Man of Steel

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The kind of fanboy who likes Punisher, Dredd and Batman Returns. You're the kind of comic book fan I despise.
The kind that enjoys his superheroes grounded in a semblance of reality without faggy magical superhero powers that are created by writers on a whim to advance whatever narrative they are currently trying to sell you on?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The last scene they needed him to truly care about and actively try to mitigate fucking civilian damage and death. Make that a real weakness that Zod takes advantage of during the fight. I saw a clip of a modern superman cartoon and it seems they do the same back and forth and superman doesn't seem to factor in civilian damage and death. What the hell is a point of a hero then? Where is the god damn emotionality and vulnerability? In a city full of people, they are a factor to the old superman and should be for the new as well.

That last killing of Zod too was horrible and just not in line with our classic and heroic superman. Hero's especially all powerful ones must set limitations for themselves based on morality for us to really feel it. It's not just about picking sides of humans or kryptons Superman needs to be morally above everyone else.

People will never be able to relate to the godlike superman, they can only emulate his morality, willing to sacrifice, and extreme will to try and save people even if it is strategically bad in a battle and he is physically hurt as a result. Kids can dream about about flying and super strength but Superman's unwavering lawful good persona, unwilling to sacrifice people, and save everyone he possibly can is what kids look up to emotionally.

Even if Nolan made a dark and gritty Batman he did a good job with the persona of the Batman, capturing desperation, sacrifice, and heroicness. Wish he could have imparted some of that to this team with his involvement here.
Seriously. That last scene has me so pissed off, even days later. That almost completely ruined the entire thing for me. You could have plugged Captain Marvel into this movie and it would've been the same thing. This wasn't a Superman movie. It was almost entirely a Zod/Kryptonian movie. It had almost nothing that makes Superman, "Superman".


Registered Hutt
Just saw it. Better than other Superman movies, but it's still Superman (vanilla). They did a lot to give him personal conflict at least.


Golden Knight of the Realm
As for Zod's death, I think the movie would have been much better served if Superman only accidentally killed Zod. Imagine a tug of war of sorts with Zod trying to turn his head to heat beam the people while Superman tries to turn him away. They go back and forth a bit, until Superman overdoes it and accidentally snaps Zod's neck. This would have been a great (and more believable) moment of personal anguish and guilt for Superman and a grim reminder of the responsibilty of his awesome power.

and then the giant spider attacks....

Lost Ranger_sl

Seriously. That last scene has me so pissed off, even days later. That almost completely ruined the entire thing for me. You could have plugged Captain Marvel into this movie and it would've been the same thing. This wasn't a Superman movie. It was almost entirely a Zod/Kryptonian movie. It had almost nothing that makes Superman, "Superman".
Artistic license is not always popular heh. Characters/stories get changed all the time and while not always popular it is important that writers are free to keep doing it. Superman is no exception. Pretty much every superhero has seen dramatic changes over the years. Batman has gone from being flamboyantly gay to being one of the moodiest/dark superheroes there is. I'm sure some people were not pleased to see Batman get darkened up, and thought the character should of just stayed with the BAM, POW! bullshit from the 1960s. Superman usually only has his power level fucked up, but in this case they wanted to cut back on the boy scout routine.

Personally he still felt like Superman to me. Just a flawed, far more human version of Superman. Which I loved. To each his own though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And most of the whole 'Why is he destroying Metropolis instead of drawing Zod away from the city' arguments can easily be answered by pointing out that he's been Superman for all of a week tops, so he's making some rookie mistakes.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
but in this case they wanted to cut back on the boy scout routine.
He's more than that, though. He's an alien that is a far better human than humans will ever be. He's an ideal to strive for.

Hell, I was totally digging the movie when he's speeding around, saving the pilots and stuff during the street brawl, all while fighting off the Kryptonians, and Zod's bitch gives the "For every one you save, we'll kill a million more!". Especially after the badass scene where he floats out into space, after Jor-el gives him the "You can save them. You can same them all!" line. I was totally in a "Fuck yeah! That's Superman!" mode. Unfortunately, that all got completely disregarded in favor of shit blowing up in neat ways, toward the end of the film.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
And most of the whole 'Why is he destroying Metropolis instead of drawing Zod away from the city' arguments can easily be answered by pointing out that he's been Superman for all of a week tops, so he's making some rookie mistakes.
"Superman: The Rookie Years"

Sounds like an awesome prequel.

Beef Supreme_sl

And most of the whole 'Why is he destroying Metropolis instead of drawing Zod away from the city' arguments can easily be answered by pointing out that he's been Superman for all of a week tops, so he's making some rookie mistakes.

