I posted this in the shoutbox earlier but I figured i should post it here maybe for some advice.
Met this girl on OKcupid and she was really cute but radically, radically opposite from me ideologically. She says she's a pansexual genderqueer with per/their pronouns etc etc etc typical SJW signaling. I figure it would be good for few laughs so I find a common thread on her profile (horses) and I shoot her a message. She responds back and we have a friendly conversation so I bite the bullet and ask her out for coffee and she accepts.
Me being the creep extraordinaire I google her OKcupid username and use it to find her Twitter,Tumblr,Etsy etc etc etc and basically read a little bit about her posts and likes and such before the date so I can have some conversation ammo.
So I get there and unexpectedly we both end having a really great time. We both have a lot of similar interests and she isn't the nails on a chalk board feminist I expected. I did run into a small snag when I mentioned I saw Dr.Strange and she accused it of "White Washing" what ever that is.
At the end of our date I go home and text her goodnight and she says she had a great time so I confirm Date 2 and she immediately accepts. Again, Since i'm a creep I check her Twitter and she had posted " I had a successful date with a super cute and sweet guy?? ahhhh"
So here's what I have right now
She's 12 years younger than me.
Her family is uber rich both parents are in medicine, have race horses and land in upper NYC.
She has a full ride at one of the most liberal, Liberal art schools in the country.
According to her Dildo purchasing habits she is a furry.
Typical pink hair uber feminist but dressed feminine and looks like she shaves and doesn't stink.
Can hold an interesting conversation
Normally I would not text her as per protocol but sure as sunshine she texts me wishing me a great afternoon with some smiley faces and we have a pleasant conversation about her classes and she says shes excited to see me tomorrow.
So here is my problem, I am an unrepentant shitlord and I will not change my ways. Do you think I have a chance is turning this marxist ship around into rich trophy wife material? Should I build this relationship on a foundation of lies until she is head over heels in love with me then drop red pills or should I just be upfront in the beginning?