Man of Steel

Beef Supreme_sl

This looks good. June 14th can't get here sooner.




has an outie
Pretty sure he moves and works on a fishing/crab boat type deal in Alaska, etc to get away from everyone from the trailers/previews.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Superman definitely needs to be more DBZ-esque "Oh shit is powerlevel is disturbing the air around him so much rocks are fucking around"

You nailed it. I was thinking "Supes just powered up to super saiyen"


<Gold Donor>
Well, we already know he does the whole crab fishing thing, but I think it ties back to what his mother says to him when the voices are overwhelming his head. She says to listen to her voice and picture it as an island all alone in the middle of the ocean. I think he sort of just does that as he gets older, submerges himself in the water where he can't hear every little thing that is happening for a few minutes. His own little island, so to speak.

I have decided that I have a full on Rock Hard Weekend rager for this movie now. I pretty much did the moment I saw the first pics/clips, but this just "stiffens" my resolve. I'm going to bust the biggest, cleanest nut right in the movie theater. Hopefully it is worth it. I'm more excited for this movie than the Hobbit, or even the continuation of the Marvel franchises. If they do it right, Superman can be legendary, moreso than even Batman (at least to nerds like me, not necessarily box office-wise). I hope they at least get close.

Beef Supreme_sl

I'm going to bust the biggest, cleanest nut right in the movie theater.
Remind me not to sit in front of you.

As much as I want this movie to succeed because this world needs a good Superman movie, especially after the snooze-fest that was Superman Returns (wtf, he left Earf to see if Krypton was still there? 'Tarded), but more-so to usher in a sea change in Comics + Movies: I want serious, adult movies that also happen to feature superheros. I'm done with the campy bullshit. I'm done with the bigger, louder, Michael Bay bullshit. By the looks of the first two trailers, this looks like it could be theone.

I say this because Nolan fucked up TDKR, so now we have to RoTJ the Nolan trilogy. Yeah, it was good until the last movie.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The dark tone of the film kinda erks me, though.
I think a lot of it will come down to how well they handle humor. The humor in Thor was a great way to ground it with all the crazy Norse mythology shit going on. If they add enough here it will cut the superserious tone of the trailers well.

I know this won't be a popular opinion and it doesn't fit into the normal mythos and theme of Superman, but I think I would love me some poetic tragedy and a more realistic portrayal of how difficult it would be to be Superman and have that much power. Yet show enough restraint to keep his acts of intervention on such a small incidental level and maintaining that level of separation and aloofness with our society while still being its caretaker. It is an interesting thought anyhow.
They've done plenty of comics in the vein. I'm just not 100% it's the direction to go with the first movie of something I'm sure is a planned franchise. I'm positive the team making it got a lot of notes from the producers to "make it more like Dark Knight" though.

Either way, looks pretty damn cool to me right now.

Beef Supreme_sl

I'm heavily inclined to agree with you. Although, I think Begins > Rises.

Not to turn this into a Batman derail, but how the fuck do you make a Batman movie/trilogy where Batman retires? To be that off in understanding a character, especially Nolan and double especially after BB/TDK, it's beyond me. It's as if he lost his love for the story and just said, "Fuck it, they'll watch it anyway so what does it matter?"


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
High probability we get to see Superman punch something in this. This is good.


I'm heavily inclined to agree with you. Although, I think Begins > Rises.

Not to turn this into a Batman derail, but how the fuck do you make a Batman movie/trilogy where Batman retires? To be that off in understanding a character, especially Nolan and double especially after BB/TDK, it's beyond me. It's as if he lost his love for the story and just said, "Fuck it, they'll watch it anyway so what does it matter?"
Because HE DOES retire and hands his legacy down to another. Nolan didn't pull that out of his ass.

Beef Supreme_sl

Because HE DOES retire and hands his legacy down to another. Nolan didn't pull that out of his ass.
I'm not talking about some newfag Batman story where he hangs it up. I'm talking about 80+ years of Batman where retirement wasn't an option. Anything less isn't Batman.

You either kill him or you pay homage to the ending of The Dark Knight Returns. The fucking Batman does not retire.


