Man of Steel


Millie's Staff Member
good lord. dude superman can fly. zod can not. all he has to do is freeze his ass in the near Absolute Zero temperature of space. so here we have a guy who can kill zod but cant cut off his air rendering him unconscious or punch him into unconsciousness. yeah makes sense.

err no.

this movie did not need to end with supes killing zod. it just didnt. the scene where is he is flash frying shit with his raw heat vsion called for supes to do something right NOW. but what you keep missing is it did NOT need to be written that way and the parameters of the film would have easily allowed superman to knock out zod, freeze him in space and launch him out of our solar system away from our sun on a small asteroid or something.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
zod can fly, he even flew in the movie

chuk is dumb as shit. what else is new.


Buzzfeed Editor
So all he has to do is kill Zod. Which he did, without some convoluted bullshit that you made up. Do you not understand what happens to people who are frozen in the vacuum of space?

So basically, you just wanted a shitty, bullshit Hollywood ending where after an epic battle that pretty much leveled one of Earth's largest cities, Superman just hits him on the head and knocks him out. Then, for whatever reason, throws him into space, because that is somehow more humane than just killing him outright. You are a bad person who likes terrible movies.


Millie's Staff Member
So all he has to do is kill Zod. Which he did, without some convoluted bullshit that you made up. Do you not understand what happens to people who are frozen in the vacuum of space?

So basically, you just wanted a shitty, bullshit Hollywood ending where after an epic battle that pretty much leveled one of Earth's largest cities, Superman just hits him on the head and knocks him out. Then, for whatever reason, throws him into space, because that is somehow more humane than just killing him outright. You are a bad person who likes terrible movies.
the krypton prison was my first idea. sending frozen zod into space would have made sense because that was his sentence on krypton at the beginning of the film for killing his dad+council members and treason. at least in space zod has an outside chance of living because of the proximity towards our yellow sun. the cold would keep him from getting into any mischief. could easily chuck him into the surface of the asteroid formerly known as Pluto. where he would be in a cryogenic stasis til a rogue starfleet commander finds him in the future.


Buzzfeed Editor
All of your ideas are bad. His sentence on krypton was to be sealed in that crazy shit and put into "the phantom zone". Not thrown into the vacuum of space. He would die. And then all your bullshit hand-wringing would be for nothing.

Superman handled his fucking business. Zod put baby in a corner, and he handled it. He isn't a cold-blooded murderer, you just need to let silver age Superman go.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You are metagaming superman. That's dumb =/ Superman has no idea what the limits of Kryptonian biology are. At this point, he is Superman -only- because he has finally accepted the mantle of someone with extreme power over others and the will to withhold that power. He has none of the knowledge you seem to think he has, nor any of the experience that would lead him to believe that other options exist. The super-scientists of the DC universe haven't talked to him, and he hasn't unlocked all his latent bullshit Kryptonian powers. This is all within days/hours of him unlocking his potential, not years down the line when options exist.

C'mon Astro, this isn't hard to comprehend. I love to hate on superman because he's boring as fuck in the comics, but this movie did nothing to dispel the Superman mythos within the context of the movie. He sacrificed his own inner well-being in order to prevent calamity to others. Yeah the city got fucked up, that's because Zod was applying pressure that Superman has never encountered before. What arena would you have him create with zero knowledge of how powerful he is in comparison to others in the first couple of days of him coming into his own?

Intellectual dishonesty, sir. And not even thought out intellectual dishonesty.


Millie's Staff Member
well i got bored with this an hour ago, but it still didnt need superman to willfully kill zod instead of letting him kill himself by accident or something. and i dont need to let silver age superman go. he was well loved for a reason. i dont watch movies to see how much life sucks, i can go turn on the news for that. movies for me and most everyone are a form of escapism from the shit in everyday life.

in LOTR it sucked that gollum died, but he was too addicted to the Ring to let it go like that and he tripped his ass right into mount doom and he met his fate through his own folly. imagine if sam just slit gollum's throat instead? yeah kick ass for sam, then you think about it a little bit and you realize that was kind of a dick move for a hobbit.


Buzzfeed Editor
Life doesn't suck in Man of Steel. They have a hero fighting for mankind who is willing to do what it takes to defend them. Zod is dead, they are safe, life is good. If you have a negative outlook on life, that shit is on you.

And silver age superman was fucking gay. Not good gay, like Kuriin waxing his blowhole gay (which is awesome gay, think). Bad, bad, gay. All of the shit you have mentioned belongs in those shitty 60s comics.


Buzzfeed Editor
Why? They have shitty comics and movies now. Watch or read those.

They might actually have a shitty old comic where Superman builds some kind of space-age prison. He was always doing crazy shit back then.


Mr. Poopybutthole
well i got bored with this an hour ago, but it still didnt need superman to willfully kill zod instead of letting him kill himself by accident or something. and i dont need to let silver age superman go. he was well loved for a reason. i dont watch movies to see how much life sucks, i can go turn on the news for that. movies for me and most everyone are a form of escapism from the shit in everyday life.

in LOTR it sucked that gollum died, but he was too addicted to the Ring to let it go like that and he tripped his ass right into mount doom and he met his fate through his own folly. imagine if sam just slit gollum's throat instead? yeah kick ass for sam, then you think about it a little bit and you realize that was kind of a dick move for a hobbit.
Gotta quote this. Because it makes zero sense within the context of Man of Steel at all.

Superman is not Gollum. Gollum was borderline powerless in the LotR shit, minus him having once held the One Ring. Superman is -always- fucking powerful, and it is only through plot devices that he is tested. This entire movie was based upon the idea that Superman had not been tested in this way -ever- before. All of his reactions and actions were based upon the fact that all this shit was new. You are applying post story logic to a storyline that exists prior. You can't do that, and when you do, it makes you look stupid as hell.

I don't believe you are actually stupid, but this train of thought/posts certainly are. Desist, dear sir, and point out the other flaws in the movie. Superman's motives and what he accomplished via action cannot be disputed logically, and it is best to avoid that argument entirely.


Millie's Staff Member
well obviously i am not saying gollum=superman, thats just you being a sillyhead. im saying that death by misadventure is a much more acceptable fate for a villain than death by murder when dealing with a superhero like superman.


Buzzfeed Editor
It wasn't even murder, it was self-defense.He literally had no other options. Either kill this dude right now during the short timeframe you have the upper hand, or lose that advantage and maybe die, definitely watch and untold multitudes die at his hands. You are splitting hairs saying it is ok for Superman to kill him by launching him into space is some kind of crazy shenanigans that only makes sense in your head, but not ok for Superman to kill him when he had the upper hand AND Zod was in the process of murdering people AND he was monologuing about how he will never stop and he will just kill everyone forever.

There are so many other things to nitpick the movie about that actually make sense. Like him watching his father die in a totally preventable accident. Or the fact that the father even went back for the dog at all, and not SUPERMAN.


Millie's Staff Member
we did those way back when the movie came out. superman just straight up snapping necks affected me more than pa kent being a dumbass or clark being a bigger dumbass for not saving him even if it meant some yokels would witness it.

superman just doesnt kill people and he certainly doesnt carelessly cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in metropolis as he flings zod around town. that shit was straight up sacrilegious. it was awesome shit to watch, but it felt wrong. yes im an old fashioned person who likes his favorite stuff to stay the same.


Next you will tell me Superman is faithful to Lois Lane. Superman would be slayin vag left right and center when he goes on business trips.


Millie's Staff Member
supes is probably a virgin so i doubt hes slaying any normal human vags. ya know cuz he has a super cock and would probably literally slay any vag he stuck his weewee in.