Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trakanon Raider
My levels are fine, I checked that pretty quickly into the issue at hand.

Let's not be to quick to dismiss this. Your testosterone levels may be in an acceptable range but that doesn't mean they aren't down from how you were previously. I also go once or twice weeks and am just fine with the frequency of sex. This is a marked difference than how I felt in my 20's but I think a large part of the difference is how in shape I am in now compared to how I was back then. So the question remains are you carrying around a spare tire and do your care?

I know for myself I definitely want to be more in shape but honestly I actually prefer the reduced need for sex I currently have. This is something of a problem for me because I know my girlfriend would prefer more frequent sex. I think a need for physical intimacy also gets conflated with the need for sex. Instead of full blown sex perhaps just make sure she gets 15 minutes of cuddle time every night and see how that works for you. It would also probably lead to more sex. Girls are soft, they start rubbing up against you things tend to start popping up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Big P I am wondering if she was expecting a ring at the start of the vacation. Some fancy sexy stuff a month before, Big romantic trip.... No ring. No proposal. Que the drama, the hohums, and the doubts about "where this is going"

It does sound like a talk is def needed.


A Mod Real Quick
She could've wanted anything but because you didn't read her fucking mind then we'll never know
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I posted this in the shoutbox earlier but I figured i should post it here maybe for some advice.

Met this girl on OKcupid and she was really cute but radically, radically opposite from me ideologically. She says she's a pansexual genderqueer with per/their pronouns etc etc etc typical SJW signaling. I figure it would be good for few laughs so I find a common thread on her profile (horses) and I shoot her a message. She responds back and we have a friendly conversation so I bite the bullet and ask her out for coffee and she accepts.

Me being the creep extraordinaire I google her OKcupid username and use it to find her Twitter,Tumblr,Etsy etc etc etc and basically read a little bit about her posts and likes and such before the date so I can have some conversation ammo.

So I get there and unexpectedly we both end having a really great time. We both have a lot of similar interests and she isn't the nails on a chalk board feminist I expected. I did run into a small snag when I mentioned I saw Dr.Strange and she accused it of "White Washing" what ever that is.

At the end of our date I go home and text her goodnight and she says she had a great time so I confirm Date 2 and she immediately accepts. Again, Since i'm a creep I check her Twitter and she had posted " I had a successful date with a super cute and sweet guy?? ahhhh"

So here's what I have right now

She's 12 years younger than me.
Her family is uber rich both parents are in medicine, have race horses and land in upper NYC.
She has a full ride at one of the most liberal, Liberal art schools in the country.
According to her Dildo purchasing habits she is a furry.
Typical pink hair uber feminist but dressed feminine and looks like she shaves and doesn't stink.
Can hold an interesting conversation

Normally I would not text her as per protocol but sure as sunshine she texts me wishing me a great afternoon with some smiley faces and we have a pleasant conversation about her classes and she says shes excited to see me tomorrow.

So here is my problem, I am an unrepentant shitlord and I will not change my ways. Do you think I have a chance is turning this marxist ship around into rich trophy wife material? Should I build this relationship on a foundation of lies until she is head over heels in love with me then drop red pills or should I just be upfront in the beginning?
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Be honest with her and make fun of her stupid SJW bullshit.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I posted this in the shoutbox earlier but I figured i should post it here maybe for some advice.

Met this girl on OKcupid and she was really cute but radically, radically opposite from me ideologically. She says she's a pansexual genderqueer with per/their pronouns etc etc etc typical SJW signaling. I figure it would be good for few laughs so I find a common thread on her profile (horses) and I shoot her a message. She responds back and we have a friendly conversation so I bite the bullet and ask her out for coffee and she accepts.

Me being the creep extraordinaire I google her OKcupid username and use it to find her Twitter,Tumblr,Etsy etc etc etc and basically read a little bit about her posts and likes and such before the date so I can have some conversation ammo.

