Marriage and the Power of Divorce


what Suineg set it to
So you settled?



AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Jesus Christ, being married sounds emotionally exhausting.
Dude, it is. You dump all this energy into this creature that is marriage, and just hope for good to come from it. For many, it doesn't. But for some of us lucky bastards, it does. I do dump a lot of energy into my marriage. It's work. We fight/argue, have to deal with combined finances, have to deal with a metric fucktonne of kids, including teens, try to maintain a family and house together, and all that shit. It's work.

And at the end of the day, I go to bed with this person who knows every terrible thing about me, sees me fail at being a dad and husband time and again, and she's happy to be there in that bed with me. This wonderful woman that I love, and would do anything for is right here with me. Every day. Every night. And we cope with every situation together.

I don't mean to be quaint or superficial, but my life together with my wife is probably one of the most wonderful things I have ever experienced.


Trump's Staff
Anyway, I didn't mean to write a novel. I just wanted to provide a perspective on marriage that isn't often shared here (perhaps because people that are happily married don't browse the thread). Being married and being truly committed to a life-long partnership with someone takes guts, but I think it's one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences you can have.
Thanks, completely agree but don't often feel I can convey the idea.


Silver Squire
Jesus Christ, being married sounds emotionally exhausting.
Heh, marriage is awesome. I love my wife and if I had the chance I'd pick her again over every other woman on this planet.

This place is a lot of things, all of them awesome in their own way but it is also straight up mental. Not surprising there is a ton of dysfunction in people's lives here. Doesn't have to be that way and when your family life is clicking real well nothing, NOTHING else matters.


A Mod Real Quick
It's also been said before but most of us post the bad stuff here to vent, we rarely come here and say "went home last night, dinner was made then I fucked my wife while she was bent over the counter washing dishes then I did some solo grinding but had my wife healbot me for 6 hours while giving me a BJ."


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
There are ups and downs to getting married, like EVERYTHING in life it's a trade-off. You give up certain freedoms and autonomy to gain a partner. You give up a varied and unexpected sex life for much more frequent regular sex with the same person. Etc.

The question is, as always, is whether that tradeoff is worth it to you? And that depends on the person you married and also what you were doing with yourself prior. What did you really give up, etc?

A lot of these situations you guys describe are either outright mental illness or two people who won't budge on simple things and inflict their neuroses on each other. Thats pretty BS and you should really try to avoid that...


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Jesus Christ, being married sounds emotionally exhausting.
I'm not sure why, but I thought you were a dude. Post some tit pics, honey.

It's also been said before but most of us post the bad stuff here to vent, we rarely come here and say "went home last night, dinner was made then I fucked my wife while she was bent over the counter washing dishes then I did some solo grinding but had my wife healbot me for 6 hours while giving me a BJ."
Last time we started posting the good stuff people got pissed.

Can I get that written into a legally binding agreement?
Did you ever see this "contract of wifely expectations?"

Sicko One For The Ages | The Smoking Gun

Sicko One For The Ages | The Smoking Gun


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Marriage is awesome, but it takes a few years of getting settled in for it to get really good. First few years are a test of ones will, discipline, and commitment, but once you make it past the stupid shit, its pretty damn good. Having said that, you can't make a marble statue out of a turd and if you start with someone batshit, it won't magically get better later. Crazy is the one universal flaw that cannot be overcome, accepted, or ignored.

TLDR, Marriage is good. Don't stick your dick in the crazy.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's like 8000 degrees out today in Ft. Lauderdale. Utah doesn't sound that bad, really.