Avatar of War Slayer
Remind me not to sit in front of you.

As much as I want this movie to succeed because this world needs a good Superman movie, especially after the snooze-fest that was Superman Returns (wtf, he left Earf to see if Krypton was still there? 'Tarded), but more-so to usher in a sea change in Comics + Movies: I want serious, adult movies that also happen to feature superheros. I'm done with the campy bullshit. I'm done with the bigger, louder, Michael Bay bullshit. By the looks of the first two trailers, this looks like it could be theone.

I say this because Nolan fucked up TDKR, so now we have to RoTJ the Nolan trilogy. Yeah, it was good until the last movie.
I want it to do well, so we can have The Authority.
Then we can have Superman VS The Elite. But rewrite it, so it is actually The Authority, and not strawman villians. Creating an actual discussion between the two.

Its kindof funny, in comics we have all these storys like The Elite, and Kingdom come that are ALL about the cynicism and grimdark bullshit taking over.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm not talking about some newfag Batman story where he hangs it up. I'm talking about 80+ years of Batman where retirement wasn't an option. Anything less isn't Batman.

You either kill him or you pay homage to the ending of The Dark Knight Returns. The fucking Batman does not retire.
he should have retired. Retconning him not to, is a giant mistake on the part of editorial. And part of the cancer killing comics.
The story is dead, and being rehashed over and over.

Final crisis and Batman Inc was the perfect ending.
Batman killed Tyranny. Died. Came back. Dick took over the mantle.
Bruce Wayne came out as publicly funding Batman, and Batmen around the world.
He then could retire and be a proper father to, Dick, Tim, Jason, Cassie, Steph, Damian.
His story arch would be complete with him being a father.

Its like the Spiderman retcons that ruin him. The manchild. Editorial in an attempt to keep him single and in drama have made him basically a terrible person.

A Batman that abandons 2-3 of his kids. Jason, Cass and Steph is a complete failure. one that fails to save Gotham, but fighting till he dies, or becoming Batman Beyond is a complete failure.

Darkseid won. Batman is locked in a pit of forever failing. He can never win. Any time he makes progress it gets retconned, rebooted. Jason dies again. Barbara gets raped and paralyzed again. And so on.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I really like the 2nd trailer, but the more I see of this Superman the more I wonder how they'll be able to pull off a Justice League movie with anything resembling this tone.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I have my doubts. which I have stated or hinted at. Superman is progress, hope, the future, etc.
It could be a brilliant transition. grim, dark, tonal in trailers, and at the beginning. and move towards the end to bright, bold, and brilliant.
He's kinda not, though. The type of Superman story you're talking about is pretty damn boring. The most interesting things about Superman are the ones that are terrifying.

Unlike just about every other superhero, a good Superman story is about restraint. It's about what he *doesn't* choose to do. He doesn't kill his enemies, though he easily could. He doesn't fix all our problems, though he easily could. He doesn't just take over and dominate us into living peacefully, though he easily could. Yes, he's a positive symbol of hope and a brighter tomorrow, but it's not by being flashy. It's through discipline and being true to his sense of what's right.

That's why Luthor is such a good villain for him. You don't need to have kryptonite to threaten Superman. You don't even have to hurt him at all. You just threaten the things that he loves, and force him to make a decision between what he knows is right and what he wants. Lex is a master of twisting that sort of psychology, much like the Joker (though in a different way).


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I know some of the posters in this thread have been explaining it a bit, but would anyone who is a huge Superman fan mind explaining to me the appeal, in-depth? I've always thought he was a super lame, super boring hero, and this movie looks to be exactly that. I'd just like to hear it from the mouth of a "fan".


Trakanon Raider
I know some of the posters in this thread have been explaining it a bit, but would anyone who is a huge Superman fan mind explaining to me the appeal, in-depth? I've always thought he was a super lame, super boring hero, and this movie looks to be exactly that. I'd just like to hear it from the mouth of a "fan".
I used to think so until I had a true "fan" explain it to me. Tomorrow I'll edit this with a proper explanation. For now, sleep.