So I get there and unexpectedly we both end having a really great time. We both have a lot of similar interests and she isn't the nails on a chalk board feminist I expected. I did run into a small snag when I mentioned I saw Dr.Strange and she accused it of "White Washing" what ever that is.

At the end of our date I go home and text her goodnight and she says she had a great time so I confirm Date 2 and she immediately accepts. Again, Since i'm a creep I check her Twitter and she had posted " I had a successful date with a super cute and sweet guy?? ahhhh"

So here's what I have right now

She's 12 years younger than me.
Her family is uber rich both parents are in medicine, have race horses and land in upper NYC.
She has a full ride at one of the most liberal, Liberal art schools in the country.
According to her Dildo purchasing habits she is a furry.
Typical pink hair uber feminist but dressed feminine and looks like she shaves and doesn't stink.
Can hold an interesting conversation

Normally I would not text her as per protocol but sure as sunshine she texts me wishing me a great afternoon with some smiley faces and we have a pleasant conversation about her classes and she says shes excited to see me tomorrow.

So here is my problem, I am an unrepentant shitlord and I will not change my ways. Do you think I have a chance is turning this marxist ship around into rich trophy wife material? Should I build this relationship on a foundation of lies until she is head over heels in love with me then drop red pills or should I just be upfront in the beginning?

If you're convinced the red pill philosophy is correct, then just act in a red pill fashion and she will fall at your knees due to your irresistible alpha traits. It's one of those things, if you have to tell her about it or convince her, it's not for real. You just live how you live, and if she wants to be a part of it great. If she doesn't, then she doesn't. You don't say shit about it, you just do what the fuck you want, and if she wants to come along for the ride then she can.


If you're convinced the red pill philosophy is correct, then just act in a red pill fashion and she will fall at your knees due to your irresistible alpha traits. It's one of those things, if you have to tell her about it or convince her, it's not for real. You just live how you live, and if she wants to be a part of it great. If she doesn't, then she doesn't. You don't say shit about it, you just do what the fuck you want, and if she wants to come along for the ride then she can.

No I think the Red Pill as in the "Red Pill" is the most pathetic bullshit dogma on the planet.

The whole dating Red Pill is just an excuse for anti social spergie autists to act shitty to women because hurr durr her sexual capital.

I'm talking about the one true Red Pull.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
No I think the Red Pill as in the "Red Pill" is the most pathetic bullshit dogma on the planet.

The whole dating Red Pill is just an excuse for anti social spergie autists to act shitty to women because hurr durr her sexual capital.

I'm talking about the one true Red Pull.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

I may be confused about your meaning sir

Are you asking if you tell her you're a racist now, or wait until later?

If what you're saying about her SJW'ism is true she knows you're a white male I'm sure she assumes it anyways.


I may be confused about your meaning sir

Are you asking if you tell her you're a racist now, or wait until later?

If what you're saying about her SJW'ism is true she knows you're a white male I'm sure she assumes it anyways.

Yeah basically I'm under the assumption that young girls basically don't have a personality yet. If I take her under my wing could I turn her into a Aryan Princess or is SJW disease permanent brain rot.


I don't think you'll be able to muster anything close to the Liberal arts SJW culture she is immersed in at school to turn her. On the plus side, she probably fucks like a champ.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you want to bang her, I'd say do it before you talk about your racial views, because odds are she will bolt based on how you describe her ideology.


Musty Nester
Honestly it'll probably crash and burn by the third or fourth date all on its own. But probably and will are two different words for a reason, and you never know.


I'm eager for a_skeleton_02 to check into this thread in 2 weeks and let us all know how he discovered his white privilege through love.
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I know all about white privilege, but instead of being guilty about I embrace it. We are the pinnacle of human evolution.

She texted me earlier and we talked about Vampires and Furries.

I think she isn't really a SJW just a weirdo and she is picking up some bad habits at school.


I'm With HER ♀
If you want to fuck her, agree with everything she says and extrapolate with little one liners that subtly underline your cis het white guilt.

If you're looking for a relationship with someone you're probably going to end up hating, start thinking more like someone 10 years younger than yourself.
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