Just because he puts on the suit, doesn't mean he becomes max level Superman. I really enjoyed how flawed he was, growing into his role as Superman.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
And most of the whole 'Why is he destroying Metropolis instead of drawing Zod away from the city' arguments can easily be answered by pointing out that he's been Superman for all of a week tops, so he's making some rookie mistakes.
His failure to make any effort in minimizing civilian casualties or mitigating wanton destruction isn't a "rookie mistake". A rookie mistake would be such things as not knowing the limits of his powers and accidentally hurting someone. Choosing to ignore thousands of people dying around you is a morality based choice; I don't see how a more "seasoned" Superman swings from a moral level of "I don't give a shit" to "oh nos, must save humans".I could buy the "neophyte superman" argument IF some attempts were made to bait Zod out of the city and he failed, but all we see is endless wanton destruction and Supes doesn't seem to give a shit until one lonesome family is about to get incinerated by Zod.

let's face it, Snyder wanted to film the epic destruction of an entire city, which is ok because I agree it would be vastly more entertaining than if Supes lured Zod and company into the deserted wilderness. However, Snyder failed to incorporate the human scenes necessary to make this scenario feel "real". Where was the death, misery, and blood? Where is Supes despondent and frustrated reaction to being an unwilling participant in the deaths of thousands of human beings? The city's destruction seems more like a convenient visual platform for amazing CGI and superhero hand to hand combat than it does as a plot device. They could have capitalized on the wanton destruction and focused on the human element for a bit, but they didn't.

Will I buy the Blu-Ray and fast forward to the fight scenes and watch them repeatedly? Yeah. Will I watch the "movie" again? No thanks. Again, if it actually focused on story and developed the characters, rather than just being a "Superman beating shit up" CGI demo it could have been GREAT instead of just good.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I look forward to the Kevin Spacey vs Kevin Costner gif mashup of WRONG! vs Hand-stop


Mr. Poopybutthole
His failure to make any effort in minimizing civilian casualties or mitigating wanton destruction isn't a "rookie mistake". A rookie mistake would be such things as not knowing the limits of his powers and accidentally hurting someone. Choosing to ignore thousands of people dying around you is a morality based choice; I don't see how a more "seasoned" Superman swings from a moral level of "I don't give a shit" to "oh nos, must save humans".I could buy the "neophyte superman" argument IF some attempts were made to bait Zod out of the city and he failed, but all we see is endless wanton destruction and Supes doesn't seem to give a shit until one lonesome family is about to get incinerated by Zod.
He's a fucking farmboy who, for the first time in his life, is fighting with people every bit as strong as he is. From your post I'm going to assume you've never been in a fight in your entire life, because if you had you would know how hard it is to consider anything other than trying to keep from getting your ass beat, especially when you're just some random dude who grew up on a farm and the people you're fighting have spent their entire life either in combat or training for it. That lone family is the first time he was actually directly confronted with humans about to die as a result of his fight with Zod.


<Prior Amod>
Not only that he is fighting peopel ho are military trained and is not far into realizing what he is capable of doing.

Besides, 10,000 people die in the city? Know whats worsE? 6 billion in the rest of the world getting killed. I was fine with how they did things and how they handeled that.


You guys are making excuses. You are pretending this isn't a made up movie. You are acting like someone just filmed some random people fighting and now you are trying to explain what happened.

Snyder had full control of the movie and was able to dictate exactly what was going on and decided that he was going to destroy the city and kill people.

Stop with the battered wife syndrome and stop trying to explain it away as a one time event and now Superman has learned. Snyder wrote a shitty aspect in the movie.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
He's a fucking farmboy who, for the first time in his life, is fighting with people every bit as strong as he is. From your post I'm going to assume you've never been in a fight in your entire life, because if you had you would know how hard it is to consider anything other than trying to keep from getting your ass beat, especially when you're just some random dude who grew up on a farm and the people you're fighting have spent their entire life either in combat or training for it. That lone family is the first time he was actually directly confronted with humans about to die as a result of his fight with Zod.
I once fought a super villain. It was pretty easy.

No civilians died.


You guys are making excuses. You are pretending this isn't a made up movie. You are acting like someone just filmed some random people fighting and now you are trying to explain what happened.

Snyder had full control of the movie and was able to dictate exactly what was going on and decided that he was going to destroy the city and kill people.

Stop with the battered wife syndrome and stop trying to explain it away as a one time event and now Superman has learned. Snyder wrote a shitty aspect in the movie.
Yeah I'm sure there would have been a lot less bitching and crying if Superman was able to beat all the bad guys and save all the people without any property damage at all.

I once fought a super villain. It was pretty easy.

No civilians died.
Did he use gadgets?

If he did he wasn't a supervillain.

Unless they were evil space gadgets.

Then maybe.