have an impact on his character going forward.


Heh last two posts are why the world can't have nice things.

Still unsure why some folks are so dead set about the destruction issues and he death of Zod. This isn't the jumping Superman of the 40's nor the doughy happy go lucky superman of Curt Swan or insanely overpowered Superman of 70's who used planets as bowling balls. This is just another iteration of the Superman character, I'm sure there wil be others.

Rezz had some really good points, this is a set up for something more and it's not like Superman hasn't killed before, it's just non canon in the major stories.


Molten Core Raider
I totally get the zOd death thing. It was a pivotal point for him. Not only as far as superman killing, but It was obviously worked out as a choice for he choosing to be the protector of zee earthlings, or did he accept being kryptonian. They glossed over that bit a lot, and could haveused costner to more effect on that front. But anything before that choice didn't really matter because he wasn't "superman" up until he made that choice.

Edit: the neck snapping bugged me because he snapped the neck in the direction of the innocents...they should have been fried.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man its hilarious seeing the comic nerds still upset that this re-boot didn't match the superman in their head.


to be honest, cinge, this is one of those cases where they are right

i'm not a superman fan, never was. But i know of him. And i have to admit, that of all the many superheroes around who have the "never kill, always find another way" policy, superman is the one with the most reasons to follow such phylosophy

why ? because while ppl like spiderman, or batman or random_superhero_013 do this for a pure sense of self morality, Superman does it more because he's scare of himself. He knows that the moment he start to enter the gray area, he risks to take choices his superpowers can't allow him to take for the sake of the planet

he's scared that if he doesnt keep this strict limit to his actions, even if it means following the hard path while trying to find a solution to a problem, he would, one day, start to see as acceptable more shady actions. Of course it would still be for the good of the many, but he's scared that once he cross that line he will have a hard time finding another limit

because the only limit to Superman is Superman himself. Because no one could stop him if he wanted to tore appart the entire DC universe singlehandely

for this reason the fans are right. They took the single, more important part of the character and toss it away. It was like doing Spiderman without uncle Ben's death, or Wolverine being a sane goody guy, or doing a WWZ movie with Brad Pitt

sometimes, nerds are right to complain about differences