Man of Steel


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
my mind will explode if i watch this in HD. And by explode, I mean die from complete mindfuck of terribleness.


<Prior Amod>
I wish this was still in theaters so I could go see it again on the big screen. Movie is awesome I'd gladly pay for it again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wait, why do you guys hate this movie so much? It was no dark knight, but still probably Snyder's best film.
Because people died and superman didn't save them all. Hell people bitch and moaned cause he destroyed that drone at the end of the movie and how wrong it was for superman to destroy government property. You just have to laugh at the idiots who wanted to see a cornfed-aw shucks-leave-it-to-beaver superman, again.

I'm quite happy with this re-boot and ready to pay and watch more.


Because people died and superman didn't save them all. Hell people bitch and moaned cause he destroyed that drone at the end of the movie and how wrong it was for superman to destroy government property. You just have to laugh at the idiots who wanted to see a cornfed-aw shucks-leave-it-to-beaver superman, again.

I'm quite happy with this re-boot and ready to pay and watch more.



I started watching this last night, and passed out from boredom before he even got the suit on. Will try again tonight. :p


Millie's Staff Member
Does he kill more babies in deleted scenes? I'd watch those.
i think the deleted scenes show entire buildings collapsing, spilling out thousands of people while supes is having a coffee break or something. he needed his java fix.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wish this was still in theaters so I could go see it again on the big screen. Movie is awesome I'd gladly pay for it again.
The only problem with this movie in theaters, was a cam so shaky it's like superman had children with Michael J Fox


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
I said to a friend that if they tweaked it a little bit it could be a good Flash Gordon movie. Then I said, naw, leave it be. They would fuck up Flash Gordon.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I finished watching it, the destruction of metropolis was pretty good but hardly redeemed this movie. This movie still sucks.

I will however say that Superman is a difficult character to write for, and that this movie is probably as well as it could have been done. Its certainly better than Superman Returns


I will however say that Superman is a difficult character to write for, and that this movie is probably as well as it could have been done. Its certainly better than Superman Returns
I agree wholeheartedly with the bolded part, however, I remember two scenes clearly from SR, the plane scene and the shoot out on the rooftop. I'm struggling to think of any standout scenes from this incarnation after having watched it three times. Going back to the plane scene, I think one part that made it for me was when he was chasing after the plane and the wing whipped off and flew towards him I forgot for a moment he was Superman and then "Bam!" he just flew through it. There were more memorable instances of that in SR than MoS for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Watching the ripped DvD version actually did improve the movie for me a little bit. It put it up to a 5/10 for me from a 3/10. It helped with some of the transitions in the movie that before felt to fast. There seemed to be more dialogue with the father/son scene and a little more of the past was added. There were scenes that I wish had been done a little differently. Like the scene where the colonel finally acknowledges that Superman is an ally and not a threat. The Colonel should have radioed that message instead of just saying it with the troops that were standing right there. It would have made for a stronger moment to have had that broadcast to the military over the radio waves. Just small things like that.

As pointed out, it honestly is a very hard thing to direct a character like Superman. It is similar to directing God, in that we cannot possibly understand every feeling or situation that would arise within a character like Superman. I hate that the character is essentially a statue, but if you see how he has to handle his life, I think we would all act like statues. The poor guy has to constantly be aware of what he can do. Its like telling Hussein Bolt that whenever he runs, he has to just walk. I kind of wish that when he did finally fly that it would have shown an expression of pure joy and happiness on his face, instead of the subdued mild joy he did show. The man flew for crying out loud. I know I would be ecstatic if I found out I could fly, at least until a bird hit me in the face.


Trakanon Raider
The fight scene against Faora was pretty awesome. I loved how the Kryptonians moved and fought. Otherwise, it felt like the story crammed too much into the running time and skipped around a lot. The first half was basically unconnected vignettes.

Still, there were some truly amazing visuals that gave me chills. It wasn't a good movie, but Zak can really make a visual motif hit home.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I watched it last night as well and overall have to say I really didn't enjoy it. Reading Heylel's comment about the unconnected vignettes puts a good comment to one of the things that didn't feel quite right. Maybe the whole movie was just edited together poorly to provide the impact they were hoping. Cut a little here, extend a little there, and move a flashback or two around and it would have felt much tighter. Also it isn't so much that I was looking for acornfed-aw shucks-leave-it-to-beaver supermanbut the changes to his origin (or glossing over, non-focus, whatever) really made it feel rushed. As others have said it is hard to impossible to really write for Superman but I think one way you accomplish it is to rely on his back story. His development and relationship with the Kent's growing up is such a strong connection to Earth and humans that allow you to write more about someone with emotion instead of a God.

Russel Crowe was completely throw away as Jor-El, and then it felt as if they paid him all this money to be in the movie now let's find excuses to throw his hologram all over the place. And turning Krypton in to Pandora from Avatar was strange... Kevin Costner / Jonathan Kent was written as an idiot and without any of the leadership, morality, guidance that should have set the stage for why Supes feels the way he does. Let me go commit suicide to save a dog just so that no one ever knows you have any super powers! Zod was not frightening. He wore some big black armor, had a spaceship that went pew pew with lasers, and a speech impediment. His helmet broke, his senses were overwhelmed, so he cried a little bit and ran back up to his ship. Wow terrifying. The destruction of Metropolis was cool and didn't bother me. Just mostly laughed at how much of it was directly related to Superman and not Zod and his army. Superman has no problem with the shortest distance between point A and B being through 10 skyscrapers, a Sears, and 50,000 bystanders.

A lot of potential and Snyder certainly has flash and can show off scenes (although some of the CGI / effects seemed muddied almost like in Transformers, too much blur, too much filter or something). Hopefully the second go around will be better now that the groundwork is laid.